An alert from the US Section of the
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
Organize for and Join the Sunday, March 6, International Day of Anti-War Actions
A month ago, our prior eAlert about the Ukraine crisis provided actions to try to prevent escalation. But on February 24 Russian troops invaded Ukraine.

Now we urge WILPF branches and at-large members to participate in a March 6 action, including by arranging your own demonstrations in your town's rallying spot. Please, post your event details at to show the world the extent of the international calls for peace and so others can join you.

In your windows and at your event, show your own posters – or download and print some of the selection on that website, in the Resource section.

WILPF US Statement on Russia, Ukraine, USA and NATO
We condemn the invasion of the sovereign country of Ukraine, instigated by President Vladimir Putin and Minister Sergey Lavrov.
In our statement we demand that Russia cease its invasion of Ukraine and we call for worldwide anti-war actions on Sunday March 6th to pressure the concerned governments to pursue diplomatic solutions to this war.

Our full statement regarding Russia, Ukraine, USA and NATO is included at the end, below and posted on our website here. We hope you will download our statement to share with your family and friends and hand out at your action on March 6th.

What else can you do? What are our partner organizations saying?
For links to the statements by WILPF International and the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, see our WILPF US March eNews article.

You can find the list of planned events on March 6th here New actions are being added all the time; a search option helps you find events near you.

Take other actions without leaving your home; many actions listed in this article are still relevant. Our WILPF US statement is also included below.
Cherrill Spencer and Ellen Thomas
Co-Chairs, WILPF US Disarm Issue Committee
Send questions and/or comments to [email protected]
Click here for a PDF of this statement.

Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, US Section
Statement regarding Russia, Ukraine, USA and NATO

March 1, 2022

We demand that Russia cease its invasion of Ukraine, and that all sides enforce a cease fire, including NATO countries and other countries preparing to send weapons to Ukraine.

In this extremely volatile situation, we in WILPF are reminded of our foremothers, who, in 1915, responding to the breakdown of security systems between nations and the onset of World War I, joined together with women from opposing sides to demand mediation of the conflict.

Now we do so again. The situation in Ukraine and on the international scene shows us that, once again, war cannot and will never be a solution for peace and stability. In these times, the most sensible thing we in WILPF can do is to build international solidarity – to come together and channel all our individual voices into one collective, loud and decisive voice that calls for an end to militarization and war-mongering.

We in WILPF know that the people will suffer, as they always do, when the so-called great global powers wage war. This is intolerable. During a recent meeting of the UN Security Council, discussing the Russia – Ukraine situation, Martin Kimani, the Ambassador from Kenya, recounted an African saying:

Our internal divisions and fragilities were weaponized on the altar of geopolitical rivalry. It confirmed the truth of the African saying that recognizes when elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers.”

We deplore the impacts of militarism that degrade the environment in numerous ways, affect women and children disproportionally (including an increase in domestic violence) and trample widely on human rights.

We in our WILPF US Section recognize that the NATO expansion, begun in the late 1990s, was essential to the US scheme for a “unipolar” world. NATO expansion is contributing to the crisis today, starkly contrasting with Mikhail Gorbachev’s vision for the demilitarization of “a common house of Europe”, made safe for human rights.

Together with our sister members in Europe and around the world, we are calling all of you to join an international day of anti-war action on Sunday, March 6. We call on everyone who opposes this war to take to the streets on March 6 in a massive display of global opposition to the war and the warmongers. To find an event near you or post your own, and access resources, visit 

For info: contact [email protected]

 “No more wars! Not now, not ever again!”
Your support helps WILPF reach farther and be more effective. Consider a donation to WILPF today to demonstrate your solidarity with our work.
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom/US Section
Friends House | PO Box 13075 | Des Moines, IA 50310 | 617-266-0999 |

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