Lost Creek
Limited District

For Residents of the Lost Creek Limited District · April 11, 2021 · No. 51
NOTICE: Texas Senate Hearing Scheduled Regarding Proposed Legislation to Disannex
RE:                Senate Bill 1499 - to disannex Lost Creek from the City of Austin
Committee:   Local Government
When:           Monday, April 12, 2021 at 12:30pm
Where:          Ext. Auditorium (E1.004)
As of the time of this announcement, no amendments or substitute bills have been published. Residents can continue to monitor the legislation here.
Per the committee announcement:
Public Testimony:
Oral testimony is limited to 3 minutes. If providing written testimony, bring 20 copies, with your name on each copy, to the Extension Auditorium. All written testimony will be distributed to the Committee Members after the hearing. Those registering a position-only may do so at any Senate kiosk by the end of the hearing.
Oral testimony: fill out a paper witness card at the table in front of the Ext. Auditorium before the hearing.
Oral and written testimony: fill out a paper witness card in the Extension Auditorium and submit your witness card and written testimony to LGC staff.
Position only: register using the Senate kiosk located in the extension hallways or by going to http://swrs once connected to the Capitol’s public WiFi: public-capitol. Kiosk registration will open at 9 a.m. the morning of the hearing.
Written testimony only: register your position using the Senate kiosk and then bring 20 copies, with your name on each copy, to the Extension Auditorium and submit to LGC staff.
For those unable to appear in person, comments may be provided directly to each Committee Member, whose contact information can be found at: www.senate.texas.gov

The Limited District encourages residents to participate in the legislative process (whether they are for or against the legislation) and to understand the possible impacts of the legislation on the Limited District. 
Residents may contact Lost Creek’s representatives:
Residents with questions regarding the bills may also contact the sponsors’ offices:
Lost Creek Limited District | www.lostcreekld.org