An urgent alert from the US Section of the
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
With a week before Election Day, what are you going to do to “Protect the Results”?…
Now's the time to think it through!
What if President Trump carried out his threats and refused to accept a loss in the Nov. 3 election? What are you — what are we — prepared to do to mobilize against a possible post-election coup d’état and a move toward fascism?

We shouldn’t be surprised by Trump’s actions!

This year, President Trump has escalated the claims he made in October 2016, when he said, “I will totally accept the results of this great and historic presidential election…if I win.” Then he claimed the election was “absolutely rigged” by the “dishonest media” and at many “polling places.” It was candidate Pence who jumped in on an NBC “Meet the Press” Sunday interview to reassure the public saying, “we will absolutely accept the results of the election…Elections always are pretty rough…but the U.S. has a tradition of the peaceful transition of power.” 

This 2020 election may, indeed, be “rough” and a “peaceful transition to power” threatened. Clearly this sitting president, along with the Attorney General, Republican governors and election officials in many states, and Postmaster General Louis DeJoy are doing all they can to undermine the legitimacy of the election by:

  • lying about extensive fraud with mail-in voting. Mail-in voting is greatly increased because of COVID-19,
  •  undermining the ability of the US Postal System to function normally,
  • closing polling places at a time when voters worried their ballots will not be delivered by Nov. 3, are already going to the polls in record numbers in early-voting states and enduring long line, and
  • using voter suppression tactics, which are being challenged in court with only limited success.

It can happen here, this year!

In June, the Transition Integrity Project, a group of 100 experts, convened to explore different election scenarios and reported: “We assess with a high degree of likelihood that November’s elections will be marked by a chaotic legal and political landscape. We also assess that…President Trump is likely to contest the result by both legal and extra-legal means in an attempt to hold on to power.”

The Transition Integrity Project calls on us to organize proactively before, during and after election day. They presented three potential scenarios; in each case, with a “red line” of minimum demands for appropriate action:

  1. Election Day results are unclear, and Trump declares victory anyway. Red Line: All votes must be counted, without interference or intimidation.
  2. Election results show significant types of irregularities and/or signs of tampering, and Trump declares victory. Red Line: Incidences of fraud, voter suppression or intimidation, or other election irregularities must be investigated impartially and remedied as appropriate at local and state levels.
  3. Trump loses the election, but refuses to leave office and pushes the narrative that the Biden Campaign or the Democratic Party, or the “deep state” committed unlawful actions and voter fraud. Worse case is that his enablers and supporters collude with him on these claims. Red Line: The true election results must be respected, regardless of who wins.

How the Process Is Supposed to Work: Election rules are set by state and federal law or the U.S. Constitution 

We are used to a winner being declared on November 3, soon after the polls close. Yet, by federal law, all state Governors have until December 14 to certify state election results. This is also the date when state Electors meet to cast their ballots.

This intervening six-week period could be a challenging time with demonstrations, disruptions and lawsuits over election results in swing and contested states. See further below for other important election dates to keep in mind.

Ways to Mobilize Now to Be Prepared

Here are websites to learn about a local event near you and/or ways to prepare for mass mobilization if it is needed to protect the results. All of these sites, like WILPF, advocate nonviolent responses.

There are only so many days between now and election day, and we want to get these lessons and tools out to as many people as possible. Please tell your friends, family, and networks about these important websites and trainings. 

1.   Protect the Results is organizing “Count Every Vote” post-election actions if Trump contests results and declares victory before all mail-in and absentee votes are counted or if he loses and refuses to concede.

A. Find a public action by entering your zip code or join with like-minded local groups to create your own local action. RSVP to a local event among the 350 already posted on the map. 

B. Find excellent “mobilization resources” that include a mobilization Toolkit and instruction on using social media to promote Protect the Vote.

2. The Choose Democracy team presented on the October 8 ONE WILPF Call that you can listen to here. They offer these opportunities for action:

A.  Join a "How to Beat an Election-Related Power Grab" training with the renowned George Lakey: on either October 26, 27, 28, and 30, on preparation for action as circumstances dictate; and Nov 1 and 5 as circumstances evolve. Trainings begin at 7:30 PM ET. Learn more and sign up here to ensure that:
  1. Every vote is counted.
  2. Any irregularities are investigated and remedied.
  3. The election results are respected- at the state and federal levels.

B.  Sign the Pledge that states:
  • We will vote.
  • We will refuse to accept election results until all the votes are counted.
  • We will nonviolently take to the streets if a coup is attempted.   
  • If we need to, we will shut down this country to protect the integrity of the democratic process.

C.  Consult their Activist Handbook: Hold the Line: A Guide To Defending Democracy” that presents a four step process:
  • Part I focuses on critical actions people can take to Election Day to ensure a successful election.
  • Part II gives background scenarios that could play out between Election Day and Inauguration, January 20, 2021.
  • Part II provides a four-step process to start an election protection group in your community and begin planning potential actions to protect democracy.
  • Part IV offers an in-depth analysis and model of change from the field of “civil resistance,” which informs the authors’ recommendations.

3. Join the October 29, 7-9 pm PT Webinar: How to Prepare for an Attempted Coup. This intergenerational training is sponsored by the San Francisco area 1000 Grandmothers for Future Generations and Jewish Youth for Community Action. To register, click here. This zoom webinar draws from trainings of Choose Democracy, Hold the Line and Bay Resistance.   

Important dates to keep in mind:
  • Dec. 23, Certificates of Electoral Votes are received by the Senate 
  • January 3, the new Congress is sworn in
  • January 6 there is a joint session of Congress when the electoral certificates from the states are opened. Congress considers any objections, resolves them under federal law, and Congress counts the electoral votes. 
  • Jan 20, noon, is the end of the current Presidential Term as set by the Constitution: Amendment XX: Sec 1

Please forward this ALERT to your family, friends and community members.  

Let’s look forward to a smooth and orderly transition of government on January 20!
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Women's International League for Peace and Freedom/US Section
Friends House | PO Box 13075 | Des Moines, IA 50310 | 617-266-0999 |

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