Senior High Youth Gathering 2013:
November 22-24, Estes Park YMCA
God our creator, the resurrection of your Son offers life to all the peoples of the earth. By your Holy Spirit, kindle in us the fire of your love, empowering our lives for service and our tongues for praise. Amen.
King of Kings, Pueblo, celebrates 50 years of mission and ministry, May 19 at 10 a.m.
The congregation will celebrate with one worship service at 10 a.m., on May 19, and a luncheon and program will follow. Bishop Gonia will be present to celebrate with the congregation. The church address is 2561 Vinewood Ln., Pueblo, CO.
St. Mark Lutheran Church, Aurora,
celebrates 60 years on May 19
St. Mark's Lutheran Church will celebrate its 60th Anniversary on May 19, 2013. Worship is at 9:15 a.m., and Pastor Ron Roschke is preaching for the celebration.
Mark Honstein's Installation is
Sunday in Watford City, ND
Mark's Honstein's installation is currently set for Pentecost Sunday, May 19, 2013, at the 9:30 a.m. service at First Lutheran Church, located at 212 2nd St. NW in Watford City, ND (58854). Mark wishes to thank everyone for all their work in helping him follow this calling into ministry!
Installation of Pastor Jerry Reynolds
at Trinity, Las Cruces
Pastor Jerry Reynolds' installation is set for
6 p.m. on Tuesday, May 21, 2013, at Trinity Lutheran Church, 2900 Elks Drive in Las Cruces New Mexico. Bishop James Gonia will preach and preside. A reception will follow. For more information: 575-523-4232.
Synod Prayer Cycle:
Boulder/Broomfield Conference
You are encouraged to include the listed leaders in your Sunday prayers of the people. The prayer list for June is available. Also, you may view the lists for the coming months.
to remember in prayers on 5/19:
Grace Boulder, CO
Allan Bjornberg, interim
Lutheran Church of Hope Broomfield, CO
Scott McAnally
Mount Calvary Boulder, CO
Sara Wirth
Follow-Up Information
Tara Smith, our tree artist, invites you to "bear fruit" in your community or context. Download and share.
Silent Auction Celebration: The Many Hands of Service!
Thursday, May 16
6:00 - 8:00 p.m. at UMB BANK (Colfax and Franklin) 1635 E. Colfax Avenue Denver, CO 80218
Snacks and beverages (home brew beer!) will be provided. You'll also have the opportunity to bid on a Champagne Brunch for 8, weekend at Keystone, organic fruits and vegetables, gift cards for local restaurants and coffee shops, and LOTS MORE!
Conversation about Homeless Issues
- Wish you knew more about why people are homeless?
- Do members of your church ask you questions you cannot answer?
- Want to know more facts about the causes and realities of homelessness?
WEDNESDAY, MAY 22 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Greek Orthodox Metropolis
4550 East Alameda Avenue in Denver
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry - Colorado invites you to lunch and a conversation with Bobbie Kanary to take a survey about the facts of homelessness and a conversation about the facts behind the issue.
Bobbie has been homeless and wrote a book about the issue for the Rocky Mountain Synod in 1987. Lunch is free but you need to RSVP to Brad Wood at bwood@rmselca.org or call 303-777-6700.
photo from the Denver Rescue Mission

California Lutheran
Summer Events
California Lutheran University invites you to join then for two events this summer from August 1 - 3, 2013. The events will last from noon Thursday - noon Saturday.
Where is God calling you to serve?
August 1-3, 2013
$120 (includes meals and lodging)
For more information visit www.callutheran.edu/its or contact the Office of Church Relations at 805-493-3936
14th Annual Youth Ministry Training Event
This program offers several unique levels of training. Participants who complete the four tracks will be offered Region 2 recognition. For more information, go to
Custodian (Part Time)
Lutheran Church of the Master
14099 W. Jewell Ave.
Lakewood, CO 80228
Lutheran Church of the Master in Lakewood, CO is seeking a part-time church custodian (20-25 hours per week). The position entails weekly cleaning of the church facility to include sanctuary, classrooms, offices and restrooms. Duties also include periodic minor maintenance on plumbing, electrical and structural systems. The custodian also has some responsibility for grounds maintenance. The custodian works closely with the building and grounds committees to prioritize work. Volunteers will augment custodial duties.
Resumes will be accepted until May 24, 2013. Questions and resumes should be submitted to Karl Feth at kfeth@Q.com
Job openings can be found on the Rocky Mountain Synod's website.
Bishop Jim Gonia
- Metro West Retreat, Snowmass, CO
- Executive Committee Meeting
- Global Missions: Madagascar Trip Planning
- Cultural Identity & Perception Forum
- King of Kings, Pueblo, 50th Anniversary
- House for All Sinners and Saints, Adult Confirmation
- New Mexico Council of Churches
- Meeting with Peace, Las Cruces
- Installation of Pastor Jerry Reynolds, Trinity, Hobbs, NM
Pastor Ron Roschke
- Global Missions: Madagascar Trip Planning
- Cultural Identity & Perception Forum
- St. Mark, Aurora, Colorado, 60th Anniversary
Pastor Sarah Moening
- Messiah, Albuquerque, NM
- Centennial, Englewood, CO
- Good Shepherd, Casper, WY
- Preach at Trinity, Laramie, WY
Pastor Stephanie Quick Espinoza
- Christ the King, Salt Lake City, UT
- Camino de Vida, Albuquerque, NM
- Cultural Identity & Perception Forum
- Generosity Mission Table
- Preach at HKBP, Denver, CO
- Four Winds Native American Ministry
- Ongoing communication and administration work
Brad Wood
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry CO
- Vacation
- CIVJ Board Meeting
Ruth Hoffman
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry - NM
- Health Care for All Steering Committee
- Health Action
- Meeting with Presbytery of Santa Fe
- Minimum Wage Coalition
website calendar 2013 SEPTEMBER 23-26 Theological Conference YMCA of the Rockies Estes Park, Colorado

ELCA, Malagasy Lutheran Church strengthen bond
"The reason we need one another is that through these very concrete partnerships, we make God's dream a reality in our midst," said the Rev. Rafael Malpica Padilla, ELCA executive director for global mission, upon the signing of an agreement designed to nurture the ties between the ELCA and the Malagasy Lutheran Church. See www.ELCA.org/Malagasy-Lutheran.
| submit Wyoming news or photos
Wyoming summer gathering in Buffalo
on Tuesday, July 2 at St. Luke's
Tuesday July 2 all pastors in the area are invited to Buffalo for a potluck lunch, text study, and fellowship at Pr. Alena's at 11:00 a.m. Contact Pr. Alena Lamirato at pastoralena@yahoo.com for more information. St. Luke's ELCA is at 615 N Burritt, Buffalo, WY, 307-684-7872.
Westminster Concert Bell Choir at Saint Peter on May 31
Friday, May 31 at 7:30 p.m.
9300 E. Belleview Ave, Greenwood Village 80111
Directed by Kathleen Ebling Shaw, the 15-member bell choir is composed of undergraduate and graduate students of Westminster Choir College and Rider University. They will perform original works and arrangements of classics and hymn tunes on the world's largest range of handbells. A freewill offering will be taken to help offset travel expenses from Princeton, NJ.
Prepare/Enrich Facilitator Training 
Prepare/Enrich Facilitator Training is being offered Thursday, May 16, 2013, beginning at 9:00 a.m. at Bethany Lutheran Church located at 4500 E. Hampden Avenue in Cherry Hills Village (80113). The workshop is designed to teach clergy and other professionals to administer and provide feedback to premarital and married couples. For more information, please call Beth Walker at 303-694-2967 or go to www.prepare-enrich.com and click on 'Become a facilitator'. You may register online.
Lutheran Chorale Spring Concerts 
"Holy Music of Great Britain, France, and Italy" will be presented at two venues on Sunday, May 19: 3:00 p.m., at Faith Lutheran Church, 17701 W. 16th Avenue, Golden 7:00 p.m., at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 9770 S. Foothills Canyon Blvd, Highlands Ranch Adults $15; Seniors/Students $12; Families $25
BBQ, Blues and Bluegrass - 5th Annual Sky Ranch Fundraiser You are cordially invited to join the fun at Spirit of Joy Lutheran Church as they host the 5th Annual Sky Ranch Fundraiser on Saturday, June 1 beginning at 5:30 p.m. Musical entertainment will be provided by Lost Sheep and Jerusalem Road. Tickets are $12 (5 and over) and $30 (family). Young folks under five years old are free. You will be able to enjoy barbeque, coleslaw, chips, and dessert (vegetarian and gluten-free choices will be available).
Spirit of Joy is located at 4501 South Lemay Avenue in Fort Collins. Supplemental funds provided by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.
St Peter Lutheran Church 5th Annual Selian Hospital 5K Run/Walk
 "We Run That They May Walk" Saturday, June 1, 2013 from 9:00 a.m. - Noon The Saint Peter Lutheran Church Congregation is hosting its 5th annual 5K run to help support Selian Lutheran Hospital's comprehensive medical care programs. Come with your family and friends to participate in a morning of exercise and family fun! Enjoy live musical entertainment, food and craft concessions, door prizes, t-shirts & swag bags. The Selian 5K Run Event will include a jump castle, 1k run and face painting for the kids. More information: contact Carol by email. You may register online.
5 Steps to Holding Your Family
Together featuring Rich Melheim

Faith5 Workshops at Saint Peter Lutheran Church i
n Greenwood Village
June 14, 2013 Pastors and Leaders (1:00 to 5:00); Parents and Families (6:30 to 8:00) The afternoon event is geared toward pastors and church leadership. In four hours of challenging systems thinking, you will learn how to challenge, equip, and support parents in the role as primary faith mentors for their children every night. Faith will be incubated every week at church and every night in every home. The evening event will teach parents and children the FAITH5, an easy-to-remember, five-step faith practice that can help you hold your family together in a few minutes each night. information | registration Saint Peter Lutheran Church is located at 9300 E. Belleview Avenue in Greenwood Village (80111).

'The Greatest Kids on Earth-A Circus of Hope' is June 8 in Colorado Springs
Join LFS for this fundraiser and foster family appreciation event! The event will take place on June 8, 2013, at the World Arena in Colorado Springs. Tickets are $20 and include a private animal open house tour, an all-access pre-show, main circus event, and coupon for popcorn and drink!
November 1 - 3, 2013
Dr. Marcus Borg & Dr. John Dominic Crossan
at Messiah Community Church, ELCA, Denver
Four lectures will develop an understanding of Jesus and Paul set in the matrix of their time and place, the first century historical context of Jesus and Judaism within Roman imperial theology and practice.
Sessions are Nov. 1 at 7 p.m. & Nov. 2 at 9 a.m., 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Any one lecture is $15, all four lectures & box lunch are $60. Students with ID, $5 each or $20 weekend. Sunday morning, Nov. 3, will include a dialogue sermon by both presenters. Reservations required for lunch. Call the church office or send an e-mail to info@messiahdenver.org. More Information online.
Synod Minister for Connected Community
Rocky Mountain Synod
800-525-0462 / 303-777-6700
Announcements for eConnection are due before noon on Monday for the issue the following day. Event announcements are included for about two weeks. Please submit your announcement at the time it should appear.