Youth Activities from Heather
November 18, 2021

Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021

Power Up Sunday: Please note that we are now meeting at the Church at 10:30 Sunday mornings. If you would like to join us virtually or need more information, please contact Heather at

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
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Access Code: 353-656-213
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Save the date(s):
Power-Up Sunday: 
December 5th
Family Gingerbread Bash (this event will be held during regular Worship time). Bring out your family to Worship and Play together. 
Christ the King Sunday
(adapted using materials by Pastor Tori)
This is the last Sunday in our liturgical year, the Sunday before Advent begins.
Did you know the Feast of Christ the King has only been around since 1925? That means it is as old as the United Church of Canada! But, of course, the idea of Jesus as king has been around long before.
Jesus is not only the King, He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. That means that He's the ultimate authority and you can rely on Him in a way that you could never rely on anything or anyone else.

Check on the image to watch the video “Christ the King” to learn more.
The “Power-Up Sunday and Power-Up Mid-week” will be a regular feature for our children and youth programs at Trillium. Our “Power-Up Sundays will include: SKA, Junior and Senior Youth group activities and Sunday special events. Our Power-Up Mid-Week will include: F.R.O.G. games, Hands and Hearts Craft Club, Special Youth group meetings and events for Fun, Food, and Fellowship.

Save the date(s):
Power-Up Mid-Week:
*Wednesday, November 24, 6:00-8:00pm (senior youth at the food bank)
All other age groups will meet at the Church (6:00-7:30pm) for fun and fellowship time (we will also be practicing for the Candlelight Walk). 
*November 28 Advent Candlelight Walk
Music For Everyone
(adapted from a prayer by
Let us talk to God, let us pray,
God, whether we put behind us a year
of joy or a year of difficulties,
We will stop to give thanks.
Thank you for being with us every day of the year.
Thank you for making all things new
And for giving us the grace of fresh starts
And new beginnings.
Remind us of your presence in the days to come,
Even when we feel pushed and rushed by busyness.
Keep reminding us that you are present in
our lives throughout the coming year.
Art and Activities:
Use the pinwheel colouring sheet to explain the Liturgical (Church worship) calendar.
Click on the image to print it.

Colour the poster and post it somewhere in your house so your family can see where we are in the Church Calendar Year. 
Click on the image to print
Click on the image to print
Click on the image to print
Tutor's Needed
Many of our Trillium children and youth require assistance to help them be successful in their learning.

We are compiling a list of people willing to share their skills and knowledge.

If you can give an hour or two of your time to tutor, please contact Tracy Sullivan at
November Birthdays To Celebrate
Happy Birthday

We don’t want to miss anyone’s birthday. If you or someone in your family has a birthday this month please let Heather know.
The Youth eBlast is being sent to all congregants as you may wish to share the activities with those outside of the church. If you do not wish to get the Youth eBlast news, you can unsubscribe by replying to this email, asking to unsubscribe or using the unsubscribe link at the bottom.
IMPORTANT: If clicking on unsubscribe below, when prompted be sure to remove the check beside the "unsubscribe all", and only uncheck the eBlast newsletter. (The mailing lists have changed to allow you to unsubscribe from any type of newsletter per request.)
Trillium United Church | 519-653-6601 |450 King St E Cambridge |