weekly email of the Rocky Mountain Synod
March 12, 2013 |
New Bishop's Blog Spot
Preparing Leaders for Public Ministry

Changes taking place in seminary education and the sustainability of our current system of eight seminaries were a key discussion topic at the recent Conference of Bishops meeting. It's part of a larger conversation within our church about how and why we train leaders for public ministry...
Read the entire blog...
We need 30 more to take the health assessment by the first day of SPRING to unlock huge financial incentives!
HUGE thanks to the 131 who have completed the health assessment as of February 28! We need just 30 more! So spouses/partners with Portico benefits are also needed to complete the assessment by MARCH 21! It's impossible for us to reach the goal without the participation of spouses/partners.
Our NEW contest for $100 off assembly registration ends March 21! Everybody who took it is entered again, along with new folks. Please have your spouse/partner take it NOW! If they are not attending the assembly, the congregation gets the $100 off.
Links for the assessment and contest:
p.s. It only takes a few minutes, and you'll be happy to have it "out of the way!" You don't want to have to take it during Holy Week. Thus the FIRST DAY OF SPRING deadline.
If you've completed the assessment, submit the your name (and spouse/partner) here: I've Taken It!
As of Februrary 28, the Rocky Mountain Synod has the third highest participation thus far of the 65 synods! 53% have taken the assessment towards our required goal of 65%.
(Did we mention that spouses/partners need to take the assessment also in order for us to reach our goal?)
Fifth Sunday in Lent
Creator God, you prepare a new way in the wilderness, and your grace waters our desert. Open our hearts to be transformed by the new thing you are doing, that our lives may proclaim the extravagance of your love given to all through your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Sundays and Seasons Year C
Rev. Kim Gonia to be Installed at Prince of Peace, Denver The community is invited to the Service of Installation for Pastor Kim Gonia at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, located at 2400 S. Colorado Blvd. in Denver (80222). The service will take place at 3:00 p.m. on March 17, 2013 at the church. The color of the day is purple and everyone is invited to attend.
Korra Looschen to be Installed as AIM April 7 in Greeley, Colorado
 Korra Looschen (pictured with her husband and son) has accepted the call to ministry at Our Savior's Lutheran Church in Greeley as the new Director for Children, Youth and Household Ministries . The Service of Installation will take place at Our Savior's located at 1800 21st Avenue (80631) on Sunday, April 7 at the 8:15 and 10:40 a.m. worship services. Pastor Sarah Moening, Synod Minister for Deepening Discipleship in the Office of the Bishop, will preach and Pastor John Knutson will preside. The color of the day is white and there will be a reception with light refreshments served after the service.
Synod Prayer Cycle: Metro East Conference
You are encouraged to include the listed leaders in your Sunday prayers of the people. The prayer list for April is available. Also, you may view the lists for the coming months.
to remember in prayers on 3/17:
Holy Love Aurora, CO Matthew Bolz-Weber House for All Sinners and Saints Denver, CO Nadia Bolz-Weber Joy Parker, CO Lynette Crase Lord of the Hills Centennial, CO Tom Renquist
Assembly is May 2-4 in Loveland, CO
The 2013 Rocky Mountain Synod Assembly will feature our year-long theme: Deeply Rooted, Bearing Fruit. Taking place May 2-4 at the Embassy Suites in Loveland, CO. See details online.
Registration information
- Registration deadline is April 3
- Hotel reservation deadline is April 3
- Voting member registration is $300 per voting member.
- Visitor with meals is $240. Visitor without meals is $125.
- Exhibitor with meals is $165. Exhibitor without meals is $50.
- Guests attending only the Saturday Celebration only are $25.
- Hotel is $109 per room for a single or double room. For triples or quads the rate is $139 for the room. Note that all Embassy Suites rooms are two-room suites with beds in the bedroom and a sofa-bed in the front room.
- Travel equalization funds will be available for those who must travel far distances.
Several requests for assembly volunteers and involvement...
- We are seeking some donations of items as "prizes" at our assembly celebration of the 25th Anniversary. Might you donate a restaurant gift certificate? Or an art item? Or? Send an email to Erin Power if you have something to donate.
- For the assembly, we would like to put together a video about the creation of our assembly "Family Tree" sculpture. Most of the videoing will take place in advance of the assembly at Loveland, CO. Do you have a video camera and video editing skills to offer? Email Tara Smith.
- We will need some volunteers to help construct our "Family Tree" attatching bark and leaves. This will take place in Loveland, CO. If you or a youth group would like to help out, email Tara Smith.
Assembly Registration Deadline is April 3
Registering for the Assembly is a two-step process. One must register for the assembly as a voting member, visitor, exhibitor, or Saturday-only attendee.
Then, those who desire a hotel room make separate hotel room reservations.
Download leaf templates and make bark strips to submit bark and leaves to the Office of the Bishop by March 25. Information and instructions to add to our assembly "Family Tree."
- Submit items for display in a 25th Anniversary celebration booth at the Assembly. Items may be sent or delivered to the Office of the Bishop by March 25, and they will be returned after the assembly. Perhaps you created a banner in 1988, or created a special stained glass window (submit a photo!). Share something from your congregation 25 years ago.
- Submit any resolutions by March 15. More info.
Urban Servant Corps Fundraising Events
Trattoria Stella -- Dinning Out for USC!
3201 E. Colfax (Colfax and Steele)
Sunday, March 17
5:00 p.m. - close (9:00 p.m. for dinner, 11:00 p.m. for drinks).
A great way to celebrate St. Patrick's Day -- Italian food!
When you dine at Stella's on Colfax Ave. on March 17 from 5:00 p.m. - close, 10% of your bill is donated to Urban Servant Corps!
Silent Auction Celebration!
Thursday, May 16
6:00 - 8:00 p.m., Location TBD
This weather might have you thinking about spring! If so, mark your calendar for the 4th Annual Urban Servant Corps Silent Auction Celebration!
International Prayer Vigil for Peace in the Middle East
We can support both Israelis and Palestinians by taking part in a new international prayer vigil sponsored by the ACT Palestine Forum that began December 24, 2012. The prayer vigil is intended to take place around the world on the 24th of each month until the Israeli occupation of Palestine ends, all violence ceases and a just and equitable peace is negotiated. This can be as simple as co-workers gathering at lunchtime to pray for peace with justice in the Holy Land, or a meditative, musical liturgy followed by a speaker and time of education about the people and issues involved. Find educational ideas here.
There is also a Lenten litany bulletin insert:
Lenten Prayer Folder for International Prayer Vigil
Get Involved with the Border Servant Corps
Border Immersions: Border Servant Corps hosts groups interested in first-hand cultural immersions focused on education about border issues. This program is designed for undergraduate missions, alternative spring break programs, seminarians, and church and youth groups.
Upcoming groups
- March 17-21: University of Northern Iowa (Cedar Falls, IA)
How you can help
- Donate breakfast items (oatmeal, cereal, etc.)
- Host a meal for groups during their stay
BSC Sale: BSC's annual sale will be Saturday, April 6, 2013 at Peace Lutheran Church in Las Cruces, NM. This event is one of BSC's largest fundraisers for the year and we need your support! Please drop off gently-used items at Peace Lutheran Church (1701 E. Missouri Ave.) on April 1 - 4 from 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Items can also be accepted by appointment bsc@peacelutheranlc.com or phone (575-522-7119 Ext. 18). BSC has a limited ability to pick up items.
 50th Anniversary Events Year of Jubilee
2013 marks the 50th anniversary of Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp, celebrating 50 years of Ministry with Altitude. Visit www.skyranchcolorado.org and check out the "50th Anniversary" tab for the latest information. Gala Celebration: Tuxes and Tevas Register now for the initial event of the 50th year. Take time to complete the questionnaire and share your favorite memories. Your input will help shape the evening. Go to www.skyranchcolorado.org for updates. Tell your friends. 50th Anniversary Calendar of Events - June 28-30 Alumni weekend with Pastor Ralph Yernberg & Joel Abenth
- June 30 - July 5 Family Camp with Pastor Kim Gonia
- July 5 -7 Alumni weekend with Pastor Ron Letnes
- July 26 -28 Alumni weekend with Pastor Bob Kuehner
- September 13-15 All Camp Reunion
- October 13 Rendezvous in Longmont
Please download and share the bulletin with friends, family and in your congregations
Abolition Sunday - Focusing on Repealing the Death Penalty
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry - CO has been involved with a coalition working to repeal the death penalty in Colorado for many years. This year is the year! We ask everyone to get involved to support the repeal of the death penalty. As Christians, we are called to be committed to justice and oppose the death penalty. "Executions harm society by mirroring and reinforcing existing injustice. The death penalty distracts us from our work toward a just society. It deforms our response to violence at the individual, familial, institutional, and systemic levels. It perpetuates cycles of violence" (ELCA Social Statement).
One way you can take part is participating in Abolition Sunday. During Abolition Sunday, you can host a guest speaker, watch a movie on the death penalty, gather facts sheets and petitions, and contact your Representative and Senator to support the repeal of the death penalty.
For more information about hosting an Abolition Sunday, go to www.lam-co.org.

Balanced Budget Reductions - Let's Not Harm Our Neighbors
The Circle of Protection invites faith leaders around the country to sign on in support of balanced deficit reduction measures that do not harm our neighbors struggling with hunger and living in poverty.
Your voice is important- our leaders need to hear from you! Encourage your pastors to join the growing Circle by directing them to this letter and the opportunity to sign. Send a message to our officials, telling them you speak out for responsible compromise by adding your signature today. Be sure to select the "Evangelical Lutheran Church in America" option when asked to identify your denominational affiliation.
Not yet receiving ELCA e-Advocacy Network emails to your inbox? Sign up here.
LFSRM Teams with CPK for
an All Day Fundraiser
Join us at California Pizza Kitchen for a flavorful FUNdraising event which will take place on Sunday, March 24, 2013, (ALL DAY) at area California Pizza Kitchens. Purchases include dine-in, take-out, catering and all beverages.
Print out your area flyer and give it to your server - 20% of your check will be donated to LFS! Download and print the coupon: Denver_Metro Area Flyer (414 KB) Colorado Springs Flyer (414 KB)
Visit any of these locations: Flatiron Crossing Mall, Cherry Creek Mall, 29th Street Mall, Briargate, Colorado Mills Mall and Park Meadows
*Events in Denver metro locations support the Older Adult & Caregiver Services program. Event in Briargate location supports the LFS programs in Southern Colorado.
Free Copier
Pastor Alena Lamirato of St. Luke's Lutheran Church in Buffalo, Wyoming has a very basic copier free to anyone who can use it. For your convenience, she is willing to bring the copier to the 2013 RMS Assembly or to the Office of the Bishop in April when she will be in the area. If you are interested, please contact Pastor Lamirato by email.
Good Friday Vigil
March 29, 2013
On the West Steps of the Colorado Capitol
Join us as we
- prayerfully reflect on gun violence
- as we remember the crucifixion of Christ and mourn the senseless slaughter of all victims of gun violence
- as we seek hope and pray for peace
The service will take approximately 45 minutes.
Sponsored by the Social Action & Outreach Committee, Washington Park UCC
One Year To Live Retreat Event
The next Lutheran Men in Mission One Year to Live Retreat will begin on Friday, April 5, 2013, at 5:30 p.m. and will run until Sunday, April 7 at 3:00 p.m. The event will be held at the YMCA Camp Santa Maria in Grant, Colorado.
For information, contact Herb Hergott by email or phone (303)588-2856. The brochure with the registration form is available at: http://www.lutheranmeninmission.org/events/oytl.html

Organist/ Accompanist Needed
St. Andrew Lutheran Church located at 6774 W. 66th Avenue in Arvada, CO, is seeking an organist/accompanist for Sunday morning worship and weekly (Thursday) choir practice. We are accepting applications now to fill the position beginning in June 2013.
The qualified candidate works with the pastor, choir director and council liaison to enhance congregational music through worship, liturgy and accompanying the choir. The organist/accompanist uses the Allen Renaissance III manual organ.
For more information or to submit a cover a letter and resume, call (303-384-9153) or email the church office
(to the attention of Gloria).
Ascension Seeks Director of Music and Worship
Ascension Lutheran Church of Colorado Springs, Colorado, is seeking a part-time Director of Music and Worship. We are estimating the position to be approximately 15 hours a week. Applications, cover letter, and resume must be postmarked by 3/31/13. This position is responsible for selecting worship music, coordinating worship volunteers, supervising musical groups and instrumentalists, and directing the vocal choirs. Prefer BA in Music and five years of experience or equivalent.
Send cover letter and resume (no phone calls please) to: Director of Worship and Music Search Ascension Lutheran Church 2505 North Circle Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80909
Every Person, Every Congregation, Every Ministry, Boldly Serving
God's Mission in Christ
Bishop Jim Gonia
- Team Leaders Assembly Planning meeting, Office of the Bishop, Denver, CO
- Eastern Plains Lenten Worship, Peace Lutheran Church, Sterling, CO.
- Front Range Youth Ministry meeting, Office of the Bishop, Denver, CO.
- Executive Committee meeting, Denver, CO.
- Visiting with the congregation of Valley Lutheran Church, Los Lunas, NM.
- Preach at Messiah Lutheran Church, Albuquerque, NM.
- Meeting with Bishop Vono, Albuquerque, NM.
- Webex conference call with Ecumenical Officers, Denver, CO.
Pastor Ron Roschke
- Team Leaders Assembly Planning meeting, Office of the Bishop, Denver, CO
- Region 2 Consultation, Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, Berkeley, CA.
Pastor Sarah Moening
- Team Leaders Assembly Planning meeting, Office of the Bishop, Denver, CO.
- Front Range Youth Ministry meeting, Office of the Bishop, Denver, CO.
- Faith Formation meeting, Office of the Bishop, Denver, CO.
- Executive Committee meeting, Denver, CO.
- Installation of Pastor Kim Gonia, Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Denver, CO.
- Youth Workers Retreat: Holy Habits, Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp.
Pastor Stephanie Quick Espinoza
- Team Leaders Assembly Planning meeting, Office of the Bishop, Denver, CO
- Lenten Worship with Immanuel Lutheran Church, Greeley, CO.
- TEEM meeting at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, Berkeley, CA.
- CSM All Staff meeting, Chicago, IL.
- Team Leaders Assembly Planning meeting, Office of the Bishop, Denver, CO.
- Vacation Days
Brad Wood
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry CO
- Preaching at St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Arvada, CO.
- CSM All Staff meeting, Chicago, IL.
- Skype Conference Call with CIVJ Volunteers, Denver, CO.
Ruth Hoffman Lutheran Advocacy Ministry - NM
- CSM All Staff meeting, Chicago, IL.
- Monitoring the New Mexico Legislature for the progress of certain bills on immigration, homelessness, hunger, etc., Santa, Fe, NM.
website calendar 2013 MAY 2-4 2013 RMS Assembly Embassy Suites Hotel Loveland, Colorado SEPTEMBER 23-26 Theological Conference YMCA of the Rockies Estes Park, Colorado

eNewsletter of the ELCA
How would you improve the world?
Here's a chance to help shape the future of the world. The ELCA's advocacy ministry at the United Nations encourages you to participate in the "My World" survey on your priorities for creating a better world. See www.ELCA.org/WorldWeWant
Help youth learn about global hunger and poverty
Are you looking for activities to teach your youth group about the realities of global hunger and poverty? Check out the Hunger Education Toolkits developed by ELCA World Hunger. See www.ELCA.org/hunger-toolkits.
South Sudan: Helping refugee kids enjoy being kids
Life in a refugee camp can be hard, especially for the children. Through The Lutheran World Federation, the ELCA is helping bring some joy to the lives of refugee children by providing child-friendly areas and play resources. See
A missionary service opportunity in Europe
The ELCA is seeking a regional representative for Europe who will also be the director of the ELCA Wittenberg Center. This person will assist the ELCA in its relationships with companion churches, international congregations, mission personnel, volunteers, programs and projects in Europe and direct the program of the ELCA Wittenberg Center. Priority will be given to applications received by March 20. See www.ELCA.org/hr
| submit Utah news or photos

Building an Inclusive Church
Building an Inclusive Church will be presented at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1070 Foothill Drive, Salt Lake City, April 5 - 6, 2013. Registration and information is available on the website of Institute for Welcoming Resources..
Health Care Resource from LSS of Utah Leslie Whited, Diaconal Minister and CEO of Lutheran Social Service of Utah, has provided information that might be able to help members of congregations navigate the complexities of the new health care law. The information is from the Salt Lake County Mayor's working group on health (Council on Diversity Affairs Health Committee) of which LSS of Utah is a part. Please check out the website created by the U.S. government concerning the Affordable Care Act so that you can receive more information and tips on choosing coverage that's right for you in the new Health Insurance Marketplace, information on new benefits and resources to help spread the word.
Let's Tour Germany ... in August 2013
It is a 13-day tour from August 12 through the 24. The details of the tour, places of interest, and prices are set. For more information about itinerary, pricing and details of the trip, please contact Pastor Michael Bastian by email or phone at 505-896-2543.
COLORADO | submit Colorado news or photos
The Nineteenth Annual Gallery of Living Art
From March 15 - 17, First Lutheran Church, located at 1515 N. Cascade Avenue in Colorado Springs (80907) will host its 19th annual "Gallery of Living Art, a Passion Play" presented in a most dramatic and unique venue. The Gallery of Living Art tells the story of Christ's Passion and Resurrection through scripture, music sung by First Lutheran's choir and live reproductions of fourteen sacred works of art staged by a sixty member cast. The art includes the well-known Leonardo da Vinci's "Last Supper," Heinrich Hofman's "Christ in Gethsemane" and Michelangelo's "Pieta." Viewings will take place in the sanctuary on: - Friday, March 15 at 7:30 p.m.
- Saturday, March 16 at 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. and
- Sunday, March 17 at 3:00 p.m.
 The nativity scene is a life size representation of "Joseph, Mary, the Light Bearer and the Magi" as created by local artists, Bob and Jan Simpich of Simpich dolls. The public is cordially invited to attend this inspirational presentation of Christ's Passion and Resurrection. Admission is free and childcare is provided. Contact: Joan Kuehn or Judy Wach at 719-632-8836.
Metro East Women's Cluster Spring Gathering
"We remember." Hebrews 13:3
The spring gathering of the Metro East Women's Cluster of the Rocky Mountain Synod will be on Saturday, March 16, 2013, from 9:30 a.m. to noon at All Saints Lutheran Church, located at 15625 East Iliff Avenue in Aurora (80013). We hope you can join us for brunch and a morning focused on New Beginnings Church and our part in ministry to our sisters in Christ in the Denver Women's Correctional Facility. Pastor Emily Cardin from New Beginnings will share this ministry with us.
Please register with your church group before March 9th and have one person from your church e-mail registrations to waggoners2_3@msn.com. You may also call the church at 303-752-4083 for more information. The registration fee is $5.00 per person - payable at the door. If able, please bring new or used all occasion or holiday greeting cards as part of your offering. There will be a free will offering to assist New Beginnings ministry. All women are invited! Childcare will be provided. We look forward to having you join us for a morning of inspiration, special music and fellowship!
Prepare/Enrich Facilitator Training Prepare/Enrich Facilitator Training is being offered Thursday, March 21, 2013, at Bethany Lutheran Church, located at 4500 E. Hampden Avenue in Cherry Hills Village. The workshop is designed to teach facilitators to administer and provide feedback to premarital and married couples. For more information, please call Beth Walker at 303-694-2967 or go to www.prepare-enrich.com Beth Walker 7650 East Phillips Cir Centennial CO 80112-3243
Easter Worship Service in German �kumenischer Ostergottesdienst in deutscher Sprache Christ ist erstanden... 1750 Colorado Blvd Denver CO 80220 www.messiahdenver.org info@messiahdenver.org Tel: 303-355-4471 Ostersonntag den 31. M�rz 2013 um 17 Uhr Wolfgang Stahlberg, Pastor Eric French, Organist Ostereiersuche f�r Kinder
Communications Staff
Rocky Mountain Synod
800-525-0462 / 303-777-6700
Announcements for
eConnection are due before noon on Monday for the issue the following
day. Event announcements are included for two weeks. Please submit your
announcement at the time it should appear.
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