February 26, 2020
A Reconciling in Christ synod
eConnection Spotlight:
Global Church Updates
A Prayer for the Global Church in the time of COVID-19
Paul reminded Corinth that when one member of the body suffers, all suffer together. There are many Christians who are not free to worship together, to minister to one another, to share the sacraments or lay on hands, in an effort to contain this new virus, COVID-19. They are counting on the rest of us to continue being the church in the world. So we pray:

Lord, we pray for all who sit behind locked doors for fear of spreading this disease, feeling isolated from you as well as their neighbors. We know that locked doors do not keep you from standing with them; from breathing your peace upon them. May this be a grace sufficient for them to persevere. Bless and protect all those in harm’s way actively fighting the virus and caring for its victims. Use us, move us- not to fear- but to generous and creative responses. Amen
Rev. Paula M Stecker
RMS Global Mission Committee
Support for Betela Seminary

The ELCA Global Missio n Unit has contibuted $9,897.85 for the reconstruction of the Betela S eminary Chapel. The chapel sustained significant damage from severe weather. We are grateful for the continued partnership with our global companions.
eConnection Spotlight:
RMS in the Neighborhood
Micro-loans in Senegal
Connor Horan serves as a Young Adult in Global Mission and recently shared about a micro-loan program in his community:

"My supervisors have granted me some engaging opportunities to attend micro-loan disbursements they have been doing with local women’s groups. These women’s groups tend to be composed of local market vendors who meet to address community concerns or start small development projects with their neighborhood. Woolonte’ offers small microloans to these groups that they can utilize further develop their small businesses in any way they see fit, with manageable repayment plans. I am actually starting to grasp how crucial the role micro-banking is in communities like Yeumbeul. But also understanding that any banking needs to be undergone as ethically as possible."

Support Micro-loan opportunities through ELCA World Hunger's Good Gifts
RMS-ELCA News and Events
May we have a minute of your time?
If you receive the monthly Church Ambassador's Toolkit would you please follow this link to take a short survey about how you are using it?
Synod Assembly Immersions and Elections
Everything you need to know about Synod Assembly can be found HERE!

Did you know: There is a special "Saturday only" visitor registration option. Join us Saturday afternoon for worship, lunch, and immersion at your local assembly gathering!

Synod Assembly Elections

We will be electing members to a number of different boards and committees. Nominations will be received by returning the nomination form by March 20.  Elections will take place for the following positions:
Global Mission Committee
(1) At-Large
Congregational Ministry Board
(5) At-large
Committee on Discipline
(1) At-Large Lay Male
(2) At-Large Lay Female
(4) At-Large Rostered Minister
Consultation Committee
(2) At-Large Rostered Minister

Rocky Mountain Synod Council
Southeast Colorado Conference: Rostered Minister
Wyoming Conference: Lay
Border Conference: Rostered Minister
Boulder/Broomfield Conference: Lay
Metro West Conference: Lay
Metro South Conference: Rostered Minister
At Large Ethnic Specific
At Large: Rostered Minister
At Large Youth
At Large Young Adult
Here's your 2020 Better Together Checklist!
__Submit your Annual Report to the Bishop
Last year our new online bishop report form worked great. It's way better than those old, frustrating .pdf forms! There's "one click" for all pastors and deacons , whether or not you are  active retired on-leave , or on  disability . You'll get different questions depending on what you click on in the form.
Please note:  The form is not confidential to the bishop.  It may be read/reviewed by other staff members other than the bishop. If you have a confidential matter to share with Bishop Gonia, please  email him separately , or call the office for an appointment.
The traditional deadline is February 15, but reports will be received through March.

__Submit your Mission Support 2020 Intentions by March 1
Because we are "better together," the mission and ministry that is accomplished in unity is more than could ever be accomplished by one congregation alone. Please submit your congregation's Mission Support 2020 Intention, so that we can finalize our 2020 expenditures and extend our gratitude to you! Contact  Deniese Estrada  with questions. Please submit your intention by March 1. Click the button below, read the page, and scroll to the bottom for the form link. Other resources are available at this link, such as the RMS page for your Annual Report.

__Complete your ELCA Congregational Report by March 1
The annual parochial report with your congregation's statistics for the last year is an essential piece for understanding how we are church together. The form is available online. You will need your congregation ID number and password. If you need assistance with that information, please contact  Deniese Estrada , RMS finance administrator.
Congregational Ministry Board Members Needed
Submit nomination form before Friday, March 20, 2020
Do your gifts and interests lie in strengthening the life and mission of the church across the synod? Are you passionate about creating and curating resources that congregations can use to guide their ministry work? Does working together with team members to identify major needs and priorities in the area of congregational life appeal to you?

The Congregational Ministry Board needs your leadership and gifts! We are a close-knit group that meets every month over Zoom, taking a break in June and July and also in December. We meet face to face once a year for two days in late August at the Lutheran Center in Denver. Travel expenses are paid.

Attending meetings, participating in meeting discussions, reviewing documents and helping to create resources, model policies and processes that foster healthy congregational life is the primary work of this board.

Nominations for this board are now being accepted through March 20th. To be considered for one of the five positions on this board, please fill out a nomination form.

Go the Events Tab on  rmselca.org website. Go to 2020 Synod Assembly and then to  Nominations and Elections. The nomination form is available on the right side of the page. You may nominate yourself or someone else that you feel would be a match for the Congregational Ministry Board. No nominations will be taken from the floor at the Assembly.
Faith Formation Resource Sharing Lunch
Thursday, March 26, 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Join other Faith Formation professionals for lunch and conversation at Bethany Lutheran Church, Cherry Hills Village, 4500 E Hampden Ave., Denver. Bring a resource that has been helpful to you in recent months and get energized for the months ahead. Lunch will be provided.

RSVP to Bryan Jaster, [email protected]
For Your Bulletin

Rev. Jennifer Moser
Shepherd of the Hills, Fort Collins, CO
Sunday, March 1, 3:00 p.m.
Color of the Day: Purple


Deacon Sarah Mielke Bjornebo
Holy Spirit, Centennial, CO
Saturday, February 29, 11:00 a.m.
Color of the Day: Red

RMS Prayer Cycle

MARCH 2020

- Week of March 1 -

First - Longmont, CO
Garrett Struessel
Katie Emery

Bethlehem - Longmont, CO
Katie Chullino

Join us in daily prayer:
Download  ELCA Prayer Ventures  for daily guides to prayer for the global, social and outreach ministries of the ELCA, as well as for the needs and circumstances of our neighbors, communities and world. 
Sunday, March 1
First Sunday in Lent
Prayer of the Day

Lord God, our strength, the struggle between good and evil rages within and around us, and the devil and all the forces that defy you tempt us with empty promises. Keep us steadfast in your word, and when we fall, raise us again and restore us through your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

In God's Hands: Ecumenical Prayer Cycle from the World Council of Churches

01 - 07 March : Ireland; United Kingdom: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales - Intercessions and Prayers
Around the Synod
Lenten Concert Series at Joy Lutheran in Parker, CO
JOY is proud to host our first-ever Lenten Concert Series which will include three unique musical events to enhance the worship experience during the season of Lent.

On Sunday, March 8, the series will kick off with the Ebenezer Choir from Come To Jesus Ministries, a Denver church of the Rocky Mountain Synod of the ELCA, made up of immigrants and refugees from the Congo. The Ebenezer Choir will lead the music at JOY's 8:00 a.m. and 10:30am worship services.

On Wednesday, March 18, at 6:30p, JOY will host the Hamilton College Choir from Clinton, New York. The choir will share their music in a concert that serves as a mid-week Lenten worship.

The final event of the series will feature Joy Lutheran's Voices of Joy Choir and Orchestra sharing the cantata, “A Journey To Hope.” This beautiful and powerful cantata is inspired by Spirituals, and the music tells of the life, ministry, and passion of Jesus. The cantata will be presented as part of JOY's 6:30 p.m. Good Friday worship service on April 10.
Healing Dark Emotions: Discovering the Good Gifts of Anger, Grief, and Depression, with Reverend Christine Ruth
Sunday, March 8 at 10:50 a.m. to noon
Atonement Lutheran Church (Chapel)
685 Inca Parkway
Boulder, CO ( map )

We will be looking at the theological tensions around these emotions/experiences and how to handle them in a spiritually healthy way. Christine Ruth, M.Div., MS, LMFT is an ordained pastor, teacher, and licensed marriage and family therapist. She founded Niwot Counseling Center in Niwot, Colorado and has twenty years of ministry experience facilitating retreats, grief workshops, and conducting individual and marriage therapy. See flyer here.

This program is offered by the Mental Health Ministry Team of Atonement Lutheran Church, Boulder. 
Welcoming the Stranger: Fear, Facts & Faith
Saturday, March 14 at 1:00 p.m.
Join Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains for a conversation about immigration with Matt Soerens, author and U.S. Director of Church Mobilization with World Relief.

Christ Church
2950 South University Blvd.
Denver, CO ( map )

Visit LFS for more information.
Taizé Weekend - Hospitality: A Pilgrimage of Trust
Saturday, March 14 from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
and Sunday, March 15 at 4:45 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
You are invited to a Taizé Encounter of song, prayer and dialogue with Brothers Emile and John from the Taizé community in France.
We will gather around the theme, Hospitality: A Pilgrimage of Trust . In an increasingly fragmented world, people are asking: Who is my neighbor? Is reconciliation possible? Is community a dream?

Join Brothers Emile and John as they share in dialogue and spiritual practice that is the heart of the community's home in France. Bishop Gonia will be a part of panel discussion with the Brothers. Ihoby Rakotomalala of Auraria Campus Ministry and Krista Kilgus of Urban Servant Corps will also be leading workshops on hospitality and building community.

Share a flyer about this event ( English / Spanish ). For more information, go here .

The venue on Saturday is Regis University, 3333 Regis Blvd, Denver, CO ( map ). Sunday night is at the Sanctuary of Calvary Baptist Church, 6500 E. Girard Ave., Denver, CO ( map )
Resource Fair for Seniors and Caregivers
Sunday, March 15, 2:30 - 4:00 p.m.
Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit
6400 S. University Blvd.
Centennial, CO ( map)

Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit is hosting a Resource Fair for Seniors and Caregivers. Participating Agencies will be present to provide resources and answer questions - not to sell anything!

Participating Agencies include:

  • CarePatrol, Parkinson's Pointe, AARP, Visiting Angels, Dispatch Health, Colorado Respite Coalition, Arapahoe County Senior Check-in, Alzheimer Association, Nursing Home Ombudsman, Medical Equipment Loan Closet, TLC Meals on Wheels, and more!
  • Mary Jo Heins will answer questions regarding Medicare.
  • Dave Perry will answer legal questions.

YOU ARE NOT ALONE! If you or a loved one are looking for resources, this event is for you! For more information, call 303-794-3451 or send email.
Third Annual Heart for the Arts Gala – Night in Vienna
Saturday, March 28 at 6:00 p.m.
A special celebration you won’t forget with performances by Stratus Chamber Orchestra, Colorado Women’s & Men’s Chorales, City Strings, and more! Join us as the we celebrate the work of Augustana Arts in our communities, in our schools, and around the world. Enjoy the performances and exciting live and silent auctions as you dine during our Night in Vienna. Visit Augustana Arts for more information and tickets.
The Shape of Light Concert
Saturday, June 13 at 7:30 p.m.
Voices of Light Chamber Choir collaborates with visual artist Jane Guthridge for an exhibition that combines an original musical work by Keith Arnold with a new sculpture by Jane. This is part of the Pink Progression series that will be displayed at the Arvada Center for the Arts and Humanities.

Get your tickets at:

Bethany Lutheran Church
4500 East Hampden Boulevard
Denver, CO ( map)
Our Life Together
Looking for Green Teams!?
Does your congregation have a "Green Team"? Would you like to get involved with other congregations in helping promote creation care in the Synod?
If so, please email to Pastor Alena Lamirato at [email protected] with your name, congregation, and how you have gone green.
Germany 2020 -Study Tour - ONLY 2 SPOTS LEFT!!
June 15, 2020 through June 24, 2020
We are nearing the home stretch for the Germany 2020 Study Tour. We will be following in the footsteps of Martin Luther with a stop to see the Oberammergau Passion Play (which only happens, every ten years). There are ONLY 2 spots left for the trip! If you are interested, it will be important to reserve your spot as soon as possible.

You can get more information and register online: RegisterNow.ittworld.com , use Tour Code: Carson20
You're invited to a Faithful Complete Count Committee Kickoff Meeting on the 2020 Census
The Colorado Council of Churches and Together Colorado invite you to our Faithful Complete Count Committee Kickoff meeting on  Tuesday, March 3rd from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m . The Kickoff will be at  Montview Boulevard Presbyterian Church located at 1980 Dahlia St, Denver, CO ( map ) . Lunch will be provided.
During our time together, we will share an overview of the 2020 Census, share information about current plans to educate around the Census, talk about the upcoming Census Faith weekend, and share resource information. We look forward to hearing about your efforts as well! 
Please RSVP by Wednesday, February 26 by clicking on this  link . All are welcome, and please feel free to invite anyone who you think may be interested in attending this event.
Sky Ranch Annual Meeting
Sunday, March 1 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Join us for the Sky Ranch Annual Meeting at CSU Campus Ministry, 805 S Shields St Fort Collins, CO ( map ) on March 1 at 1:00 p.m. We will provide lunch, recap the 2019 year and introduce our new program director! Let us know if you can make it or have any questions at 970-493-5258 or email Ally Plucheck, [email protected].
Rick Steves Hunger and Hope: Lessons from Ethiopia and Guatemala
In this hour-long special, Rick Steves ventures beyond Europe. Traveling through Ethiopia and Guatemala, he learns from locals and experts about key aspects of extreme poverty and how to beat it. Together, we'll witness the importance of water, education, empowering women, and nutrition during a child's first 1,000 days. And we'll see firsthand the impact of globalization and the effects of climate change. More than 700 million people remain in extreme poverty - struggling to live on less than $2 a day. But with the help of innovative solutions and smart development aid, world hunger has been cut in half in the last generation. Ending hunger is possible. And, with travel as our classroom, we can learn about both the challenges and the solutions. Go here, for more information.
Resource Corner
check back each week for a new or featured resource for your congregation
Views from the Rockies for February 2020
Rocky Mtn Synodical Women's logo
Views from the Rockies is produced by the Rocky Mountain Synodical Women's Organization (RMSWO). It provides information about current programs, projects, and more. Here women share their ideas, their thoughts, their concerns, and their joys.
In this issue you'll get information about the Fall 2020 Rocky Mountain Synodical Women's Organization Convention and Retreat with its theme "From the Darkness into the Light," and the Women of the ELCA's Eleventh Triennial Gathering 2020, July 16-19, and more!

The Views from the Rockies provides news that all women in the Rocky Mountain Synod need! Get your copy here .
Stewardship Toolkit for March 2020
Here is your March 2020 "Stewardship Toolkit" . It has a "cut and paste" original newsletter article and RCL-based "Stewardship Snippets" for Sunday bulletins, and links to explore. March's theme is "Steward your soul for a fuller life."
ELCA World Hunger’s Lenten resources

Join ELCA World Hunger in
exploring the theme of hope with a Lenten calendar, weekly study guide and more.

ELCA Youth Gathering promotional resources

Promotional resources for
ELCA Youth Gathering 2021
are now available for download; they include a handbook, posters and a branding guide.

Racial justice resources

We believe that Christ’s church is for all people. In honor of Black History Month, we invite you to explore these resources and to move forward toward fairness and justice as a church and a society.

Employment Opportunities
New Listings 
Minister of Music (full-time)
Augustana Lutheran Church - Denver, CO
Augustana Lutheran Church is seeking a full-time  Minister of Music  to be part of fulfilling our mission of celebrating God’s grace, welcoming everyone to worship Jesus, grow in faith and go serve in the world. The primary focus of this position is to provide music for the worship services but the music ministry also plays a key role in community outreach through concerts, education and collaborations. Our ideal candidate demonstrates musical excellence and an ability to create a welcoming environment for participation and engagement. Music is an expression of faith and is deeply important to the congregation of Augustana Lutheran Church.

Position Summary : The Minister of Music will coordinate Augustana’s music ministry in proclaiming the Gospel through music. The priority of this ministry is to invite musicians, congregation, and the outside community to experience the Holy Spirit, and to join in Christian community. The Music Ministry works with all ministries of Augustana Lutheran Church for the spiritual development of the congregation.

Full job description, qualifications, and responsibilities are available  HERE .
Please submit a letter of interest, résumé, and include responses to Augustana’s initial questions (accessible  HERE ) to  [email protected]  prior to Monday, March 16, 2020.
Non-Rostered Listings 
Minister of Music (full-time)
Augustana Lutheran Church - Denver, CO

Missional Youth MInistry Leader (part-time)
Faith Lutheran Church - Golden, CO

Bookkeeper (part-time)
Christ Lutheran Church - Highlands Ranch, CO
Office of the Bishop This Week
  Bishop Jim Gonia
  • Colorado Lutheran Day at the Legislature
  • Ordination/Installation of Sarah Bjornebo, Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit, Littleton, CO
  • Installation of Rev. Jennifer Moser, Shepherd of the Hills, Fort Collins, CO

Pastor Dana Peterson (3/4 time)
  • Lutheran Church of the Master, Lakewood, CO
  • Our Saviors, Denver, CO
  • In-office appointments
Kurt Rager
  • 1-1 Meetings
  • Legislative Session Wrap-up

Peter Severson
  • Colorado Lutheran Day at the Legislature
  • National Anti-Hunger Policy Conference, Washington, D.C.

Tina Kvitek
  • 1-1 Meetings
Pastor Sarah Moening
  • St. Luke's, Buffalo, WY
  • Good Shepherd, Casper, WY
  • Congregational Transition

Pastor Kent Mueller (1/2 time)

Deacon Erin Power
  • Synod Assembly Visioning Meeting
  • Lutheran Day at the Legislature
  • Rostered Ministers Gathering Planning Meeting
  • RMS Communications

Pastor Leslie O'Callaghan
  • In-office appointments
  • Young Adult Discernment Event, Tallapoosa, GA
Quick Links
Share the News
Erin Power ,   Assistant to the Bishop
Feel free to contact Andrew Nakatan i , Communications Assistant, with your questions and comments about eConnection and our website!

Rocky Mountain Synod  
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
800-525-0462 / 303-777-6700 / fax  303-733-0750

Submissions are due noon Monday each week's issue.
Past issues of eConnection may be found here.