The Bar Bulletin is Going Completely Digital!
As of Jan. 1, 2025, the State Bar of New Mexico’s official publication, the Bar Bulletin, will be published exclusively in a digital format! With the same great layout, features and important news, the many benefits of the Bar Bulletin going digital include more timely content, clickable resources and added convenience for reading on-the-go. The Bar Bulletin will not be printed as of Jan. 1. To view each issue of the Bar Bulletin, visit www.sbnm.org/BarBulletinOnline.
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Calling All Coaches! Please Sign Up for the Bar Exam Coaching Program!
The Committee on Diversity in the Legal Profession (CDLP) is beginning another cycle of the Bar Exam Attorney Coaching Program for the next cohort of New Mexico Bar Exam test takers. The CDLP is proud to offer this program for those taking the exam in February 2025 and we need attorney coaches. The program is designed to match an applicant with a committed attorney who will serve as a resource for the applicant. Coaches and applicants will communicate in person or via phone, e-mail, or Zoom during the applicant's bar preparation. Attorney coach and applicant matches will be made based on information provided on the form below. The deadline for submission is December 15. For any questions, contact SBNM Equity in Justice Attorney Abby Lewis at abby.lewis@sbnm.org.
Email Scams Targeting Legal Professionals
There has been a recent surge in email scams targeting legal professionals nationwide. These emails often appear to be official communications, asking you to respond to court filings or urgent legal matters. Please be advised that these emails may contain malicious links or attachments intended to compromise your systems and access sensitive information.
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New Legal Well-Being in Action Podcast Episode: Drunk Lawyer Diddy - A Must Listen For Every Lawyer | Please Help the New Mexico State Bar Foundation Reach its Donations Goal this Licensing Renewal Season! | Equal Access to Justice Annual Campaign | |
Careers at the State Bar of New Mexico | |
Upcoming Section Institutes In Collaboration With The Center for Legal Education | |
Navigating Cybersecurity Regulations in a Digital World
- Dec. 7, Webinar
- 9 a.m. - 2:15 p.m.
- 2.0 G, 1.0 EIJ, 1.0 EP
- Registration
2024 New Mexico Tax Law Symposium
- Dec. 11, In-Person or Webinar
- 8 a.m. - 4:55 p.m.
- 5.2 G, 1.0 EIJ, 1.0 EP
- Registration
2024 Natural Resources, Energy, and Environmental Law Institute
- Dec. 13, In-Person or Webinar
- 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- 5.0 G, 1.0 EP
- Registration
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SBNM Professional Programs Group | |
The New Mexico Lawyer Assistance Program (NM LAP)
Did You Know?
The idea that turkey makes you sleepy isn’t entirely true! While turkey contains tryptophan, an amino acid that helps produce the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin, the real culprits behind holiday drowsiness are those big meals and festive treats.
When you eat a heavy, carb-rich feast (think mashed potatoes, stuffing, and desserts), your body directs blood flow to your digestive system, leaving less energy for the rest of you. Plus, all the holiday relaxation and perhaps a drink or two can make you ready to snooze. So, it's not just the turkey—it's the whole holiday vibe!
Learn more here.
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The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) - Q4 Free Live Webinar Schedule
The Gift of Boundaries
Dec. 10, 2024
10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Register Here
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Judicial Wellness Program (NMJWP)
JWELL exists to support NM judges in their term on the bench. We have many volunteer judges who offer to support their colleagues through coaching, mentoring, and just sharing ideas.
Collegiality is important to build and foster as we all are tasked with handling some difficult decisions and face many stressors during our tenure. It can sometimes feel isolating and lonely. As we breed collegiality, we all create a space of acceptance and belonging. Together we are stronger as a NM judiciary.
Please visit our website to find out more about our JWELL services: https://www.sbnm.org/Member-Services/New-Mexico-Judicial-Wellness-Program.
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Professional Development Program (PDP)
Did you know that the PDP offers nine (9) different confidential online self-assessments for your practice. Whether it’s intaking, accepting or terminating client representation, best communication practices, managing fees and trust accounts, or how to take care of yourself in the midst of a busy, stressful practice, these assessments are designed to support best practices. Take one, some or all of them today at PDP SELF-ASSESSMENTS. They’re anonymous, confidential, short, free and informative.
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Important Notices, Announcements and Deadlines | |
State Bar Notices
Court Notices
Legal Community Notices
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Pro Bono and Volunteer Opportunities | |
The State Bar of New Mexico and the legal organizations it supports all provide rich and significant opportunities to provide pro bono and volunteer legal service to underserved populations in New Mexico. Take a look below at some of New Mexico's most impactful options for serving the state's diverse communities. | |
Equal Access to Justice Annual Campaign | |
Legal Clinics & Workshops | |
Divorce Options Workshop
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Consumer Debt Bankruptcy Workshop | |
Legal Resources for the Elderly Workshop | |
For more information on the Volunteer Attorney Referral process, and to learn about the volunteer attorney pool for LREP or the Modest Means Helpline please click the button below. | |
The Solutions Group
Take advantage of a free employee assistance program, a service offered by the New Mexico Lawyer Assistance Program in cooperation with The Solutions Group. Get help and support for yourself, your family and your employees. Services include up to four FREE counseling sessions/issue/year for any behavioral health, addiction, relationship conflict, anxiety and/or depression issue. Counseling sessions are with a professionally licensed therapist. Other free services include management consultation, stress management education, critical incident stress debriefing, substance use disorder assessments, video counseling and 24/7 call center. Providers are located throughout the state.
- To access this service call 855-231-7737 or 505-254-3555 and identify with NM LAP. All calls are confidential.
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