eGraceNotes from Grace Church

A spiritual home where all are welcome; a healing place in a broken world.

Issue 133, Wednesday, April 12, 2011 

Our Values

This is a quick reminder that the monthly Celebration of Wholeness and Healing is tonight (Wednesday).  We'll have another eGraceNotes issue soon with details of the upcoming Palm/Passion Sunday, Holy Week and Easter Services.


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Healing Service Tonight at 7 pm, More or Less

Hawley Todd writes: 

Please join us tonight at Grace Church for another blessed evening of love, drumming, and healing!


Drumming starts around 6:30 pmThere is a short liturgy around 7 pm and then everyone offers their gifts to touch and bless one another.  All are welcome!


Please join us whenever you can.  People come and go as their schedules allow throughout the evening.  We typically end a little after 10 pm. 


Bring your drums and/or any instruments you desire.  Come and join us!


Blessings and love fill your heart and mind!  See you tonight!!!  


You can get a pretty good idea of what this service is like from the photos here. Pictured above are Hawley Todd, TSSF, leading prayer, and Bob Laake of Drum for Healing, who provides leadership for the healing drumming. Several other healers will be present as well.  

eGraceNotes is published every week or two or three. Our primary purpose is to help keep members and friends of Grace Church up-to-date on what's happening at Grace.

While we try our best to represent the Grace Church congregation, opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of anyone other than the editor (and perhaps not even his!).

The content of eGraceNotes depends on what news is provided us. Thus, the fact that something appears or doesn't appear in eGraceNotes is more likely a matter of whether or not someone provided information to publish rather than editorial bias. Send news that you think would be interesting to

Photos in eGraceNotes are often edited to remove extraneous material.

Ken Lyon, Editor.