eGraceNotes from Grace Church

A spiritual home where all are welcome; a healing place in a broken world.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Our Values
In This Issue ...
You're Invited to Grace's Annual Meeting This Sunday
About Sunday's Service.
Sunday's Annual Meeting to Elect Leaders for 2011.
Memorial Chapel Opened for Prayer & Meditation.
Absalom Jones to Be Honored in Special Festival Choral Eucharist
Is it Us, Lord?
Thanks to ...
Service Participant Schedule Posted
Prayer Requests
Coming Events
Grace Pictures Online.
Grace Church's Facebook Page Adds to Our Internet Presence
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Grace's Annual Meeting is Sunday following the service. We'll have a pot-luck luncheon in the Great Hall, and we'll elect Wardens, Mission Council members, among other things.

Sunday's worship is a Celebration of Wholeness and Healing in a more traditional form than this past Wednesday's evening service.



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You're Invited to Grace's Annual Meeting This Sunday

Dear Friend of Grace Episcopal Church:


Please join us Sunday for our 10 am Celebration of Wholeness and Healing Service, followed by a potluck and Grace's Annual Meeting.  


This will be a great chance to thank David Mukasa for his many years of dedicated service as Junior and Senior Warden of Grace Church.


It will be wonderful to have the whole Grace Family together.


If you are able to be present and share in the celebration, please bring a dish to pass. It will be helpful if you could let us know what you will be bringing (513-542-2941,  Please come even if it happens that you are unable to bring food.


We look forward to seeing you! God bless you!

About Sunday's Service

Sunday's worship is a Celebration of Wholeness and Healing.

Healing is the process of becoming the person God created us to be. Wholeness and healing happen as we invite God's presence into our lives. Prayers for healing are simply putting oneself in an attitude and position where one is open to receive God deeper into one's life. Healing is holistic. It involves the body, emotions, mind, and spirit of a person. And not only that, it involves all of one's relationships with others and creation. With that understanding of healing, we can see that Eucharist is also a healing service. Both services focus on healing the wounds that separate us from God, from each other, and that exist within ourselves.

Thus, coming to the rail for healing prayers in this service has much the same function as coming for the elements in the Eucharistic service.

You can see the order we are using for this Sunday's service here

Of Special Note: 

Sunday is the celebration of the life of Absalom Jones: Born November 6, 1746 (Sussex County, Delaware) - Died February 13, 1818 (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania).

Absalom Jones was the first black Protestant Episcopal priest in the United States. He was the principal founder of St. Thomas African Episcopal Church in Philadelphia, the first black Episcopal church in America. Besides providing spiritual guidance and religious instruction to his church, Jones also offered economic aid and educational opportunities to those in need. He founded several schools and established the Female Benevolent Society and the African Friendly Society.

Read more about Absalom Jones here.
Sunday's Annual Meeting to Elect Leaders for 2011

From the nominating committee:

We will be electing Senior and Junior Wardens, Treasurer, Mission Council members and members of the Mission and Formation team.Nominations for all offices are welcome from the floor. The nominating committee intends to nominate:



Sr Warden - Roger Perna

Jr Warden - Wanda Miller


Mission Council Members 

Treasurer - John Thayer

Marjorie Shadd


We currently are need a parishioner to fill one remaining spot on Mission Council. 


Mission and Formation Team


When the M&F team was approved and appointed by MC, it was to be in effect until the annual meeting.  The normal term for members of M&F is three years.  The initial election is for a three tier grouping so that there are always new members being elected each year.


For 3 yr term

Co-convenor - Carol Lyon

Formation - Roger Perna

Pastoral Care - Marjorie Shadd


For 2 yr term

Co-convenor - Hawley Todd

Outreach - Mary McLain

Worship - Judy Handy


For 1 yr term

Formation - Ken Lyon

Newcomers/evangelism - J White

Outreach - Grace Staples


Hawley Todd, on behalf of the nominating committee. 

Memorial Chapel Opened for Prayer & Meditation

The Memorial Chapel just inside the lower Belmont door has been opened for use by anyone at any time for meditation and prayer.

This part of our ongoing effort to find ways to make good use of our assets.  In this case, it was as simple as deciding to unlock the door and leave it open.
Absalom Jones to Be Honored in Special Festival Choral Eucharist

Christ Church Cathedral, in conjunction with the Diocese of Southern Ohio and the Union of Black Episcopalians, will offer a Festival Choral Eucharist, honoring the life and ministry of the Rev. Absalom Jones on Sunday, February 13, at 4 pm at the Cathedral. A reception will follow the service.

Born in 1746, Jones was the first African-American priest in The Episcopal Church. He was an abolitionist.

The service at the cathedral will be a joyous celebration of music and worship, featuring a mass choir with members from throughout the Diocese of Southern Ohio. Bishop Thomas E. Breidenthal will be celebrant. Bishop Nedi Rivera will preach.

The cathedral is located at 318 East Fourth Street (Fourth and Sycamore), downtown Cincinnati. Parking will available at the Queen City Club lot, Fourth and Broadway, as well as on the street.
Is it Us, Lord?

Your editor got a kick out of this cartoon someone sent him.

While we're at it, here are some famous church bulletin bloopers (not from our parish, of course):
  • Don't let worry kill you off--let the Church help.  
  • For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs.
  • Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 PM .. Please use the back door. 
  • Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM Wednesday. Please use large double door at the side entrance.
Thanks to ... 

...  Hawley Todd, for leading our healing services.


... Jonathan Tan, for his musical gifts.


... All who heal the sick and poor in spirit in their daily ministry.


... Marjorie Shadd, for donating the flowers on the altar this Sunday, in memory of her mother, Anna's, birthday.



Service Volunteer Schedule Posted

We have posted a new service participant schedule here that covers services through the end of March. Please check to see that you'll be able to serve when scheduled.

If you can't serve on your appointed day, please find a replacement from the list of worship resources at the bottom of the schedule, and let webmaster Ken Lyon know at or 513-542-2941.

If you see any errors in the listing, please let Ken know.
Prayer Requests
   Prayer Requests
Please pray for the following Grace Church families:

Nancy Hall, Walter and Judy Handy, Anne Henneberg, Janet Henthorn, Jackie McCray, Bob Jones, Belinda Hoerst.

Please let us know who should be included on our prayer list. You may use the Prayer Request Book at the rear of the nave to have persons included in the Sunday bulletin Prayer List and for prayers this week, or you can tell the office (513-541-2415, Make sure you have the person's permission to list him or her.

Pastoral Care

If you need pastoral care or know of someone who does, please call or email the office (513-541-2415, Keep us informed about about illness, hospital stays, requests for visits, communion, and prayers for special concerns.
Coming Events

Lent is coming, starting with Ash Wednesday on March 9.  Grace will have two Ash Wednesday services:
  • At Noon, Fr. Bob Hufford will celebrate Eucharist with imposition of ashes for those who want them.
  • Our regularly scheduled Celebration of Wholeness and Healing will include imposition of ashes for those who want them.  That's in addition to the drumming and healing practitioners.  Drumming starts at 6:30 pm; the service starts at 7. 
To see everything that's coming up at Grace, click here.

If you see errors or omissions, please email
Grace Pictures Online


As always, you can see lots of pictures of Grace Church members and friends, and the various things we're doing, in the online Grace Photo Albums.

Talk About Grace Church on Facebook   

Grace's Facebook page provides a place where anyone can talk about Grace Church. This is a great place to share your experiences or information or questions. 

Click the link below to get to Grace's Facebook page. Then click the "like" button so that you're registered as a fan of Grace Church.

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eGraceNotes is published every week or two or three. Our primary purpose is to help keep members and friends of Grace Church up-to-date on what's happening at Grace.

While we try our best to represent the Grace Church congregation, opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of anyone other than the editor (and perhaps not even his!).

The content of eGraceNotes depends on what news is provided us. Thus, the fact that something appears or doesn't appear in eGraceNotes is more likely a matter of whether or not someone provided information to publish rather than editorial bias. Send news that you think would be interesting to

Photos in eGraceNotes are often edited to remove extraneous material.

Ken Lyon, Editor.