
Thursday, January 30, 2025

Clergy Reflection

For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance … will surely arise from another corner … But what if you have come to where you are for such a time as this? (Esther 4:14)

Dear Folks,

Join us on Monday, February 3, at 4:00 pm in the parish hall as eight members of Redeemer share their recent experience at a workshop on “Being an ally to the immigrant community.” The workshop was presented by the Episcopal Refugee & Immigrant Center Alliance (ERICA) and CASA, which have been working independently and in partnership on behalf of the immigrant community in Maryland for decades. 


Tomorrow: Silent Movie Night!

Come see and hear Dr. Jason Roberts improvise the accompaniment to Charlie Chaplin’s 1925 silent film The Gold Rush on Friday, January 31, at 7:00 p.m. in the church. Popcorn and beverages will be provided. As a family friendly event, parents may bring a blanket for children who wish to sit on the floor. Sponsored by Friends of Music. Donations to Friends of Music will be gratefully accepted but are not required.

Care for the Stranger

Join us on Monday, February 3, at 4:00 p.m. in the parish hall as eight members of Redeemer share their recent experience at a workshop on “Being an ally to the immigrant community.” The workshop was presented by the Episcopal Refugee & Immigrant Center Alliance (ERICA) and CASA, which have been working independently and in partnership on behalf of the immigrant community in Maryland for decades. Read today's reflection to learn more.

A Pastoral Letter from the Bishop

Click here to read a letter from Bishop Carrie regarding last week's sermon by Bishop Mariann Budde's sermon at the National Prayer Service for Unity.

This Week in Sunday School


Jesus read from the scroll of Isaiah in the synagogue in Nazareth, revealing his main message of good news for the poor, freedom for captives, and healing for the oppressed. Classes will learn how the people in Nazareth reacted to this message and explore their own reactions and emotions to it. Classes will also join worship early to witness the baptism taking place.

Sunday school begins at 9:45 in the classrooms. Anna+ and Liz will be there at 9:30 to welcome all teachers, students, and parents as they arrive. 


Are your children ready to join Sunday School for the first time in 2025? Please register them hereRedeemer’s Sunday School program welcomes three age groups: Pre-K (ages 3 and 4), grades K-2, and grades 3-5. Nursery care is available for children under the age of three. Contact Rev. Anna, Director of Children’s Ministries, with any questions.

Ruth's Sisters Retreat- Release & Renew

"Release & Renew" - A Women's Winter Retreat hosted by Ruth's Sisters (women navigating midlife transitions of body-mind-spirit together in community)

Come join Ruth's Sisters for a day of release and renewal on Saturday, February 22 from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at the Clubhouse in Cross Keys. The day will include gentle movement (tai chi and qigong), sound bathing, and writing special prayers called "collects". Coffee, tea and healthy snacks will be provided. Please bring your lunch. Cost is $30.00. Register and pay with this link. Registration deadline is February 15. 

Sacred Space for Grace


A lay-led support group for those experiencing grief and loss


You are not alone!


Six Sessions


February 24 - March 31, 2025

Mondays, 4-5:30 p.m.


The Church of the Redeemer

Women's Council Room


Free and open to the community


If interested, please contact Amanda Kell



Led by Redeemer Members:

Silvia Anselmino, Certified Hospice Companion and End of Life Doula, Gilchrist. Jennifer Downs, Licensed Acupuncturist, RN and Facilitator of Coming to Age as Elders Groups.

2025 Stewardship


A commitment of a pledge says "Yes. We're all in! We belong here."

Download a 2025 pledge form or make your pledge online here.

FAQs about stewardship at Redeemer.  

Create or access your online giving account.

Questions? Email Ellen Chatard

Pastoral Notes

A memorial service for John Doak will be held tomorrow, January 31 at 11:00 a.m. in the chapel.

A memorial service for Bob Noll will be held Friday, February 7 at 11:00 a.m. in the chapel.

Evensong this Sunday at 5 p.m. in the chapel

Join us for evensong celebrating the Feast of the Presentation this Sunday, February 2 at 5:00 p.m. in the chapel. We will be singing Adrian Batten’s delightful settings of the Magnificat and Nunc dimittis accompanied by Redeemer’s newly acquired Rieger Positive Organ. We will also be singing William Smith’s Preces and Responses and Johannes Eccard’s beautiful When to the temple Mary went.

Services this Weekend


Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany

The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple

Saturday, February 1 @ 5:00 p.m. in the church


PREACHER & CELEBRANT The Rev. M. Cristina Paglinauan

Scheduled to Serve

READERS Vicki Chia, Alice Pinderhughes

INTERCESSOR Wendy Moskowitz

LEM Terry Beauchamp

Sunday, February 2 @ 8:00 a.m. in the chapel

Holy Eucharist, Rite 1 

PREACHER & CELEBRANT The Rev. M. Cristina Paglinauan

Scheduled to Serve


READER Anne Bruder

ALTAR GUILD James Cesarini

FLOWERS Kate Lears, Pam Meier

Sunday, February 2 @ 10:00 a.m. in the church

Holy Eucharist, Rite 2

Click here to join the service via livestream

PREACHER The Rev. M. Cristina Paglinauan

OFFICIANT & DEACON The Rev. David J. Ware

CELEBRANT The Rev. Anna C. Noon

Scheduled to Serve

VERGER Margie Chandler

ACOLYTES Benji Holaday, Ethan Holaday,

Will Holaday, Anne Garrett Randolph


Nancy Hubble, the Rev. Josh Laws, Penny Partlow, Ann Warfield

READERS Sue DeSantis, Frances Correa Ufnar



USHERS David Frisch, Carrie and Sean Goldrick

ALTAR GUILD Margie Chandler, Brenda Ehlers, Ann Warfield


VESTRY GREETERS Margie Chandler, Mary Lord

Sunday, February 2 @ 5:00 p.m. in the chapel


Name Tags, please!

With so many new faces among us- both in the congregation and among our staff members we encourage everyone to wear a name tag. The name tag table is located in the narthex. If you already have a name tag please find yours in the bins alphabetized by last name. If you are new to us or can't find your name tag, please make yourself a temporary one with the supplies provided AND sign-up for a name tag on the clipboard. We will have one for you by the next Sunday! Thank you!

Rector's Bible Study


If you never thought you would study the Bible, then this is the class for you! Join us in person or on Zoom for a far-ranging, free-wheeling, intelligent and emotionally honest discussion of this amazing resource. The Wednesday morning class meets from 10:00-11:30 a.m. in person in the Women's Council Room and on Zoom. The Wednesday lunch time class meets from 12:00-1:00 p.m. on Zoom (only) and the Thursday evening class meets at 6:00 p.m., in person only in the Women's Council Room. 


Zoom Links:

Join 10:00 a.m. Bible Study on Zoom

Meeting ID: 863 7962 7803

Passcode: N3GA0M


Join 12 noon Bible Study on Zoom

Meeting ID: 831 6876 2958

Passcode: B9r07u

Parish Directory
The link to the online directory is herePlease bookmark this directory link for future reference. Send an email to Ellen Chatard to request the password.  

Our prayers are requested for:

Hilary Klein, Ty Forbush, Jeanne Blackburn, Barbara Fegley, Gina Amoroso, Nancy Caricchio, the family of Bobby Gould, Maggie Roberts, Patricia Reese, Doug Ross, Roger Powell, Sherrill Nash, the Klose family, the family of Robin Dodd, Bill Leary, Lois Schenck, James Haugh, Jordan and Lauren Jones, the family of Michelle Ciabattoni, Ray Sprenkle, Deborah Hebb, Richard Hyde, Carson Ruchlewicz, Ron and Suzanne Roszell

Names remain on our prayer list for a month. If you would like someone’s name to continue – please contact the office.

Going Deeper @ Redeemer

Click here for the December 2024 Vestry Minutes

Click here for minutes from the 2024 Annual Meeting.

Vestry Minutes from the last 12 months are available here.

Sermon audio is available here.

The Church of the Redeemer | 410-435-7333 | 5603 N. Charles Street + Baltimore, MD 21210 |