A Reconciling in Christ synod
ELCA Advocacy: Set Free To Do Justice
Why are we called to be involved in advocacy? Hear  ELCA Advocacy staff in the Washington, D.C., office and community leaders describe this important ministry. 

Also, follow ELCA Advocacy in Facebook, visit their website, and read their June Advocacy Update
Join Bishop Eaton for Conversation and Lunch on July 28
Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton is visiting the Rocky Mountain Synod in late July. 

Rostered ministers are all invited, and are encouraged to bring up to two lay persons, to join her on Friday, July 28, at Lutheran Church of Hope in Broomfield for a conversation with her  at 11 a.m., followed by a light lunch at 12:15 p.m., provided by the ELCA Campaign. 

Congregations with multiple rostered ministers may submit multiple registrations, if needed, since each form allows for three registrants. Registration is requested so that lunch is ordered for the right number of persons. Please contact the Office of the Bishop if your numbers change. 

Register at here by Friday, July 21. 
RMS-ELCA News and Events
2017 Theological Conference
September 18-21, 2017
Marriott Hotel, Colorado Springs, CO 

Speaker information, schedule, and registration information is now available for the 2017 Theological Conference. 

Registration Deadline is August 17.

Church Development Institute

People who confess a Trinitarian God are people who believe that God is all about the relationship. 

Our congregations need leaders who can navigate and practice healthy relationships. The RMS can host a modified version of the Church Development Institute, which has been used extensively in the Colorado Episcopal Diocese and has equipped many congregations to find renewed meaning and purpose in their life together.  

Because the best learning happens when interacting with peers, we will only move forward with this class if we have a minimum number of people and congregations. Our deadline for registration is August 25, 2017. Please visit our website for information and to register, see our flyer, and let us know as soon as possible so we can confirm the class. 

ELCA Reformation Resources
A number of congregations and conferences are busy planning special events and worship services for October 2017. The ELCA500 website has great resources for worship, catechism, service events, videos, and more to help your commemoration planning!
For Your Bulletin

Pastor Alena Lamirato
Peace in Christ, Elizabeth, CO
Sunday, July 9, 3:00 p.m. 
Color of the day: Green
  Teller Farms, Louisville, CO
- T.Noirot
RMS Prayer Cycle

July 2017

Week of July 9  

Christ the King - Durango, CO
Tim Orlowski 

Community of Joy - Rio Rancho, NM
Michael Bastian 

Cross of Hope - Albuquerque, NM
Adam Berndt
Matthew Powell 

Holy Cross - Albuquerque, NM
Julie LaHam

Join us in daily prayer:
Download  ELCA Prayer Ventures  for daily guides to prayer for the global, social and outreach ministries of the ELCA, as well as for the needs and circumstances of our neighbors, communities and world. 

Sunday, July 9
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Prayer of the Day
You are great, O God, and greatly to be praised. You have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you. Grant that we may believe in you, call upon you, know you, and serve you, through your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.

Global Church Prayer
Comforting God, who calls us to lay our burdens to rest, help us see the burdens in the world that we can lay to rest through your guidance. Praise to you for all people who hear the call to accompany and serve with people throughout the world in missions supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May all people serving you outside this land feel the lightness of your yoke and, through faith in you, accomplish all that you have set out for them in their service, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Around the Synod
Ken Caryl Concerts of St. Philip Lutheran presents "Music from the Movies"
Sunday, July 16, 2017 at 2:30 pm

St. Philip Lutheran Church
7531 S Kendall Blvd, Littleton

Ken Caryl Concerts of St. Philip Lutheran Church is pleased to present its second concert of the season, “Music from the Movies”, a collection of favorites from movies old and new performed by vocalist, Kristen Celusniak, cellist, Josh Keltner, guest artist Rob Raleigh, the St. Philip Blue Grass Group, and more!

This is a FREE and Family Friendly event. Refreshments will be served following the performance. Click here for more information on the concert. 
St. Philip Fine Arts Academy
Monday, July 10 through Thursday, July 13, 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day.

St. Philip Lutheran Church in Littleton is hosting a Fine Arts Academy for incoming 5th through 12th grade students. Each student will participate in Bible Theme and Music (choir and bells), as well as two electives. This year's electives include needlework, photography, puppetry, watercolor painting, or woodworking. Students will share their creations at a Thursday evening program. Information and registration forms are available here.
Then + Now + Always: Reformation Hymn Festival

Augustana Lutheran Church in Denver is the location of a Denver area Reformation Hymn Festival on Sunday, October 29 at 4 p.m. Resources will also be made available for others who would like to gather on Reformation Sunday for "church together" events throughout the Rocky Mountain Synod; we hope to have them available for you in July. For those in the Denver area, please mark your calendar and begin to publicize this opportunity!

New Mexico Conference of Churches Invites You!
The New Mexico Conference of Churches cordially invites you to a statewide Ecumenical Vesper Service of Song and Prayer in Albuquerque from 2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on October 29, 2017, location TBD . Save this date, more information will follow. There are concurrent services planned in Las Cruces and other cities. 
Our Life Together
Lilly Grant Initiative:
Rostered Ministers Retirement Savings - Let Us Help You
Did you know? In the RMS, 74% of our rostered ministers have contributions to their retirement fund at Portico at 10% or less. In order to avoid a retirement income crunch, Educate, Equip, Enact is offering an incentive to raise contributions up to 12%. If the congregation/ministry/minister will increase the contribution by 1%, we are ready to match that. Want more information? Inquire here, or contact Janice Kibler.
Rocky Mountain Synodical Women's Organization -
Rocky Mtn Synodical Women's logo
Check out the latest May 2017 Views from the Rockies for information about the upcoming Fall Gathering, October 6-8, 2017 at Bethel Lutheran in Aurora, Colorado. Register early and save. Questions, email  Anna Thompson or call 307-221-3218. 
Resource Corner
check back each week for a new or featured resource for your congregation
ELCA World Hunger Backpack Buddies Program
The Backpack Buddies program provides elementary school children who qualify for free or reduced-price meals a sack of healthy and easy-to-prepare foods. The sack is for the weekend when students are not at school and don’t have access to the free-meal program. For many of these children, school meals may be the only reliable meals they eat during the week.

Download Tips for starting a backpack hunger relief program in your community from congregations who run them.

National Immigration Law Offices Resources
The National Immigration Law Offices have a variety of resources including community education materials and know-your-rights information.
Employment Opportunities
New Listings 
Director of Youth and Household Ministry
Trinity Lutheran Church - Boulder, CO
Trinity Lutheran Church is an intergenerational downtown Boulder congregation seeking a full-time Director of Youth and Household Ministry. We believe youth are an integral part of our Trinity faith community. Our older members value the youth for their energy, questions, and commitment they bring to the Trinity community and the youth value the older members for their wisdom, challenge, and support. Trinity's youth are not the church of tomorrow; they are the church today! More information can be found at our website . Questions may be addressed to Pastor Mark Twietmeyer at  twiet@comcast.net . Interested applicants should send a cover letter and resume to the same. 
Director of Worship and Music
Mount Calvary Lutheran Church - Boulder, CO 
Mount Calvary Lutheran Church has a rich tradition of musical excellence. The choir performs a wide variety of musical genres and the congregation loves to participate in sung liturgies, hymnody and sacred songs. Simply put, we love to be in community and worship in fellowship, and we love to make music when we’re together.

The Director of Worship and Music is an independent contracted position, approximately 20 hours per week, that reports to the Pastor and the Worship Planning Team. The Director of Worship and Music works with musicians, staff members, and volunteers to contribute to the congregation’s spiritual development, by providing a meaningful worship experience through the use of diverse music and liturgy. A position description is available here. For more information, send email to mountcalvaryboulder@gmail.com
All Non-Rostered Positions 
Director of Youth and Household Ministry
Trinity Lutheran Church - Boulder, CO

Director of Worship and Music
Mount Calvary Lutheran Church - Boulder, CO 

Contextual Education Coordinator
Iliff School of Theology - Denver, CO

Office Administrator (part-time)
Holy Love Lutheran Church - Aurora, CO

Director of Youth Ministry
Cross of Christ Lutheran Church - Broomfield, CO

Choir Director and Coordinator of Special Music (part-time)
St. Andrew Lutheran Church - Arvada, CO

Faith Formation Director of Youth
Bethany Lutheran Church - Cherry Hills Village, CO

Faith Formation Intern (part-time)
Bethany Lutheran Church - Cherry Hills Village, CO

Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministry
All Saints Lutheran Church - Albuquerque, NM

ELCA Regional Gift Planner
Rocky Mountain Synod - (home office)

Trinity Lutheran Church - Boulder, CO

Kindergarten Director
Cross of Christ Lutheran Church - Broomfield, CO

Office of the Bishop This Week
Bishop Gonia
  • Region 2 Bishop's Retreat
  • Installation of Pr. Alena Lamirato, Elizabeth, CO

Pastor Kent Mueller

  • Lutheran Center Administration
  • Candidacy meetings

Ruth Hoffman, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM

  • Legislative Interim Preparations

Peter Severson, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-CO

  • In-office appointments
  • Lord of the Hills, Centennial, CO
Pastor Judith VanOsdol
  • Mission Developer/ Redeveloper meetings
  • St. Mark’s, Aurora
  • In office appointments
  • Administrative work for Mission Sites

Deacon Erin Power

  • RMS Communications
  • Global Church retreat
  • Peace, Akron, CO
  • Caffeinated Church Conference 

Pastor Sarah Moening

    • In-office appointments

    Quick Links
    Share the News
    Erin Power   Assistant to the Bishop
    Rocky Mountain Synod
    800-525-0462 / 303-777-6700 / fax 303-339-4744

    Announcements for eConnection are due before noon on Monday for the issue the following Wednesday. Event announcements are included for about two weeks and should be submitted via the eConnection Submission link above.