Lost Creek
Limited District

For Residents of the Lost Creek Limited District · April 2, 2021 · No. 50
NOTICE: Hearing Scheduled Regarding Proposed Legislation to Disannex
RE:                House Bill 3827 - to disannex Lost Creek from the City of Austin
Committee:    Land Use and Resource Management
When:            Tuesday, April 6, 2021 at 8am
Where:           Room E2.010, Extension Building
As of the time of this announcement, no amendments or substitute bills have been published. Residents can continue to monitor the legislation here.
Per the committee announcement:
For those persons who will be testifying, information for in-person witness registration, can be found here: https://mytxlegis.capitol.texas.gov/HWRSPublic/About.aspx
A live video broadcast of this hearing will be available here: https://house.texas.gov/video-audio/
Instructions related to public access to the meeting location and health and safety protocols for attending this meeting are available here:
Texas residents who wish to electronically submit comments related to agenda items on this notice without testifying in person can do so until the hearing is adjourned by visiting: https://comments.house.texas.gov/home?c=c360
The Limited District encourages residents to participate in the legislative process (whether they are for or against the legislation) and to understand the possible impacts of the legislation on the Limited District.
Residents may contact Lost Creek’s representatives:
 Senator Sarah Eckhardt: [email protected], Tel: (512) 463-0114
 Representative Donna Howard: [email protected], Tel: (512) 463-0631
 Representative Vikki Goodwin: [email protected], Tel: (512) 463-0652

Residents with questions regarding the bills may also contact the sponsors’ offices:

 Senator Dawn Buckingham: [email protected], Tel: (512) 463-0124
 Representative Terry Wilson: [email protected], Tel: (512) 463-0309
Lost Creek Limited District | www.lostcreekld.org