St. Francis by the Sea Episcopal Church
Blue Hill ~ Maine
June 20, 2024
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(a sunrise photo with thanks to local lobsterman, Evan Hale)
A Message from our Rector, The Rev. Douglas Beck
Dear Friends,
During this time of year in Maine, we are surrounded by abundant shining light. The light appears early and stays with us for a long time. Many of us become early risers, waking up to very early light and the sound of birds singing.
We’re reminded of how physical light can be seen as a reflection of inward light. The creation story speaks of light appearing after the words, "Let there be light," suggesting that light reflects the Creator, whom we worship, off of creation. The light within us is a projection of the same source, which we share from the inside out. It is often said that the life light emerging from one’s eyes is a projection of the soul’s light.
Jesus spoke about light in a way that resonates for all places and times. He encourages us to "Let our light shine so that others may see it, not for our own glory, but for the glory of the Creator." He also says, "Cities on hills cannot be hidden, for their light shines as a beacon for all." How St. Francis by the Sea continues to be like a city on a hill to many across the decades!
Many of us were taught to sing "This Little Light of Mine" as children. It's a powerful song with a profound message, which can become even more significant as we grow older when we remain open to it. This childhood song still reminds us to shine the light of life wherever we go. There’s also the line from Leonard Cohen, “Forget your perfect offering. There’s a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in;” The point being that it’s time to put our perfectionism aside. That’s not our aim but only to see how light leads us to completion.
Wherever we go, now is the time for shining light, God's and ours. There is no other time to shine than now.
So shine.
Fr. Douglas+
An Evening of Music, A Beautiful Gift from our Rector, The Rev. Douglas Beck
We welcomed a church full of parishioners and friends!
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-with the following comments by The Rev. Carlton Russell
"On June 18, Fr. Douglas — concert organist, harpist, and Episcopal priest — generously gifted St. Francis with a recital to benefit parish outreach. His program, with its wide variety of musical style, was structured around three major organ works. Douglas opened with Bach’s Pièce d’Orgue, a three-sectioned fantasia featuring harpsichordish broken chords surrounding a long, thick-textured and continuously climaxing middle section. Franck’s Prelude, Fugue, and Variation, originally composed for harmonium and piano and transcribed by the composer for organ solo, features a lyrical melody with simple chordal accompaniment followed by a strong chordal section and a fugue. In the variation, the lyrical melody is heard again, but with an accompaniment in faster-moving notes, creating — with the pedal part — a lovely trio texture. Felix Mendelssohn’s third sonata, composed for but too late to be used in his sister Fanny's wedding, opens and closes with majestic chordal sections surrounding a fugue which features in the pedal the German chorale “Out of deep need I cry to thee” — seemingly an odd choice for wedding music. Smaller pieces were by Louis Vierne and the theatre organist Billy Nalle, the latter a Bach-stile trio featuring the melody of the Ella Fitzgerald song, “All the things you are”. In addition to organ music, Douglas also played beautifully four of his own arrangements for harp. The sound of this instrument in the live St. Francis acoustic was as effective as — while distinctly contrasting with -- that of the Wilhelm/Andover organ."
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Concert donations to our Outreach Projects totaled a whopping $4,217. Thank you everyone! |
We pray for our loved ones:
Mary Boyd, Bill Cary, Bill Casale, Cynthia, Kathy Caudill, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, David Decrow, Kelly Gilbert, Julia, Karlton, Liz Mathewson, David McBeth, Lorelei McKinnon, Ronan, Cindy Reilly, Dinny Robson, Claudia Smith, Donny Smith, Rod Smith, Peggy Smith, Robert Tobin and Persis Williams
For those with June Birthdays: Rick Alexander, Tom Avila Beck, Marie Bissell, Mark Boechat,Tim Boggs, Camdyn Chung, Betty Creighton, Judith Dullnig, Lois French, Mary Gallant, John Higgins, Mary Tyler Knowles, Bob Publicover, Miquel Reinoso, Susan Thomas, and Jean Wheeler
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St. Francis by the Sea
Stewardship 2024-25
We will be hearing from a number of our leadership parishioners whose dedication and focus keep St. Francis Church a vibrant place of worship and fellowship, and support within our wider community.
Mary Crawford, has graciously agreed to lead us in our 2024-25 campaign. We are going forward in a spirit of growth with an understanding that we are here for our our church and our rector, choir directors and many others are here for us.
The following is a pre-campaign kick-off message from long-time parishioner, Fred Heilner, seen here with Prudy.
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from Fred-
"Stewardship is . . . caring for our resources!"
I sit on the Policy Committee. Our mission is to review and update policies concerning the church’s endowment, investments, gift acceptance procedures, and financial oversight. These policies provide guardrails for the proper supervision and management of church funds. The careful stewardship of church resources will help ensure that St. Francis can continue to offer vibrant and varied worship services, in-reach and outreach programs, and a strong presence on the peninsula. None of this would be possible without the thoughtful pledges, donations, and bequests that you, the members of the St, Francis community, feel called to give."
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· St. Francis Fair
Saturday, August 10. More info to come.
VOLUNTEERS will be needed!
There will be a planning meeting for the St. Francis Mini Fair on Wednesday, June 25 at 10:00. Please come and share your ideas. All are welcome! See you then!
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