We’re blessing the annual pledges this Sunday.
And looking forward to receiving more moving forward. 
As is our tradition at this time of the year, this Sunday we will be blessing the generous pledges we’ve received...so far. Thank you to everyone who has already pledged. 
We also want to be clear that we will continue to accept pledges through the end of the year and beyond. So, if you haven’t yet pledged but plan to, thank you in advance. You are a blessing to this church. 
The blood of Christ, the cup of salvation  

We're happy to announce that we've re-introduced wine to our Communion service. We strongly request that you drink from the chalice and not dip (or intinct) the body. All scientific evidence makes it clear that drinking from the cup is safer than dipping the wafer. 
The final 5 pm service of the Fall

This Sunday is the final 5 pm contemporary service of the Fall. This service will return in late January. Stay tuned for more details after the new year. 

Monday, November 22nd
Community Yoga on Zoom:
Yoga for Mobility & Stability: 2:30 pm (suitable for beginners)
Vinyasa Yoga: 4 pm
For Zoom link and more info, contact: Sarah Eck, ecksaraha@gmail.com

Tuesday, November 23rd
Tuesday Men’s Bible Study on Zoom: 7:30 am
Contact: Patrick Patrick Strickler, jpstrickler@verizon.net or

Women's Bible Wisdom via Zoom: 5 pm
Contact: Mary Lou Rumble, marylouise.rva@gmail.com

Education for Ministry (EfM) on Zoom: 6 pm
Contact: Jane Dowrick, efmvirginia@gmail.com

Wednesday, November 24
Living Faith Bible Study: 10 am
Contact: Betse Trice, 282betset@hotmail.com

Thursday, November 25th
Thanksgiving Day Worship Service:10 am
Holy Eucharist Rite II

Parish House
will be closed Thanksgiving Day and Friday, November 26th.

For more information about this week's events, visit doers.org/events/
This week's eChimes features
  • Pick up your goodies this weekend.
  • St. James's Advent Retreat: Lost and Found
  • Advent Fair is next Sunday.
  • Bring your Thanksgiving Offering bags this Sunday.
  • Order your Christmas Poinsettias
  • The 2021 Children's Center cross is here!
  • Vestry Nominations
  • Christmas Open House - please rsvp
  • 2021 Advent & Christmas Schedule
  • The Service of Hope - deadline for names
  • Helping in Hurley
  • What happened at the Virginia Diocese 227th Annual Convention
  • Those we commend to God's love
  • Prayers of the People
Pick up your goodies this weekend.

The Taste has been a wild success. You can pick up your pre-orders from the parking lot next to St. James’s Michaux House (1133 W. Franklin Street) on Saturday, November 20th from 10 am to 1 pm.

You can also come by the Michaux House porch on Sunday from 10 - 1 to purchase any unsold items and to pick up pre-orders. (If at all possible, we prefer you pick up your order on Saturday.)   

Thank you so much for continuing to make this one of the great St. James’s’ traditions.  
St. James’s Advent Retreat:
Lost and Found

Saturday, December 4, 2021, 9am to 3pm
Valentine Hall

The last 18 months have been difficult for just about everyone. What have you lost in COVID times? Just as importantly, what gifts have you discovered? Our Advent Retreat is a chance to slow down and reflect on how you changed, what you’ve gained and what you’ve lost.

Join our facilitator, David Hoover for a workshop called Lost and Found. Through a variety of spiritual practices and safe small group discussions, you’ll be guided to explore the toll and the treasure of this pandemic. Click here to learn about David Hoover. 

Suggested Donation: $25.00
  • Make out checks to St. James’s Church, writing in the memo line “Advent Retreat.”
  • Mail to: St. James's Episcopal Church, Attn: the Rev. Hilary Streever, 1205 W. Franklin Street, Richmond VA 23220.
Advent Fair is next Sunday! 
Sunday, November 28; Valentine Hall; 10:15 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

We’re on the advent of Advent! Which means the Advent Fair is almost here. All ages are invited to come and build an advent wreath and stock up on Advent calendars and other devotional materials.

Suggested donation for Advent wreath materials (wreath form, candles, candle holders, and greens) is $15 per wreath, payable by check to St. James's at pick-up. To help us plan for Advent Wreaths, please sign-up here by November 22 .Thanks!
Bring your Thanksgiving Offering food bags to the Narthex this Sunday - November 21st (preferred) or to the Thanksgiving service - November 25th at 10 am.

There is still time to fill up a bag for FEED MORE. Clink on the image for a list of needed food items.
The Flower Guild welcomes memorial gifts for poinsettias during the Christmas season. They will be delivered to home-bound parishioners after Christmas.

Get ahead by ordering before the deadline - Friday, December 10th. Click the image for details.
The 2021 Children's Center Cross is here! 
The Children’s Center Cross is a wonderful St. James's Christmas tradition and an annual work of love by Children's Center board members and friends. Cross designer Tenley Beazley described the 2021 design, “Following last year’s dove ornament where we wanted to convey the idea of Peace, this year I thought we should send the message of Love and Kindness, hence the heart incorporated into the design.”
This year's crosses are available for a donation of $30 each. Each comes tucked inside a fabric bag complete with a gift card enclosure and is dedicated in memory of Geoff Sisk. This donation will cover two weeks’ cost of breakfast, lunch and two daily snacks for one of our children. 
Free delivery on orders of ten or more. For more information, contact Winnie Canup at the Children’s Center. at wcanup@stjchildrenscenter.org or call 804-358-9788.
Do you know someone who would be a great addition to The Vestry?  

Six vestry positions are coming open and we’re eager to get as many nominations as possible. We’re making a real effort to attract potential Vestry members who represent the depth and breadth of our parish, so please think hard about some who can bring the imagination, focus and dedication required for this important position. 

Nominations are due by Wednesday, December 1st. Voting will be at our January 30th Annual Meeting. Please send nominations to communications@doers.org
John & Cynthia McCard's Christmas Open House

When: Sunday, Dec, 12th from 5--8 pm.

Where: The McCards, 1104 West Ave.

This is always a warm and lovely event, and a wonderful way to kick off the Christmas season.

Here’s our Advent & Christmas schedule…

....all neatly wrapped and tied up with a bow. Click the image to know everything that’s happening.
The Service of Hope.
Because grief knows no season.

While Advent and Christmas are times of joy, they can be a challenging time too, especially if you’re dealing with the loss of a loved one or loneliness or grief of any sort. Solemn, candle-lit, prayerful, and moving, Our Service of Hope is a time to slow down, feel supported and loved, and reconnect with our God and others feeling grief. 

Part of this service includes the reading of the names of those being remembered, whether they have passed away or need to be remembered for another reason.

If you have a name or names you wish to submit, please send them to Mary Brown (mbrown@doers.org) by December 9th

Our Service of Hope will be Monday, December 13th at 7 pm in the Sanctuary. It will not be live-streamed.
Helping in Hurley

Hurley experienced severe flooding in August, so severe that essential services were lost and many homes were badly damaged. A group of St. James’sers are on their way this weekend to do the hard work of helping our friends literally dig their way out of the damage.

Here’s one picture from their preparation. Go to our Instagram (sjec1205) and Facebook pages to see more. And keep an eye out on Monday to see them at work. 
What Happened at the Virginia Diocese’s 227th Annual Convention

The Annual Convention was held last weekend and a lot of great things came out of it. Click here for the full (but not long) report.

Close to home, our very own Tom Baker was elected to the Standing Committee of the Diocese of Virginia.
Memorial services

On Monday, Nov 22 at 11 am, we will have the service for Walter Lawrence and a reception will follow in Valentine Hall.

And on Wednesday, Nov 24 at 10 am, we will have a service for Henry Willett.

If you would like information on how to reach out to the loved ones of the deceased, please do not hesitate to contact the church office at 804-355-1779.

Click here to see the names of those we're remembering in our prayers this week.

We do our best to keep this list current, but if you want your name added or removed, please contact Mary Brown or call her at 804-355-1779, ext. 313.

Do you have our App?
You can always find the eChimes at doers.org/eChimes.