Seculosity (Reprise!)
October 21 through November 11
October 21 - Introduction to Seculosity (Reprise!)

“Seculosity” is the idea that Americans are as religious as ever - especially for secular things. Because this fascinating and entertaining series was initially interrupted by the COVID pandemic, we are bringing back author David Zahl and his colleague the Rev. Connor Gwin.

Get the link here.
Register For Outdoor Worship
Join us Sundays at 8:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m., or 5:30 p.m.
By registering online we are able to more easily comply with health guidelines for contact tracing. Learn More
Take A Casual Weekend Away at Shrine Mont
Though our annual parish retreat, October 23 - 25, has sadly been canceled. You are invited to take advantage of our reserved rooms at Shrine Mont. Worship on Sunday, at the Shrine, will be led by the Rev. Hillary Streever. For all information regarding booking and details for the weekend, click here.
Family for Food
Service Project – Gleaning
You are invited, to harvest crops on Saturday, November 7 from 8:00 - 11:30 a.m. in the Northern Neck of VA.

We are partnering again with Harvest of Hope to glean the fields.

If you are interested in participating, sign up online using this Gleaning Registration Form.
Tune in this Saturday
Haiti Broadway Babies
This Saturday, October 17, 7:00 p.m.

Since 2011, St. James’s has supported the St. Joseph Family (SJF) in Haiti through our missions program. Due to COVID-19 & political unrest, our team is unable to continue our vital work in person.

Help us provide a loving home, nutritious meals, medical care, education, and employment to the most disadvantaged in Haiti - former street children, child slaves and those suffering from disability and abject poverty.

Children’s Ministry Materials
The weekly Children’s Chapel and Godly Play videos are available every Sunday.
Growing in Faith lessons will be posted once a month. All can be found on our website.
Volunteers Needed For The Taste of St. James’s
Calling bakers, makers, and helpers!

Though we cannot come together for our usual event, the amazing baked goods and soups we all love will be available for pre-order soon.

We invite you to join in the fun by making or baking items for sale, or by packing and distributing orders from the Michaux House the weekend of November 20.

Pre-orders will be available for pick up from the Michaux House on Saturday, November 21, just in time for Thanksgiving.

To volunteer, please sign up here.
History Volunteers Needed
Our Racial Justice and Reconciliation Formation Team is looking for volunteers to help undertake research on the involvement or investment of St. James’s in institutional slavery and systemic racism from its beginning in 1830 to the present. 'The work will include combing through records and documents in print and online from your home and/or at libraries and museums. High schoolers and adult parishioners welcome.
Contact Alice Tousignant if you’re interested and/or have questions.
Our Stewardship Matters
It's Stewardship season, & this is our time to listen to God’s call to us to sustain the mission and ministries of our church. In the coming months we will share some powerful stories about the Holy Spirit moving among us. Pandemic or not, we continue to be Doers because We are the Church.

Mary Harrison, a retired pediatrician, has flourished at St. James’s. She has been fed by outreach, missions, bible study and the loving community of our church. Like many of us, she has looked to the church in times of need, and found comfort, wise council, and love.

Watch Mary Harrison share her full story.

We make offerings in thanks for God’s generosity to us. You are invited to participate and support our transformative ministries. We are into the season of Annual Giving for the year 2021, we want to be prepared to fulfill our call to serve. Thank you for pledging online by filling out the 2021 Pledge Commitment.
Our app and you
Make sure to check out the new updates on our App. On the App, You will find tools like giving, streaming, and the bulletins. It is highly recommended to use the app as an alternative to paper bulletins.