THANK YOU to the
2024 Golf Classic Sponsors
for supporting the
New Mexico State Bar Foundation!
Golf Classic Supporting Sponsors:
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We are looking forward to a beautiful day on the green during the New Mexico State Bar Foundation Golf Classic on Sept. 30!
Player registration is now closed. All golf team coordinators have been emailed with important event information to forward to their team players. If you have registered for the Golf Classic and have not received the event information email, please contact
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New Legal Well-Being in Action Podcast Episode: The Power of Sleep: Boosting Health and Performance in Law |
Join the New Mexico Black Lawyers Association for its Poolside Brunch!
The New Mexico Black Lawyers Association (NMBLA) invites you to attend its Raymond Hamilton Poolside Brunch on Sept. 28 from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. (MT). The location will be sent in advance of the brunch to those who purchase tickets/sponsorships.
The Poolside Brunch is an event for NMBLA members to network and celebrate with other legal professionals, friends and family. Tickets are $50 and include brunch and an entry into a raffle for $500. Children 12 and under attend for free.
Tickets can be purchased at
We are also accepting sponsorships! Please email us at for more information.
| Annual Meeting 2024: What Inspires You? We want to hear your story! | | |
Board of Bar Commissioners Election Notice 2024
Notice is hereby given for the 2024 State Bar of New Mexico Board of Bar Commissioners election. Five positions will expire Dec. 31 and will be filled by this election. For more information and a nomination petition, please visit The deadline to submit nomination petitions is Oct. 9 at 5 p.m. (MT).
| Register for the UNM School of Law Alumni/ae Association Distinguished Achievement Awards Dinner - Oct. 18 | Access to Justice Fund Grant Commission - Notice of Commissioner Vacancies - Applications Due Oct. 1 | Client Protection Fund - Notice of Commissioner Vacancies - Applications Due Oct. 1 | |
The Annual Meeting Looks A Little DIFFERENT This Year | |
Earn all 12 of your CLE credits for the year for ONLY $199!
Introducing the Annual Meeting's Inspirational Speakers and Programming:
- Keynote Presentation (1.5 G) - Camille Vasquez, Esq.
- Judicial Roundtables (1.0 G) - Members of the New Mexico Judiciary
- "Representation Matters: Debunking New Mexico's Tri-Cultural Myth Within The Legal Profession" (1.0 EIJ) - Jennifer Nicole "Nikki" Berry, Esq. and Aja N. Brooks, Esq.
- "Raising the Bar for the Bar... and the Rest of Society!" (1.5 EP) - Stuart L. Teicher, Esq.
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Upcoming Section Institutes in Collaboration with the Center for Legal Education | |
2024 Health Law Institute
- Oct. 4, Webinar & In-Person
- 9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.
- 3.0 G, 1.5 EIJ
- Registration
2024 Administrative Law Institute
- Oct. 10, Webinar & In-Person
- 8:45 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.
- 5.0 G
- Registration
2024 Cannabis Law Institute
- Nov. 13, Webinar & In-Person
- 8:45 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.
- 4.0 G, 1.0 EP, 1.0 EIJ
- Registration
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Equity in Justice Course Spotlight
A Step Toward Solving the Housing Crisis: Eviction Records Sealing in New Mexico
Oct. 17, Webinar
Noon - 1 p.m.
1.0 EIJ
This session will trace the systemic inequities embedded in the history and development of eviction proceedings to help contextualize an ongoing issue contributing to the housing crisis in New Mexico: an eviction judgment currently remains on a tenant’s record for life. It will then look at how legislation aimed at sealing eviction records can help solve this problem and benefit both tenants and landlords by providing landlords with accurate and transparent information about the tenants they rent to while ensuring access to justice and future housing options for tenants who have faced eviction. The session will also discuss best practices for eviction sealing legislation that can be employed in New Mexico by drawing on conversations with advocates, legislators, and practitioners from states that have recently enacted such legislation.
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SBNM Professional Programs Group | |
The New Mexico Lawyer Assistance Program (NM LAP)
Did You Know?
Hydration isn't just about drinking water! In fact, 20% of your fluids come from water-rich foods like watermelon, cucumbers, and even soups. While we've all heard that we need eight glasses of water a day, the truth is that your hydration needs vary based on your body weight, physical activity, diet, and environment.
Did you also know it's possible to drink too much water? Overhydration can lead to a rare but serious condition called hyponatremia, where the body’s sodium levels drop dangerously low. It’s a reminder that balance is key to staying healthy! To find out what’s right for you, learn more here.
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Judicial Wellness Program (NMJWP)
Did you know….. JWELL connects judges to free counseling and treatment for any substance abuse or mental health issues? The services are easily accessible for not only the judges, but also their staff and families. Please visit our website to find out more about our JWELL services.
Stay tuned to see what other services and resources JWELL is providing to all NM Judges.
Better together in the NM judiciary!
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Professional Development Program (PDP)
Did you know that the PDP offers nine different confidential online self-assessments for your practice. Whether it’s intaking, accepting, or terminating client representation, best communication practices, managing fees and trust accounts, or how to take care of yourself in the midst of a busy, stressful practice, these assessments are designed to support best practices. Take one, some, or all of them today at PDP SELF-ASSESSMENTS. They’re anonymous, confidential, short, free and informative.
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Important Notices, Announcements and Deadlines | |
State Bar Notices
Court Notices
Legal Community Notices
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Pro Bono and Volunteer Opportunities | |
The State Bar of New Mexico and the legal organizations it supports all provide rich and significant opportunities to provide pro bono and volunteer legal service to underserved populations in New Mexico. Take a look below at some of New Mexico's most impactful options for serving the state's diverse communities. | |
$5,000 Matching Challenge for Equal Access to Justice!
Be part of NMDLA’s International Day of Service by stepping up and supporting legal aid in N.M. Your gift to Equal Access to Justice will be matched dollar-for-dollar in September, up to $5,000.
Equal Access to Justice is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization, whose mission is to increase access to justice. Our work helps ensure that New Mexicans are not denied justice due to an inability to afford it. Donations to Equal Access to Justice are:
- 100% tax deductible
- A perfect way to fulfill your pro-bono & professional obligations by supporting civil legal services
- A tangible way to take action to meet the unprecedented and rising civil legal needs in New Mexico
Gifts may be made either: 1) online here, or 2) by mailing a check, payable to Equal Access to Justice, to: PO Box 25941, Albuquerque, NM 87125; or 3) recommending a grant through your Donor Advised Fund (our EIN Tax ID #: 85-0437183). Please indicate that you are a NMDLA member to count towards the match!
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New Mexico Immigrant Law Center
NMILC Economic Justice Workshops 2024: Improving Economic Stability in Immigrant Communities with NMILC
Are you an attorney with experience in tax or business law and an interest in sharing your legal knowledge in support of the community? Provide pro bono services with New Mexico Immigrant Law Center’s Economic Justice Workshop! This is a free pro se workshop for immigrant entrepreneurs seeking help with their business, no matter where they are in the process of forming their business. Brief advice/services include: obtaining an EIN, NMBTID, Articles of Organization, and city/county licenses. We also support business development and operation, including follow-up tax and licensing.
Pro bono attorneys are trained on information specific to the immigrant community to prepare for providing brief/pro se services; attorneys are not asked to take on cases or provide ongoing support outside of scheduled workshop hours. Interpretation is provided as needed.
Upcoming workshop dates:
- Tuesday, Oct. 22, 4 - 6:30 p.m. (MT)
Located at the NMILC Office (625 Silver Ave. SE, Albuquerque, N.M. 87102) or other location announced prior to workshop
| The New Mexico Middle School Mock Trial Program - Judges Needed in Albuquerque by Nov. 2 | |
Legal Clinics & Workshops | |
Divorce Options Workshop
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Consumer Debt Bankruptcy Workshop | |
Legal Resources for the Elderly Workshop | |
For more information on the Volunteer Attorney Referral process, and to learn about the volunteer attorney pool for LREP or the Modest Means Helpline please click the button below. | |
Ruby’s friendly, U.S.-based virtual receptionists answer your phone calls, 24/7/365, as a true extension of your firm! Answering with your custom greeting, they’re then able to make live transfers, take messages, perform intake, help with calendaring, or even assist with calendaring. Ready to answer all calls or be used as backup, Ruby is the best teammate you never had. State Bar members receive an 8% lifetime discount on all plans!
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