WILPF members from 2014 Detroit Congress join others to demand water rights. Photo by Darien Du Lu
Come to Congress and Celebrate WILPF
Monday, August 9–Sunday, August 22
Dolores Huerta featured in opening program on August 9
Paying attention to what’s happening in the world, we in WILPF US are zooming along with a thirteen day Congress, with sessions on nearly every current political topic (well, at least they’re all referenced!). I’m delighted and grateful to announce the latest addition to our list of celebrated participants: special guest, Dolores Huerta – an iconic figure of effective feminist and social and economic justice advocacy and organizing – leading off in our first presentation of this Congress on legislative advocacy on Monday, Aug. 9.

On Monday, I’ll be honored to briefly welcome WILPFers – and Dolores! – to the Congress. Like the other Monday-through-Thursday programs, this one offers how-to information and steps from experts – both internal to WILPF and other key allies – with years of experience. Dolores Huerta’s experience in farm worker and other organizing and legislative advocacy extends over more than half a century, and she will offer her views.

In a time and a world of virtual meetings, this year’s Congress brings us so much. In addition to well known national figures like Huerta, the Reverend Doctor Theoharis, and Maude Barlow; and international giants like Vandana Shiva; we’ll also hear from more International WILPF leaders than we’ve ever before assembled for a US Congress. 

Register now, here!
Seven Days a Week!
Be sure to zoom in Monday through Thursday each week at 5 pm PDT/6 pm MDT/7 pm CDT/8 pm EDT for the featured topic of the day. The wealth of community and organizational experience among our members and branches is reflected in these weekday panels.

Our first week alone offers a wide variety of presentations lasting only about one hour each day:
  • On Monday, August 9: legislative advocacy – help propel legislation to protect our voting rights and advance our values of peace and social justice, holding our elected representatives accountable
  • On Tuesday, August 10: WILPF branch development, focusing on identifying and developing community assets to strengthen branch work
  • On Wednesday, August 11: inspire youth through building a Peace Camp – featuring 20-year Auburn, California, Peace Camp veteran, Millee Livingston
  • On Thursday, August 12: you can build ways of caring for and protecting people who lack homes to live in; Bev Fitzpatrick and other WILPFers offer their hands-on experience

Then, each week, on Friday, we begin with the longer weekend programming. On Monday, August 16, another four days of how-to presentations lead to a new set of Friday-to-Sunday programs.

Celebrating Our Connections with WILPF International
For WILPF members this Congress is the perfect time to further broaden our awareness of international issues and WILPF International. Next year many of us can enjoy the opportunity to attend the virtual International Congress. 

The International WILPF Congress was first planned for 2021 in Australia; it now will be virtual, in July 2022. The US Section is actively collaborating with Americas Region Representative Beatriz Schulthess (who will speak on Saturday, August 21) to assess the effects of the new International Constitution and By-Laws. These were voted for in 2018 at the Congress in Accra, Ghana – over vocal concerns from WILPF US (and me). WILPF is changing with the times, and we can be alert for what is positive and what is not. We’ll have further information in the September eNews.

WILPF US in a Time of Change
As I head into the final months of the three-year term of office as President, I’m impressed and pleased at the many internal – as well as external – accomplishments of WILPF members in these years. Five of our issue committees have two or more presentations for Congress, and all of our issue committees meet regularly to plan and act. The newly reconstituted Advancing Human Rights Committee is sprouting out multiple subcommittees – immigration and border militarization, the UN’s International Decade for People of African Descent, mass incarceration, and more! 

Again this year, multiple branches commemorate the sad Hiroshima and Nagasaki anniversaries on August 6 and August 9. These dates remind us that the US – the only country to use nuclear weapons in war can and should lead the way as the first nuclear state to ratify the TPNW (Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons). Yesprohibition is now international law in many countries!
You, the WILPF members at large (and dangerous!), in branches, and in so many committees – are helping WILPF be seen. At the national level we have our internet recordings page, for both audio and video recordings; a social media presence on Twitter, FB, and – now – Instagram; and, coming about mid-September, our new website!

Sign up, Spread the Word, and Support
You can go to our revised Congress website here to learn more and sign up for the Congress (And renew or join at the same time!) Please tell your friends and political allies about our Congress, where they too can go to all the nearly two weeks of presentations for only $30. Also, we want to encourage low-income WILPF members and allies to attend by providing scholarships. You can now donate specifically for the Congress scholarship fund here.

This Congress celebrates creative options, provocative ideas, and new perspectives. Aren’t those what our communities and political system need?

Finally, do you want to pay your Congress registration payment by check? That's highly discouraged, especially at this late point. However, if that’s the only way that works for you, please send an email with your full contact information to [email protected] to request details on how to pay by check.

I want to see all of us at Congress!

Darien Elyse De Lu
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom/US Section
Friends House | PO Box 13075 | Des Moines, IA 50310 | 617-266-0999 | www.wilpfus.org

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