
St. Francis by the Sea Episcopal Church

Blue Hill ~ Maine

October 6, 2024

The Blessings of our Animals

From The Rev. Douglas Beck -

(our fifteen year old Portuguese Water Dog on St. Francis Day in my parish on Cape Breton in 2020. Her registered name was "Old Salt Sea Frida Be Me")

Dear People of God,

October 4 is the day the Church recognizes Francis of Assisi. Since that we are St. Francis, we get to celebrate this legend of a saint in church this coming Sunday, October 6 whether here physically or present on Facebook Live. 

Celebrate, we shall! You will recognize St. Francis woven throughout the fabric of this coming Sunday’s liturgy, complete with our annual Blessing of the Animals. Remember to bring your family pet, photo of a beloved pet who has died, stuffed animal toy, or other mementos reminding us of the blessed creation all of life is part of. Even plants, water and the cosmos are our siblings in life when celebrated through the lens of the legendary Francis, as we will celebrate. 

And so, for the coming days through October 4 and 6, we pray:

Most high, omnipotent good Lord, grant your people grace to renounce gladly the vanities of this world; that, following the way of blessed Francis, we may for love of you delight in your whole creation with perfectness of joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

In Jesus, Clare and Francis,

Fr. Douglas

Elsie belongs to Janey Stachel, a close friend of Tyler Knowles. Janey will soon be here - but without Elsie.

Welcome Janey, to the U.S. and to "Blessings of the Animals", St. Francis by the Sea

 From Janey Stachel, Devon, England
"Elsie - she is blind (can see shadows). It occurred quite suddenly at the beginning of this year. But she (and I ) manage really well. I’ve had her about 3.5 years ago. She’s a rescued street dog from Romania. We don’t know her exact age but the vet thinks that she’s around 12 years old now. She’s very fit apart from her eyes. Regularly walks 8+ miles a day. Obviously a mixed breed of terrier. The photo I took a few weeks ago was at Ayrmer Cove - in South Devon on one of our many coastal walks. She’s put herself up on the rocks as she hates sand and the sea!