Dorchester Chamber of Commerce eNews & Events
November 14, 2024 - November 28, 2024
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Ribbon Cutting: Tidewater Physical Therapy
Tomorrow - November 15, 2024: 12:00 p.m.
622 Sunburst Highway, Cambridge, MD
You are invited to join us for a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony in celebration of Tidewater Physical Therapy's Open House at their new location in the Shoal Creek Shopping Center, 622 Sunburst Highway, Cambridge. This milestone reflects Tidewater Physical Therapy’s commitment to delivering exceptional care and support to our community. Their spacious and welcoming facility is designed to enhance your therapy experience, making it an ideal environment for wellness and rehabilitation. We encourage you to meet their dedicated team, who are eager to assist you on your journey to improved health, and to explore the various therapies they offer to help you thrive.
Click Here to Register
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Business After Hours / Ribbon Cutting:
Pleasant Day Child Care Center
November 21, 2024: 5:30 p.m.
2474 Cambridge Beltway, Cambridge, MD
Pleasant Day Child Care Center is now open and caring for children ages 2-5 from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm Monday through Friday. They are hosting a Business After Hours and Ribbon Cutting to celebrate their opening and to provide the public a view of their very child friendly environment. They even have a nurse on sight. Join us in welcoming them and meeting the excited and skilled staff of this new offering and much needed service in our community.
Click Here to Register
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Business After Hours: 90th RFC Train Garden
December 3, 2024: 5:30 p.m.
307 Gay Street, Cambridge, MD
You’re Invited! The Rescue Fire Company’s 90th Annual Train Garden returns for its 90th season! To celebrate, come to a Business After Hours and visit the Old Firehouse located at 307 Gay Street in Cambridge to see what special things they have for this 90 year tradition.
Regular hours are December 1 - December 31 from 6-9 p.m. and on Saturday and Sunday they also have hours from 1-4 p.m. as well. Mmmmmm... Smell the fresh popcorn! There are refreshments for a small fee, and take a non-perishable food item if you can for their food donation box.
Sponsorships are available! Email
Click Here to Register
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Chamber Business Lunch - 2025 MD Legislative Preview
December 4, 2024: 12:00 p.m.
Blue Point Provision Company
Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay Resort
100 Heron Blvd, Cambridge, MD
Join us for our annual Legislative Preview Business Lunch as our State legislative team lets us know what to expect in the 2025 Legislative Session in Annapolis. All four representatives for District 37 will be in attendance: Senator Johnny Mautz, Delegate Christopher Adams, Delegate Tom Hutchinson and Delegate Sheree Sample-Hughes.
This legislative session will be very active with several items that could have a large impact on local businesses. This is a good chance to learn first hand what our delegation believes is important and what they will champion. If you have questions you would like them to address, please send them to before November 26th.
We will enjoy the amazing views and food of the Blue Point Provision Company, located on the grounds of the Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay Resort.
Please let us know of any special dietary needs in advance.
Register By 5 p.m. November 25th: Members: $20, Non-Members: $25.
As of November 26th: Members: $25, Non-Members $30
Advance Registration is Required.- Click Here to Register
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Have your company noticed in the Dorchester Chamber of Commerce's Business & Community Resource Directory
All our members are listed in the Directory, but will yours stand out? Display advertising is available in both color and black and white from one sixth page all the way up to a full page, even covers. These publications are not only available here in our office, but in locations throughout Dorchester County. They are full of great information.
Click Here to find out more about advertising
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Time to sign up to be a
2024 Chamber Corporate Sponsor
Your support as a Corporate Sponsor provides a known income source that allows the Chamber to plan out activities in advance to support its mission “To Advance Dorchester County by Educating, Promoting and Nurturing a Strong, Resilient Business Community." All while saving you money on Chamber activities.
Click Here to learn more and sign up
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Dorchester Chamber Foundation Scholarship Applications
Application Process Opens as of November 1
Calling all Chamber Members that have employees that are age 16-21 or have employees with children or grandchildren that are age 16-21. The awards are not only for high school seniors but anyone looking to continue their education in a certified program.
We have awarded scholarships for a wide variety of programs in the past, including arts, agriculture, cosmetology, computer science, criminal justice, culinary, education, engineering, nursing, physical therapy, physician, marine trades, veterinary medicine, welding, and many more...
Awards range from $1,000 to $4,000. You can learn more and get an application at:
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IT Could Be YOU!
If you are a member and you get a business listed in this section of the eNews you get a free admission to a Chamber Business Lunch or Breakfast.
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Suggested Reading:
Quote of the Week:
"To the world, you may be one person;
but to one person, you may be the world."
-- Dr. Seuss
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Bronze Sponsors - Part 1 | |
WSW Receives Donations from Preston Automotive Group from Their ''Frog's Fairway Golf Tournament |
WSW Receives Donations from Preston Automotive Group from Their "Frog's Fairway Golf Tournament"
Salisbury, MD – October 20, 2024 - Women Supporting Women has received over $60,000 in donations after the successful event of Preston Automotive Groups' 4th Annual "Frog's Fairway Golf Tournament".
On October 2oth, the Preston Automotive Group held it's 4th Annual "Frog's Fairway Golf Tournament" at Hog Neck Golf Course in Easton, Maryland. Preston Automotive group held this event during the month of October to support and fundraise for Breast Cancer Awareness; they were able to raise a stupendous $83,000 in donations.
WSW Staff handled the registration process, sold bundle packages to attendees, handed out goodie bags, and served fresh coffee and donuts. That being said, the proceeds from the "Frog's Fairway Golf Tournament" was donated to WSW, TidalHealth's Mobile Mammography van, and Making Strides, with WSW receiving a portion totaling $60,095.91.
Read more HERE
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2025 Trapping Areas Open for Bids at Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge |
Bids must be received at the refuge office by 5:00 pm on December 13, 2024. Successful bidders will be notified by mail. The Refuge must receive full payment on or before December 23, 2024 for successful bidders to receive their permit.
Trapping for muskrat, raccoon, fox, skunk, and opossum will begin on January 1, 2025, and end on March 15, 2025, unless extensions have been made by both the state and the refuge.
Trapping on Blackwater NWR is a management activity designed to control the population levels of furbearers as well as provide an economic benefit to local trappers. Uncontrolled muskrat populations can seriously damage marsh vegetation, which is vital to waterfowl, other migratory birds, and the health of the Chesapeake Bay.
Read more HERE
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Cambridge Time Machine: All aboard at the wharf |
In the early part of the 20th century, Long Wharf was still a busy place for passenger and cargo ships heading to Baltimore and other destinations. Today, it once again is a landing place for passenger craft cruising the Chesapeake Bay.
Courtesy of the Cambridge Spy
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Electronics Recycling Partnership Supports Environment and Technology Access |
CAMBRIDGE, MD (November 11, 2024)–The University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science’s Horn Point Laboratory is partnering with the nonprofit organization PCs for People to reuse and recycle electronic equipment.
The Facilities and IT departments at Horn Point Laboratory are leading the collaborative effort to put the campus’s ready-to-recycle electronics to good use. PCs for People collects and refurbishes electronics from businesses, schools, and other organizations across the country. Once data is removed from all devices, the refurbished gear is made available to lower-income households, nonprofits, and community organizations
Six gaylords—that’s six pallets full—of electronics were collected. The pallets have been picked up and will soon be processed by PCs for People. Later this year, the items will start making their way to their new homes—to provide critical technology access to households and organizations. In 2025, a Community Impact Report will be issued, describing the positive impact of the partnership.
Read more HERE
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Veterans Day brings together Maryland vets for breakfast at American Legion |
CAMBRIDGE — Serving in the U.S. Army gave Gov. Wes Moore (D) the chance to see parts of the country and world he never knew existed.
The experience also gave him the opportunity to create lasting bonds with people different from him.
"I can tell you that some of my best friends on this planet are people who society tells me I shouldn't even be talking to," he said during a Veterans Day breakfast at American Legion Post 91 in Cambridge. "And these are my brothers now. And my sisters."
Before shaking hands with Maryland veterans and serving them breakfast, Moore — who was deployed to Afghanistan in 2005 — talked about the military's ability to unite people and the importance of unity in a time of division.
"I could not tell you the political affiliation of people that I served with," he said. "Because we didn't talk about it. ... Because it didn't matter. We fought for each other."
Moore said he and the people he served with had one goal: Making sure they got home. He talked about standing with each other and fighting for each other, even when disagreements arose.
Read more on the Dorchester Star
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New Mast Prepared for Chesapeake Bay's Last Authentic Skipjack, Nathan of Dorchester |
CAMBRIDGE, MD - Two wooden sailboat masts lay side by side: one worn and weathered with age, the other newly crafted to replace it. The fresh mast is destined for the Nathan of Dorchester, the last authentic skipjack built on the Chesapeake Bay.
The difference between the two masts is evident not only in color but in age and condition. “Well, the boat is 31 years old; this is the original mast,” said Robert Neumer, the maintenance supervisor for the Nathan of Dorchester.
Neumer explained that the original mast has reached the end of its lifespan, with rotting and splitting evident in several areas. “You can see that it’s all rotted at the very top. So what’s happened is water has gone down through the straws, a tree is made of a bunch of straws. Water has gotten down there, and it’s starting to seep down... it’s in really great shape, but we just feel it’s time to replace it,” he said.
On Wednesday, the Coast Guard assessed the safety of the new mast, while shipwrights worked on necessary woodwork and checked the original hardware. Outside, crews inspected the boat itself, examining the Nathan of Dorchester for any additional maintenance needs.
Read more on WBOC
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UWLES Kicks-Off 80th Year of Impact at Salisbury University |
United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore recently held its Kick-Off event for its 80th year of local impact at Salisbury University. This annual event brings together business and community leaders to inspire collaboration on meeting community needs. Presented in partnership with Salisbury University, UWLES recognized annual sponsors Perdue Farms, TidalHealth, Avery Hall Insurance Group, and First Shore Federal, whose generous support helps with year-long campaign efforts.
The program opened with an energizing performance by Salisbury University’s Pep Band, followed by a warm welcome from Dr. Carolyn Ringer-Lepre, President of Salisbury University. UWLES Board Chair Sonya Whited highlighted how five Wicomico community leaders started the local grassroots organization in 1944, now known as United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore, to empower neighbors to give back and support each other during challenging times. “Our focus remains steadfast to create change for all neighbors to have better health & wellness, for youth to have what they need to succeed, and for families to be empowered to achieve financial security,” shared Whited. “Our founders knew that it all began with them stepping up, and today it’s still up to each of us joining together,” she continued, tying into the year’s theme of United Way Begins with You.
Read more HERE
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Dr. Blanton joins TidalHealth Outpatient Behavioral Health in Salisbury- Read HERE
Scarpato named TidalHealth Peninsula Regional’s inaugural Monarch Awardee - Read HERE
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2024 is an election year and there were several key positions on the ballot visit the 2024 Election menu on our website to learn more about the results:
Here is quick summary the results of the November 5th General Election:
President of United States: Donald Trump (R)
US Senator for Maryland: Angela Alsobrooks (D)
US Congressman for Maryland District 1: Andy Harris (R)
Dorchester County Public Schools Board of Education representatives:
District 1 :Brandy Dawson Cumberland
District 3: Christine LaMonica
District 5: Chris Wheedleton
Results on County Charter Changes:
Question A - Passed
Administrative Review
To amend the Dorchester County Charter to specify that the review of
administrative structure that is required at least every four years be conducted
within the first fiscal year of each County Council term.
Question B - Passed
County Budget Preparation and Adoption Dates
To amend the Dorchester County Charter to change the date by which the County
Council shall prepare the annual budget from May 1 to May 15 each year, and to
change the date by which the Council shall adopt the annual budget from May 31
to June 15 each year.
Question C - Failed
County Manager Residency
To amend the Dorchester County Charter to remove the requirement that the
County Manager be a resident of Dorchester County.
Question D - Passed
County Manager Responsibilities
To amend the Dorchester County Charter to clarify certain responsibilities of the
County Manager, including the day-to-day operation of the County government,
and establish procedures for certain vacancies.
Question E - Failed
Director of Finance Residency
To amend the Dorchester County Charter to remove the requirement that the
Director of Finance be a resident of Dorchester County.
Question F - Passed
Governmental Transparency
To amend the Dorchester County Charter to ensure transparency of governmental
functions, access to open meetings (in person or remotely) and access to public
You can find more details here:
Results City of Cambridge election, council is selected but mayor goes to run off.
Mayor: There will be a run off election between Andrew Bradshaw and Lajan Cephas as neither received 50% of the votes
Ward 1: Brett Summers
Ward 2: Shay Lewis-Sisco
Ward 3: Frank Stout
Ward 4: Sputty Cephas
Ward 5: Brian Roche.
December 3: Run-off election for Mayor
The responses we collected from the candidates can still be viewed and downloaded from the Chamber website:
Links to upcoming local meeting agendas
City of Cambridge
Town of Hurlock
Dorchester County Council
Here is link to Town Hall Streams where you can watch Dorchester County Council, City of Cambridge, Town of Hurlock, and Dorchester County School Board meetings live or recording of prior meetings: TOWN HALL STREAMS
This section of the weekly eNews is designed to provide updates to various legislative topics we think are of importance to our members. If there is any legislation we do not mention that you believe is important please reach out to us via email or call 410-228-3575.
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November 15, 2024
12:00 p.m.
Ribbon Cutting: Tidewater Physical Therapy
622 Sunburst Highway, Cambridge, MD
Click Here to Register
November 21, 2024
5:30 p.m.
Business after Hours/Ribbon Cutting: Pleasant Day Child Care Center
2474 Cambridge Beltway, Cambridge, MD
Click Here to Register
December 3, 2024
5:30 p.m.
Business After Hours: RFC 90th Train Garden
307 Gay Street, Cambridge, MD
Click Here to Register
December 4, 2024
12:00 p.m.
Chamber Business Lunch: 2025 MD Legislative Preview
Blue Point Provision Company
Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay Resort, 100 Heron Blvd, Cambridge, MD
Registration is Required
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Maryland ROPTA Classes
Workshops in Mental Health First Aid for Adults, Adults who work with Youth, Connection between problem gambling and substance related disorders. For the schedule and if virtual, webinar or in-person, go to:
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Thursdays through November 2024
3:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Cambridge Farmers' Market
Find local produce, meats, cheeses, crafts, and more at the weekly, waterfront, Cambridge Farmers Market. In 2024, the market runs from April through November. Every Thursday from 3 to 6 p.m. at Long Wharf, High and Water Streets in Cambridge, MD. Please find them on Facebook for updates.
For more information: or email
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Daily through November 2024
Hay Rides at Hyatt Chesapeake Bay Resort
To help experience the area's vibrant fall foliage, Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay Golf Resort, Spa and Marina will be offering hay rides through November 30th. The resort also debuts a special promotion to help guests make the most of their getaway.
The resort has debuted the "Getaway Special" promotion which provides 15 percent off room rages when guests book and stay during the 2024 fall season. The promotion can be booked by visiting Maryland Golf Packages | Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay.
While on-site, guests can enjoy hay rides that explore the property's on-site Blue Heron Rookery. The 18-acre wildlife refuge provides a lush habitat for wildlife and is home to a variety of local bird species and migrating waterfowl including the rookery's namesake Great Blue Heron, bald eagles, wild turkey, and more.
For more information or to book a fall stay at Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay Golf Resort, Spa and Marina, please visit, or call (410) 901-1234.
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November 14, 2024
4:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Women Supporting Women's 2nd Annual Holiday Bingo
Join WSW on Thursday, November 14, 2024 for our 22nd Annual Pink Ribbon bingo. We are back at Willards Lions Club. Our holiday themed basket prizes with Pampered Chef and Thirty-One will be available, cash game prizes, raffles and 50/50. Just in time for the holidays win a basket to keep for yourself or give as a gift for the holidays. Doors open at 4:30 PM. . Games start at 6:00pm Food and beverages will be available for purchase. No Outside food, beverage or alcohol permitted. Event sells out quickly don't wait to get your tickets Cost of Tickets: $35 in advance until November 13, 2024 11:59pm. $40 day of event Thursday November 14, 2024. Tickets available by calling 410-548-7880 Tickets may be bought at the office M-F 9:00am-3:30pm. Also available at or
Please Note: No one under age 18 admitted. Limited Seating Available. No Reserved tables. Check out our Social Media Pages for updates of the event.
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November 14, 2024
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
TidalHealth's Free Bariatric Seminar
Start your weight-loss journey today
Are you looking to lose weight and kickstart your journey to a healthier, happier life? If so, consider attending a free bariatric seminar hosted by TidalHealth.
These informative sessions, focusing primarily on surgical interventions, also present a pathway to the medical weight loss program for those who find surgery isn’t the right fit for them.
TidalHealth’s free bariatric seminars occur twice a month, with sessions scheduled on the second Thursday at 6 pm and the last Saturday at 9 am.
Led by experienced surgeons, these seminars provide attendees with the chance to meet and engage with a surgeon before leaving the facility.
The duration of the seminars varies, typically lasting between one to two hours, contingent on the number of questions raised by participants. Patients may attend alone or bring a support person.
Attending the seminar serves as a prerequisite for entering the surgical weight-loss program. Patients cannot proceed to consultations with a surgeon without first participating in this informative session.
To register, call 302-297-2412.
Click Here to Schedule An Appointment
Click Here for more information
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November 14, 2024
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Sip & Paint
Come out and enjoy an evening of fun and painting experience! Unleash your creativity! This sip and paint will include all materials provided for a memorable evening and a glass of wine. Limited Seating, so make your reservations now. Tickets: $45.00
Hosted by Groove City Black Heritage & Culture Group and Vintage 414
Funds will support Community Arts Education Program
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November 15 - December 15, 2024
Mistletoe on Main Shop 'Til You Drop
As a way of saying, "THANK YOU," for supporting our Main Street merchants this holiday season, Cambridge Main Street is offering a SHOP 'TIL YOU DROP promotion this year, in conjuntion with Mistletoe on Main.
From Friday, November 15 and Sunday, December 15, for every $25 you spend at any participating location, shoppers will earn a chance to win a Cambridge Main Street gift basket. (a $50 spend equals 2 tickets, $100 equals 4 tickets, etc.). The more businesses you shop, the more chances to win!
We hope to see you out and about in Downtown Cambridge!
Each participating location will have an entry box. Tickets will be given at the time of purchase, to be completed by the customer and placed in the entry box.
Winner will be announced on Wednesday, December 18, 2024.
To keep up with the participating locations, go to:
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November 15, 2024
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
2024 Thrive Dorchester - Senior Life After 55
The Dorchester Banner presents the 2024 Thrive Dorchester - Senior Life After 55! We are pleased to again partner with Delmarva Community Services to bring the THRIVE event to Dorchester County. Their amazing facility, Chesapeake Grove Intergenerational Center, is the venue for this event. Admission is free, and the day will include vendors, interactive activities, door prizes, giveaways, food, entertainment and tours of the Chesapeake Grove Intergenerational Center.
Thank you to these sponsors for their support of the Thrive Dorchester event: Executive Sponsors - University of Maryland Shore Regional Health and M.S. Shariff, MD PA.
Vendor space and sponsorships are available by contacting Dave Cannon at
Visit our website at for more event details.
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November 15, 2024
8:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.
Music: Emma M
Live Music with Emma Myers at Blue Ruin
See more events and info at
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November 15, 2024
7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
The Winery Comedy Tour at Layton's Chance
Currently in its eleventh year, this nationwide comedy tour has already made stops at 4300 venues across the country.
This event will feature some of the funniest comedians in the country, who will have you in stitches with their hilarious jokes and witty humor so don't miss out on this unforgettable night of comedy and good times!
Now coming to Layton's Chance Vineyard & Winery! For tickets click here
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November 16, 2024
8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Yoga with Patty
Embark on a journey of tranquility and strength with our gentle yoga class. Designed for all skill levels, this class offers a harmonious blend of postures and breathing techniques to rejuvenate both mind and body. As you flow through the sequences, you'll find a nurturing environment that encourages personal growth and inner peace. Concluding with a serene meditation, you'll leave feeling centered and refreshed, carrying the calmness of the class with you into the world.
Please Call/Text to Reserve Your Space: 410-463-8393
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November 16 & 17, 2024
10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Taste of Thanksgiving Weekend at Emily's
With our Thanksgiving ordering deadline just under a week away, it’s time to sample, sip, & celebrate with a few of our FAVORITE Emily’s Thanksgiving classics!!
Join us at the market this weekend for a festive couple of days where you can sample some of the items you’ll see on our Thanksgiving menu, stock up on a few seasonal staples before the big Turkey Day, and place your Thanksgiving order before the deadline on November 17th!!
It’ll be a wonderful day filled with the sights, smells, & tastes of Thanksgiving and we can’t wait to see you there 🦃
Ready to fill out your Thanksgiving order now?? Head to
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November 16, 2024
11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Little Miss & Mister Main Street
Cambridge Main Street is seeking a Little Miss & Mister Main Street, who will ride on the CMS float in the upcoming Cambridge-Dorchester County Christmas Parade and participate in events in the coming year. This event will be held at the Dorchester Center for the Arts. If you know of any littles between 4-10 years of age who may want to participate, please feel free to share. Contact Christina for information and entry forms.
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November 16, 2024
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
John Nemeth and the Blue Dreamers in Oxford
As part of their Fall 2024 Live Music Series, Join WHCP Radio as they present John Nemeth and the Blue Dreamers at Oxford Community Center.
Get your tickets at:
Presented as part of our on-going commitment to bringing live music to the area and support local musicians too. These events are also fund raisers to assist in our operating costs and to cover the costs of the events.
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November 16, 2024
7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Eric Byrd Trio - a "Jazz at the Mural" Show
Join the Harriet Tubman Museum and Educational Center at Vintage Venue to see Eric Byrd Trio, a 'Jazz at the Mural' show.
$20.00 donation appreciated
Benefitting the Harriet Tubman Museum and Educational Center
Sponsored by the Maryland Historical Trust
Get Tickets Here:
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November 17, 2024
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Guided Birding Tour at Blackwater NWR
Come experience the changing of the seasons at Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) by participating in one of our Guided Birding tours in the fall of 2024. Fall birding tours at the refuge highlight the returning migratory waterfowl. Don’t miss the opportunity to observe our diverse array of feathered friends, from woodpeckers and wading birds to numerous species of waterfowl and raptors, including the bald eagle. Prior bird knowledge is not required! Expert birders Terry Allen and Ron Ketter will help you identify and learn about the many species of birds that inhabit the refuge.
Guided Birding tours take place on the following Sunday mornings: November 17 with Terry Allen, November 24 with Ron Ketter, and December 15 with Terry Allen. In addition, a Guided Birding tour will be held on Saturday, December 28 with Ron Ketter. Participants will meet at the Blackwater NWR Visitor Center at 8:00 a.m. Tours may last 3 to 4 hours. The birding party typically tours via personal vehicle, stopping at various hotspots around the refuge’s Wildlife Drive.
Binoculars and field guides are highly recommended for an enjoyable experience. Be sure to dress for the weather. There is no fee or advanced registration for these activities. For further information, please call the Blackwater NWR Visitor Center at 410-228-2677 or visit our website at
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge, located on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, protects over 33,000 acres of rich tidal marsh, mixed hardwood and pine forest, managed freshwater wetlands and cropland for a diversity of wildlife. To learn more, visit our website at or @BlackwaterNWR.
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November 17, 2024
11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Holiday Open House at Shorelife
Family and friends, join Shorelife Home and Gifts for our Annual Holiday Open House.
Shop, Sip, Taste and Help.
Benefiting Baywater Animal Rescue.
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November 17, 2024
12:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Grocery Bingo at the Moose
Doors open at 12:30, Games start at 2:00 pm.
20 Regular Games (9 Card Books) and Includes 2 Special Games for $15.
Baked Goods Table
Food and drinks will be available.
Come on out and get your grocery shopping done the fun way!
Keep an eye out for fun specials and prizes on our event page!
Cambridge Moose Lodge 1211
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November 19, 2024
5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Yoga with Patty
Embark on a journey of tranquility and strength with our gentle yoga class. Designed for all skill levels, this class offers a harmonious blend of postures and breathing techniques to rejuvenate both mind and body. As you flow through the sequences, you'll find a nurturing environment that encourages personal growth and inner peace. Concluding with a serene meditation, you'll leave feeling centered and refreshed, carrying the calmness of the class with you into the world.
Please Call/Text to Reserve Your Space: 410-463-8393
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November 22, 2024
10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Pink Friday - Shop Small first
Pink Friday - Support small business and start off your holiday shopping by shopping SMALL first!
Stop by Thomas's Fine Jewelry for a fun, festive day of shopping with 25% off of all PINK jewelry! Pink gold, pink gemstones - if it's pink, it's on sale!
This is also a great chance to fill out your WISH LIST! Take some time to shop our collections of sterling silver, gold, and platinum jewelry and fill our your wish list of things that you'd like for the holidays. That way, when someone is shopping FOR YOU, they know exactly what you'd like! It's a win-win, as they say.
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November 22, 2024
7:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.
Music: Dan the Man Karaoke
Feeling your tunes? Come sing your heart out at the Cambridge Moose Lodge 1211 for an evening of fun Karaoke with Dan the Man starting at 7 pm.
Come early - Dinner starts at 6 p.m.
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November 22, 2024
8:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.
Music: Sam Pugh
Live Music with Sam Pugh at Blue Ruin
See more events and info at
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November 23, 2024
8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
Yoga with Patty
Embark on a journey of tranquility and strength with our gentle yoga class. Designed for all skill levels, this class offers a harmonious blend of postures and breathing techniques to rejuvenate both mind and body. As you flow through the sequences, you'll find a nurturing environment that encourages personal growth and inner peace. Concluding with a serene meditation, you'll leave feeling centered and refreshed, carrying the calmness of the class with you into the world.
Please Call/Text to Reserve Your Space: 410-463-8393
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November 23, 2024
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Holiday Bazaar at Zion UMC
Bake Sale: Homemade cakes, cookies and more
Carryout Soup & Biscuits: Vegetable and Chicken Noodle Soups with Biscuits
Breakfast Sandwiches: Scrapple and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Christmas Shoppe: New, Used, and Vintage Christmas Decor
Home and Garden: New, Gently Used, and vintage Household items plus LIVE, Dried, and Artificial Plants
Childrens Activities: Make a Craft Project
Jewelry Shop: Local Crafter Creations
Shopping for bargains, yummy baked goods, commercial vendors, children's activities and homemade foods to go! Come Join the Fun! Free Admission for All!
For more information, call 410-228-4910 or email |
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November 23, 2024
9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Fall Craft & Vendor Market at the American Legion
Fall & Craft & Vendor Market
Food * Shopping * Fun
Sponsored by Auxiliary Unit 91
30+ Vendors / free admission, food sales by Auxiliary.
If you are interested in becoming a vendor, please call 410-463-1281
Dorchester Post 91 American Legion
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November 23, 2024
10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Showdown on the Choptank Golf Tournament
Join the River Marsh Golf Club as we close out the 2024 golf season with a fun "Showdown on the Choptank" golf tournament on Saturday, November 23! We will have a shotgun start at 10 am and a Captain's choice scramble. There will be a longest drive and closest to the pin contests. Cost per player is $70 and includes 18 holes of golf, cart, lunch and prizes.
Call our Pro Shop at 410-901-6397 to reserve your space today!
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November 23, 24, 2024
12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Old Fashioned Christmas Market 2024
Join Layton's Chance vineyard & Winery for their Old Fasioned Christmas Market! Lots of local craft vendors, live music, live kettle korn popping, food trucks and more! Don't forget the wine sale!
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November 24, 2024
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Guided Birding Tours at Blackwater NWR
Come experience the changing of the seasons at Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) by participating in one of our Guided Birding tours in the fall of 2024. Fall birding tours at the refuge highlight the returning migratory waterfowl. Don’t miss the opportunity to observe our diverse array of feathered friends, from woodpeckers and wading birds to numerous species of waterfowl and raptors, including the bald eagle. Prior bird knowledge is not required! Expert birders Terry Allen and Ron Ketter will help you identify and learn about the many species of birds that inhabit the refuge.
Guided Birding tours take place on the following Sunday mornings: November 24 with Ron Ketter, and December 15 with Terry Allen. In addition, a Guided Birding tour will be held on Saturday, December 28 with Ron Ketter. Participants will meet at the Blackwater NWR Visitor Center at 8:00 a.m. Tours may last 3 to 4 hours. The birding party typically tours via personal vehicle, stopping at various hotspots around the refuge’s Wildlife Drive.
Binoculars and field guides are highly recommended for an enjoyable experience. Be sure to dress for the weather. There is no fee or advanced registration for these activities. For further information, please call the Blackwater NWR Visitor Center at 410-228-2677 or visit our website at
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge, located on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, protects over 33,000 acres of rich tidal marsh, mixed hardwood and pine forest, managed freshwater wetlands and cropland for a diversity of wildlife. To learn more, visit our website at or @BlackwaterNWR.
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November 24, 2024
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Town of Hurlock Council Meeting
The Town of Hurlock Council meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at 6 p.m. The meeting is open to the public. The meeting can also be viewed via Town Hall Streams. | Council Minutes & Agendas
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November 24, 2024
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
City of Cambridge Council Meeting 2024
The City Council meets in public forum at 6 p.m. on the second and fourth Monday of each month (unless otherwise noted on the agenda) in the Council Chambers at 305 Gay Street. View meetings via Town Hall Streams Meeting Schedule | Agenda Center
Executive sessions and special meetings are held as needed.
If work sessions are needed, they will normally be held on the 3rd Monday of the month beginning at 6 pm
Closed sessions may be scheduled to start at 5:00 pm as needed.
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November 26, 2024
5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Yoga with Patty
Embark on a journey of tranquility and strength with our gentle yoga class. Designed for all skill levels, this class offers a harmonious blend of postures and breathing techniques to rejuvenate both mind and body. As you flow through the sequences, you'll find a nurturing environment that encourages personal growth and inner peace. Concluding with a serene meditation, you'll leave feeling centered and refreshed, carrying the calmness of the class with you into the world.
Please Call/Text to Reserve Your Space: 410-463-8393
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November 26, 2024
6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Family Bingo Night
Join us for Fall Bingo! 🍁
Tuesday, November 26th from 6pm to 7pm, Chick-fil-A Cambridge will be a hosting a family fun bingo just in time before Thanksgiving. Put us on your calendar and bring your family!
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November 26, 2024
6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Shrimp Night at the Moose
Enjoy a dinner of Steamed or Fried Shrimp and two sides plus camaraderie with the folks at the Cambridge Moose Lodge for just $12.00.
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November 27, 2024
10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Dorchester County Life & Estate Planning Clinic
Do you need a will, financial power of attorney, or advance medical directive? Schedule your free consultation with Shore Legal Access's volunteer attorneys today by calling 410-690-8128. We'll help you draft your life planning documents at no cost!
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November 27, 2024
6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Music: Dan the Man Karoake
Feeling your tunes? Come sing your heart out at the Cambridge Moose Lodge 1211 for an evening of fun Karaoke with Dan the Man starting at 6 pm.
Come for Moose Giving at 6
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November 28, 2024
Thanksgiving Day
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November 28, 2024
1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Thanksgiving Day Buffet at the Hyatt
Thanksgiving Day Buffet
Thursday November 28th 1pm-6pm
Enjoy all the warmth, fun and cheer of Thanksgiving - with none of the work!
We’ll serve all the classics - Carving board free range turkey, sweet potato with maple and Lyon rhum grilled pineapple and balsamic-dijon-brown sugar ham - along with plenty of Eastern Shore favorites, a seafood bar, prime rib, chili-garlic glazed sea bass and an amazing selection of desserts, from old fashioned apple cobbler to lyon rhum bundt cake (Plus enough pop corn chicken, and Mac and Cheese to please the pickiest of kids!)
Reservations required.
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Detailed Information for each event can be found on our website:
With the current COVID conditions and CDC Guidelines, Please always check with the organization holding the event to make sure the events are still being held. Please be safe and take necessary precautions.
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Please take the time to send your community events to us at:
Events can be submitted on our Public Submission Event Page
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306 High Street
Cambridge, MD 21613
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