A Reconciling in Christ synod
RMS in the Neighborhood: Ascension, Ogden, UT
Ascension, Odgen, UT has partnered with Family Promise since 2015, when it first began in Odgen. Family Promise is a national non-profit organization serving families who are experiencing homelessness. On May 21, Ascension opened up their building to host families for the first time. We celebrate with Ascension as they love their neighbors!
Welcome Kari von Bernuth, Summer intern at the Office of the Bishop!
Hello! My name is Kaari von Bernuth and I am excited to be serving as the Synodical Life Intern at the Office of the Bishop this summer. I am from Longmont, CO and am a member at First Lutheran Church where I grew up. I was very involved in the Youth Group at First Lutheran, and also spent three years on the Church Council. I am currently a student at Colorado State University studying English Literature with a minor in history, and I just finished my junior year. In Fort Collins I am very involved at CSU’s Lutheran Campus Ministry and sit on the Board as a student representative. I also work as an Intern for Fort Collins Lutherans (FOCOLU), the combined youth group for the four ELCA churches in Fort Collins, and have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to engage with youth and ministry in that way. Outdoor ministry also has a special place in my heart and I have been a volunteer and a counselor at Sky Ranch in the past. After graduating from CSU, I hope to go onto seminary to become a rostered minister in the church.

This summer, I’m very excited to have the opportunity to learn more about our wonderful synod and learn the stories of the different communities that our synod is blessed with. I will be embarking on a summer-long journey to hear the different stories of the engaging ministries that are happening in our synod, and then compiling those stories into an easily accessible location so we can learn from each other and grow as church together. If your congregation or ministry has a story that you’d like to share, please reach out to me and invite me to visit you! I look forward to getting to know our synod better, and to hear the wonderful ways that God’s work is taking place under our stewardship. 

Kaari will primarily be working with Deacon Erin Power, as well as offering administrative support. She will often being the one who greets you if you call the office, so be sure to offer your welcome to her! If you have a great story to share or an event you are excited about, email Kaari and invite her to join you!

RMS-ELCA News and Events
2017 Theological Conference
September 18-21, 2017
Marriott Hotel, Colorado Springs, CO 

Join us in Colorado Springs as we continue our conversation around ReFormation.The "sub-theme" for our gathering is Innovation and Institution. Where are opportunities for innovation within the institution? Sarah Ciavarri, a trained facilitator in Brene' Brown's work will join us, along with Mike Ward with Stewardship for All Seasons. 

NEW this year: 
In support of the assembly resolution encouraging rostered ministers to spend one day a month in prayer and retreat, we are offering a one-day retreat Monday, September 18 (Theological Conference begins around 4pm). There will be a mix of open time for personal retreat and hiking, optional group sessions: labyrinth, group conversation, etc.
Cost: additional hotel night for those who would travel on Sunday.  
Email Erin Power if interested and will need accommodations on Sunday. 

Registration will open June 15!
RMS Communication Survey
Rostered Ministers, Church Administers, Church staff, and council leaders, we want to hear from you! How do you use and share RMS News? Which resources do you currently use? What would be helpful resources for your ministry? Please take this very short survey, click here
Photos from the 2017 Synod Assembly
We thank Dale Horkey for his excellent photography skills. His photos from our Assembly at the Antlers Hotel in Colorado Springs can be viewed here
RMS Prayer Partners
Are you praying for your new Prayer Partner?  
Download the new prayer partner listing to connect!
ELCA Youth Gathering Volunteers Needed

Would you like to volunteer at the Gathering and help our young people grow in faith and encounter Christ? Serving the youth of this church is a vocational calling that requires careful discernment. Every volunteer must agree to follow the terms of a volunteer code of conduct and submit to a background check by the ELCA. There are four volunteer categories: Local Volunteers, Community Life, Gathering Volunteer Corps, and Servant Companions. The responsibilities vary, and all volunteers (except Local Volunteers) must commit to being in Houston for one week. Volunteers arrive on Monday, June 25, and depart Sunday, July 1, 2018.

ELCA seeks a  Regional Gift Planner to Support the  Rocky Mountain Synod
ELCA logo lagre size
The ELCA seeks a  Regional Gift Planner to support the  Rocky Mountain Synod. The  Regional Gift Planner is responsible for identifying, cultivating, soliciting and securing new and ongoing gifts from individuals in support of churchwide ministries, congregations, synods and related ELCA ministries.  Each Gift Planner lives and works within their assigned territory ( home office).  

Application and  inquiries may also be confidentially submitted via email to Gaye Lindfors, the consultant managing the search. 

For Your Bulletin
Bulletin Blurbs
Nepal Earthquake 2 Years Later
On April 25, 2015, around 11:55 a.m. local time, a 7.8-magnitude earthquake shook Nepal, with its epicenter approximately 43 miles from its capital city, Kathmandu. The earthquake was felt around the country, but the Kathmandu valley and western region of the country were hit hardest. Read how the ELCA is still helping rebuild communities in Nepal through Lutheran Disaster Response.

Pastor Todd Hawkins
Prince of Peace, Denver, CO 
Sunday, June 11, 3:00 p.m.
Color of the Day: White
Siberian Iris, Louisville, CO - T. Noirot
RMS Prayer Cycle

May 2017
Southeast Colorado Conference

Week of June 4 -

Ascension - Colorado Springs, CO
Dan Holt
Daniel Smith
Mary Stoneback

Christ the King - Colorado Springs, CO
Paula Stecker

First - Colorado Springs, Co
Brian Mortenson (Interim)
Mark Patzke
Carrie Baylis
Joan Kuehn

Zion - Limon, CO
Bryce Fellbaum

Join us in daily prayer:
Download  ELCA Prayer Ventures  for daily prayer petitions and resources for Sunday prayers.

Sunday, June 4
Day of Pentecost
Prayer of the Day
O God, on this day you open the hearts of your faithful people by sending into us you, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for Holy Spirit. Direct us by the light of that Spirit, that we may have a right judgment in all things and rejoice at all times in your peace, through Jesus Christ, your Son and our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

Global Church Prayer
God our advocate, who supports and guides us in all good work, make the presence of your Spirit known in your church and on your people. Praise to you for the work of all people who follow the Spirit’s call to live in relationship with and support the work of all people in foreign lands. Guide their work and our work to the glory of your name. We pray this in the name of God our source, God the word and God our advocate. Amen
Don't Forget to Pray for Global Mission on Pentecost,  Sunday, June 4
Almighty God, you sent your Son Jesus Christ to reconcile the world to yourself. We praise and bless you for those whom you have sent in the power of the Spirit to preach the gospel to all nations. We thank you that in all parts of the earth a community of love has been gathered together by their prayers and labors, and that in every place your servants call upon your name; for the kingdom and the power and the glory are yours forever.   Amen. (ELW)
Around the Synod
Mark “Brink” Brinkman to Join Us for Worship this Sunday, June 4th
8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.
Greenwood Village, CO

We are excited to announce that Mark "Brink" Brinkman will be joining us for worship at Saint Peter Lutheran Church on Sunday, June 4th. A well-known musician, Brink is most renown for the many bluegrass and gospel songs he has composed over the years. This Sunday he will help lead worship at both services, and introduce us to some of those songs.

At our second service, Brink will be accompanied by a five-piece bluegrass band, featuring our own Pastor Dave on banjo.

Brink’s song “Beyond the Rain” was nominated and voted “Best Bluegrass Gospel Song 2007” at the National Gospel Quartet Convention in Louisville, KY. He has been a Merlefest Chris Austin Songwriting Contest finalist five times. He won the Merlefest Gospel songwriting competition in 2009 as well, when his song “The Old Coal Mine” took the 2nd spot in the bluegrass competition. His song “Bluestone Mountain” was awarded the West Virginia “Governor’s Award” for Don Rigsby’s version of this haunting song. Many notable artists have recorded and/or played Brink’s songs including several that have charted Top 10 in bluegrass and gospel. The list reads like a short who’s who in bluegrass music and includes great artists/bands like Larry Sparks, Grasstowne, Don Rigsby, Lou Reid & Carolina, Wildfire, JD Crowe & the New South, The Kruger Brothers, Valerie Smith, Pine Mountain Railroad, Dwight McCall, Darrell Webb, and Lorraine Jordan & Carolina Road among others.

Come join us for a lively Sunday morning, as we celebrate the ways the Holy Spirit is blowing through the life of the church.

Cross+Gen Life Tour July 15, 2017 at Bethany Lutheran Church
Is your congregation wondering where to begin with Cross Generational Ministry? Have you begun to move in this direction and could use a little inspiration or new ideas? Would you like to see who else is doing this ministry near you for collaboration, dreaming and scheming?

Rev. Dr. Rich Melheim, along with presenters who are engaged in this ministry, will be at Bethany Lutheran Church, 4500 E Hampden Ave. Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113, on Saturday, July 15 to encourage. support and dream with you. This event is for rostered ministers, lay leaders, volunteers, council members, and anyone who wonders about the present and future of the Church! A brochure is here. To see the schedule, pricing and to register please go to  their website.

Please contact Pastor Brigette Weier for more information. 
Colorado Council of Churches Reformation Month Events
Colorado Council of Churches is organizing a series of Reformation Month events and they would love to promote your Reformation related event as part of this. Send information about your event to Erin Power.
Summer Organist Available 
A Wartburg West student, who also happens to be an organ player, will be in the Denver area June 5 - July28. Cody Birely is available to fill in as a Sunday organist/pianist this summer for any congregation in the Denver area. Contact Cody for more information.

Wisconsin Children’s Choir Youth Chorale - Free Concert!
Wednesday, June 14
7:00 - 8:00 p.m.
St. Luke Lutheran Church
9100 Menaul Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM

Directed by Margaret Hadley and accompanied by Jason Kutz, this choir of 8th - 12th grade singers from the Madison, WI, is touring around the country this June to share the joy of music! They are celebrating their 25th anniversary and are inviting you to join them for this free concert graciously hosted by St. Luke Lutheran Church. They would love to sing for you!
This is a Free Concert! Download a concert flyer here. Freewill donations will be gratefully accepted in support of the St. Luke Youth travelling to the 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering in Houston, Texas, in July 2018.
Our Life Together
Executive Skills for Pastors Course at CLU, July 17-21
Educate, Equip, Enact has seven  scholarships to give to rostered ministers whose ministry will be enhanced by this course. Let the Church invest in your Education; Equip you for stronger leadership; and Enact the partnership we share as leaders of the church. For more information, click here, inquire on the RMS website, or email Janice Kibler
Wartburg Theological Seminary's "Luther Academy of the Rockies"
June 19-29, 2017
Meeker Park Lodge - Allenspark, CO
Registration is NOW OPEN!

Come join us for ten days amid the beautiful Rockies with renowned speakers, engaging and meaningful topics, great conversation, and genuine fellowship!  This opportunity is too great to miss!! Please share this information with others in your Synod. If you need additional information or different formats of the materials in the press packet, please send email Lisamarie Odeen, Director of Communications. 

If you have questions about the retreat, or to register, please see their website, call 563-589-0272, or learningforlife@wartburgseminary.org

Faith and Grief Weekend at Highlands Presbyterian Camp and Retreat Center
Friday, June 23, at 7 p.m. to Sunday, June 25, after breakfast

Highlands Presbyterian Camp and Retreat Center of Allenspark CO, in partnership with Faith and Grief Ministries is offering this new program for those who have experienced the death of a spouse, child, parent, sibling, or friends.

As summer approaches, we may find ourselves reflecting on how we have spent fun-filled summers in the past with loved ones and friends. For many who have lost a spouse, parent, sibling, child or friend, these memories can be painful.

Highlands and Faith & Grief Ministries are combining their respective gifts to make this retreat available, providing you a safe venue to wrestle with the dynamics of grief and to experience significant measures of hope and encouragement. Whether you are standing in raw grief, navigating the chaos of grief’s confusion, or recovering from a recent ambush of grief, this retreat is designed for you. Plan to experience comfort through scripture, spiritual practices, and interaction within a compassionate community of men and women who “get it”—get the heartache, get the lingering sorrow, get the continual yearning to be with your loved one, and get the longing for peace.
Scholarships are available. Here are links to a brochure, and costs and registration information. Please contact Steven Bohn, Registrar for questions.
9th Annual BBQ and Bluegrass Benefit for Sky Ranch

Come on out for BBQ & Bluegrass--an annual fundraiser for Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp! Featuring Jerusalem Road and the Bethlehem Bluegrass Band, all are welcome to enjoy food, music, and games! Tickets are $15 per person or $50 per family. Kids under 5 are free!
Annual Holy Cross Pilgrimage - Saturday July 8, 2017
Again this year Mount of the Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Vail, Colorado will sponsor a pilgrimage hike climbing Notch Mountain (13,237'), in order to view the Mount of the Holy Cross (14,005'). Because of the popularity of this hike and due to U.S. Forest Service regulations which limit the group to no more than 15 persons at a time, reservations are required. 

The event will last from about 6:30a.m. to 4:00p.m.. This is a fairly strenuous hike and requires proper hiking gear for a trek in the backcountry.

While there are NO fees, pre-registration is required. Call 970-476-6610 for a registration form or for more details you can log on the church web page, www.mountholy.com and click on the Pilgrimage link. 

Pastor Scott Beebe is the hike leader. Email Pastor Beebe if you've any questions.
Caffeinated Church Conference
- FREE Workshop: Graphic Design, Social Media, Web Design
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
8:30am  4:00pm
The Episcopal Church in Colorado
Office of the Bishop
1300 Washington Street, Denver

The Caffeinated Church Conference is centered around creative church collaboration. Increase your creative output through hands-on training in the areas of graphic design, marketing/advertising, layout/design, and website development. We will discuss best practices, budgeting and resources for small to large parishes, challenges that we face, and more. Meet with leaders from other churches engaged in creative design and innovative communications.

Anyone who is actively involved in communications and media at the parish level: Communications Leaders, Administrators, Graphic Designers, Editors, Creative Planners, Artists, Writers, & Photographers.

This conference will be live in-person at the Office of the Bishop, Denver, as well as available via a Zoom video conference for those who live a long distance from Denver or who are joining us from another diocese. You can register for the conference  here.  

Health Ministry Information Session
Saturday, June 10
9:30 - 11:00 a.m.

Health is a critical part of faith life. Learn how Faith Community Nurses are instrumental in connecting faith and health in faith settings. The specialty practice of Faith Community Nursing and its impact on whole-person health will be explored. Clergy, registered nurses and faith-based staff are welcome to attend. There is no fee for this workshop. For more information send email to Andrea M. West
Resource Corner
check back each week for a new or featured resource for your congregation
Cost-saving tips: Office supplies
1. Take an inventory of office supplies at least annually. You might be surprised at what you have on hand and it will permit you to monitor usage and budget for purchases.

2. Store similar supplies together. That way, you can be sure when something is truly out of stock and avoid buying supplies only to later find some are already on hand in a separate location.

3. Go green by recycling (re-using) file folders, binders, notebooks, rubber bands and paper clips.

Administrative Matters
 Administration Matters is bimonthly e-newsletter for ELCA congregational and synodical leaders. It addresses common, practical issues including finance, governance, risk management, tax, legal concerns and topics of interest about day to day operations and management in church settings.

Re*formation Shopping Bags for Sale
The Holy Cross (Wheat Ridge)  Environmental Stewardship Team celebrated Earth Week by selling reusable shopping bags embossed with the unique Luther rose. The three-pronged project not only celebrated Earth Week, but profits from the sales will benefit the ELCA world hunger Good Gifts project of water purification tablets. Price, including mailing, is $12 per bag which will provide water purification tablets for 50 gallons of water. Earth Week, Reformation, and ELCA Good Gifts-- interested in a purchase? Bags are available from Mary Kvamme. Email her or call her at 303-421-8392 by June 16.
Employment Opportunities
Non-Rostered Positions 

Kindergarten Director
Cross of Christ Lutheran Church - Broomfield, CO

Looking for Compassion, Faith and Nursing
Faith Lutheran Church - Golden, CO

Director of Youth Music
Bethany Lutheran Church - Cherry Hills Village, CO

Community Care Coordinator
Faith Lutheran Church - Golden, CO

Faith Community Nurse (Parish Nurse)
Augustana Lutheran Church - Denver, CO

Bethany Lutheran Church - Cherry Hills Village, CO

Choir Director and Accompanist (part-time)
Highlands Lutheran Church - Denver, CO

Augustana Arts - Executive Director
Augustana Lutheran Church - Denver, CO

Building Resources Coordinator (part-time)
Faith Lutheran Church - Golden, CO

Director of Children's Education (part-time)
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church - Fort Collins, CO
Office of the Bishop This Week
Bishop Gonia

  • Vacation: Cambodia, 5/29-6/8
Pastor Kent Mueller
  • Lutheran Center Administration
  • Candidacy Meetings

Ruth Hoffman, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM

  • Vacation

Peter Severson, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-CO

  • Lutheran Family Services Board Meeting
  • Sky Ranch Staff Training
Pastor Judith VanOsdol

  • Lord of the Hills, Centennial, CO
  • Intercession Episcopal, Thornton, CO
  • Latino Worshiping Community, West Denver (former Cristo Rey)
  • Developer meetings
  • Developer/ Redeveloper Online Meeting

Deacon Erin Power

  • In-office appointments
  • RMS Communications
  • Congregational Ministry Board

Pastor Sarah Moening

    • In-office Appointments
    • Congregational Ministry Board
    • American, Grand Junction, CO

    Quick Links
    Share the News
    Erin Power   Assistant to the Bishop
    Rocky Mountain Synod
    800-525-0462 / 303-777-6700 / fax 303-339-4744

    Announcements for eConnection are due before noon on Monday for the issue the following Wednesday. Event announcements are included for about two weeks and should be submitted via the eConnection Submission link above.