Feb. 9, 2024

Pro Bono Opportunities
Online Notices

Access to Justice Fund Grant Commission 2024-2025 Grant Process Now Open


The State Bar of New Mexico Access to Justice Fund Grant Commission now seeks grant applications from nonprofit organizations that provide civil legal services to low income New Mexicans within the scope of the State Plan. Upon review of the applications, the Grant Commission will make the final decision regarding applicants to be awarded grants and the amount of each grant. The deadline for proposals is April 1.


The Request for Proposals can be found at Contact Donna Smith at

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2024 Distinguished Achievement Awards Dinner: Last Call for Nominations

Nominations close on Feb. 15. To nominate an individual, please go to For questions, please contact

Submit Nominations Here

Equity in Justice - Education & Training

The Equity in Justice Program offers long or short-term educational planning for your firm and offers CLE credit for many sessions. The Equity in Justice Program can also run book groups and learning groups that are exclusive to your organization and facilitate dialogue that leads to deeper learning and stronger relationships.

Training can and should be customized to your needs. We do not take a one-size-fits all approach.

The Equity in Justice Program's educational sessions include:

  • Key Considerations for Equity and Inclusion in the Legal Profession
  • Women in Law: Issues Confronting Women Attorneys
  • Antiracism: Beyond Implicit Bias
  • Intersectionality: How Our Identities Shape our Lives and Work
  • Confronting Power to Serve with Empathy and Connection
  • Building Critical Consciousness as Part of Professional Identity
  • Interrupting Bias and Microaggressions in the Workplace
  • “Making Race” in the US and New Mexico
  • Addressing Power and Privilege Among Women in the Profession

Click the button below to find more information regarding these educational and training opportunities.

Education and Training Information

The Digital 2024-2025 Resource Deskbook is Coming Soon!


The Resource Deskbook has gone digital! Check your inbox on March 1 for the comprehensive guide for State Bar of New Mexico resources for our members, New Mexico

State and Federal Court contact information, License Renewal information, and much more! If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the Resouce Deskbook, please email

Submit Resource Deskbook Inquiry

Upcoming Programs from the

Center for Legal Education

Disorder in the Court: An Attorney's Guide to Judicial Misconduct

Professionalism for the Ethical Lawyer

Trust in Estate Planning in 2024: Looking Forward

View Full Course Catalog

SBNM Professional Programs Group

Professional Development Program

Wrestling with an ethics or best practices issue? Did you know that the PDP offers New Mexico lawyers a free, confidential helpline to discuss issues related to the Rules of Professional Conduct, professional liability and law practice management? Call the helpline at 1-800-326-8155.  

PDP Website

Equity in Justice Program

Get your Equity in Justice CLE Credit!

The new requirement for one hour of Equity in Justice CLE credit is effective Jan. 1, 2024. Throughout the year, we will be offering monthly one-hour virtual CLEs that meet this requirement for $49 a session.

Upcoming CLEs:

"Key Frameworks and Foundations in Equity in Justice Work," with Dr. Amanda Parker, PhD, Senior Attorney Erika Pirotte and Assistant Appellate Defender Mallory Harwood is scheduled for Feb. 28 from noon to 1 p.m. (MT).

This session will go over some of the national and state data on inequities and bias in the legal profession and the foundational knowledge and key considerations legal professionals need to address bias and systemic inequality. The session helps to build a common vocabulary and provides an introductory framework for examining diversity, equity, and inclusion in the profession. Presenters will argue for the need for lawyers to delve deeper than current discussions of implicit bias to develop critical consciousness by understanding themselves and the structure of society.

Register For "Key Frameworks"

"Would You Mind Making Some Copies?": Recent Research in Gender Bias presented by Torri Jacobus, Director of Equity, Inclusion and Justice for the New Mexico Administrative Office of the Courts, Sarita Nair, Cabinet Secretary of the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions, and Chamiza Pacheco de Alas, who currently leads the programming for Latin America and the Caribbean on an interim basis and is Director of New Mexico Programs for the W.K. Kellogg Foundation on March 27 from noon to 1 p.m. (MT). The panel will discuss and unpack recent research in gender bias. Topics will include tightrope and “prove it again” bias, attitudes affecting parents and tools for interrupting bias in the workplace. Earn 1.0 EIJ (New Equity in Justice Credit) by attending.

Register For "Would You Mind Making Some Copies"

More sessions will follow on a variety of topics, including gender equity, digital accessibility, working with clients experiencing poverty and intersectionality 101. Join us to make local connections!

Please reach out to with questions.

Read Rule 18-201
Sign Up For EIJ Communications

Join conversations facilitated by Dr. Amanda Parker, Equity in Justice Director of the State Bar of New Mexico, and Torri Jacobus, Statewide Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Director for the Administrative Office of the Courts for the next Equity in Justice Book Club pick, "Lies My Teacher Told Me," by James Loewen. The final discussion will take place on Feb. 20. Each session will go from noon to 1:30 p.m. (MT).

Sign Up Here

The New Mexico Lawyer Assistance Program

Protecting Ourselves from Identity Theft and Scammers

The Employee Assistance Program will be hosting a new webinar on Feb. 29, "Protecting Ourselves from Identity Theft and Scammers." The webinar will cover how society can be collectively traumatized by a singular event that can impact mental health for many individuals. The webinar will go from 10 to 11 a.m. (MT) and is currently open for registration, which is available by clicking the button below.

Register Here
New Mexico Lawyer Assistance Program

Judicial Wellness Program (NMJWP)

Did you know …. That we have a wellness resource just for our NM judges, including hearing officers, Administrative Law Judges, Tribal Judges and Probate Judges?

Our program is divided up into two different areas. We have one area that can help support judges who need help with substance abuse and mental health issues. We have a dedicated helpline that anyone can call to find support for a judge who is struggling. The call is confidential and you can remain anonymous if you prefer. If you or someone you know is struggling and need help, please reach out at 505-797-6097.

We also have an area that provides professional development resources, trainings, and public outreach in many forms. Stay tuned to find out more about what the State Bar of New Mexico is doing to support our New Mexico Judges.

Together, we are stronger!

Judicial Wellness Program

Important Announcements and Deadlines

State Bar Announcements and Deadlines 

Court Announcements and Deadlines 

Legal Community Announcements and Deadlines

View Announcements and Deadlines

Pro Bono and Volunteer Opportunities

The State Bar of New Mexico and the legal organizations it supports all provide rich and significant opportunities to provide pro bono and volunteer legal service to underserved populations in New Mexico. Take a look below at some of New Mexico's most impactful options for serving the state's diverse communities.

As part of the "Highlighting Pro Bono in New Mexico" Special Insert in the Jan. 24, 2024 issue of the Bar Bulletin, we republished "Volunteering for a Legal Clinic or Pro Bono Case is Easier than Ever," by Judge Erin B. O'Connell and Judge Jane C. Levy, which was originally published in the May 11, 2022 issue of the Bar Bulletin. The article contained some outdated information, as detailed below.

Legal teleclinics are held once per quarter for statewide applicants. New Mexico Legal Aid’s Volunteer Attorney Program coordinates the teleclinics, and the New Mexico State Bar Foundation’s Modest Means Helpline assists teleclinic applicants who are not eligible for NMLA’s services.

In-person legal fairs are held at various times year-round throughout the state in coordination with the individual 13 judicial districts’ pro bono committees and the NMLA Volunteer Attorney Program.

For information regarding volunteering for either teleclinics or legal fairs, watch for emails containing links to volunteer for the specific events or contact:

The Volunteer Attorney Program (VAP and New Mexico Legal Aid have two upcoming FREE VIRTUAL CLE sessions in late February. On Feb. 20, Patricia M. Galindo, Esq. will be presenting "Adult Guardianship Part 1/4: Petition to Hearing" from 3 to 5 p.m. (MT).

On Feb. 22, Grace Allison, Staff Attorney and Former Director at the New Mexico Legal Aid Low Income Taxpayer Clinic, will be presenting "Empowering Families/Clients, Part 2/3: Understanding Income Tax Benefits for Low- & Middle-Income Families." Participants will receive 1.0 General CLE credit per session.

Sign Up Here

The Volunteer Attorney Program (VAP and New Mexico Legal Aid offer FREE CLE sessions through their Pro Bono Collaborative ECHO Project. Upcoming 2024 sessions include "Empowering Families/Clients: An Income Tax Perspective," "Adult Guardianship 101" and "Foreclosure Defense and Alternatives." The schedule for sessions in the first half of 2024 can be viewed by clicking the button below.

View Schedule

The Second Judicial Pro Bono Committee and the Volunteer Attorney Program of New Mexico Legal Aid will be hosting the first Law-La-Palooza legal fair of the year on March 1 in person at the Cesar Chavez Community Center, located at 7505 Kathryn Ave. SE #5260, Albuquerque, N.M. 87108. Consultations will be on a first come, first served basis.

Civil law consultations will be from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. (MT) and Family law consultations will be from 2 to 5 p.m. (MT).

Participants can earn up to two hours of CLE credit for volunteering at this event. (1 Self-Study credit for every three hours of volunteer services rendered)

If you have any questions, please contact Bella Zayani, Statewide Pro Bono Coordinator at

Attorney Sign-Up

The Center for Civic Values is currently seeking judges for its New Mexico High School Mock Trial Competition. There are nearly 60 open seats to volunteer as a judge, and any involvement is invaluable in supporting the students as they showcase their talents. The trials are set to take place at both the Second Judicial District Court and the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court in Albuquerque on Feb. 16 and 17.

Sign Up Here
View All Pro Bono Volunteer Opportunities

Legal Clinics & Workshops

Divorce Options Workshop
Attendees will learn how to save time, money and stress at a the State Bar's free Divorce Options Workshop. The virtual workshop includes a presentation by a volunteer attorney, materials on divorce and an open question-and-answer period. This virtual event is a free community service open to the public. Workshops are held (usually) on the first Wednesday of each month from 6-8 p.m. (MT) To register please call 505-797-6022.
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Consumer Debt Bankruptcy Workshop
Get answers to questions about repossessions, foreclosures, collection issues, bankruptcy and more. The free presentation includes a presentation by a volunteer attorney, an open question and answer period and a one on one consultation with an attorney. The virtual workshops occur on the fourth Wednesday of each month (except November) at 6 p.m (MT). To register please call 505-797-6094.

Download Flyer
Legal Resources for Elderly Workshop
The Legal Resources for the Elderly Program (LREP) presents free legal workshops. Seniors, family members and others who work with seniors are invited to attend. The Legal Resources for the Elderly Program can be reached at 505-797-6005 or

View Calendar

For more information on the Volunteer Attorney Referral process, and to learn about the volunteer attorney pool for LREP or N.M. Legal Aid's Volunteer Attorney Program (VAP), please click the button below.

Volunteer Sign-Up

Featured Member Benefit


Ruby’s friendly, U.S.-based virtual receptionists answer your phone calls, 24/7/365, as a true extension of your firm! Answering with your custom greeting, they’re then able to make live transfers, take messages, perform intake, help with calendaring, or even assist with calendaring. Ready to answer all calls or be used as backup, Ruby is the best teammate you never had. State Bar members receive an 8% lifetime discount on all plans!

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