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Sunday Service via Zoom begins at 10:00 a.m.

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Summit's Mission Statement

In spiritual community we commit ourselves to building

a compassionate, just, and sustainable world.

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August 28th: “Still Far From the Edge”  Grace Lewis-McLaren

There are times when a few hours of watching the tides here along the Maine coast provide wordless nourishment. From there I can return to the stories that hold my past and encourage my future.

Grace Lewis-McLaren is a graduate of Eastman School of Music and of Pacifica Graduate Institute. She has served in a music leadership capacity for many different UU churches

  On 3 out of 3 measures we are HIGH risk for in-person gathering this week

Although all 3 measures remain HIGH, these numbers reflect

CONTINUED substantial DECREASES of viral measures to San Diego region

pre-Omicron spike levels..

The Summit Board of Directors is happy to announce that we have resumed in-person gatherings, even if we are in Medium and High Risk levels. 


For in-person indoor gatherings at Summit UU Fellowship, we are now recommending (not requiring) COVID vaccinations and boosters.

Worship Services - Masks Required

We now welcome people back into the Sanctuary. High quality masks are required - N95s, KN94s, KN95s – KN95 masks are available in the Greeting Room if you need one. No cloth masks.

We will also have some seating available in the greeting garden. 

(CRE will not be meeting in the parking lot during the service.) 

The last time we were open, we had space for 55 people to attend in-person and had only 38-40 people. 

Until we are close to capacity (around 50 people), we will not be using the reservation system

to save a seat. For those who would like to attend over Zoom, you will still be able to do that.

This service will be available on Zoom and in-person;

Join us on Zoom

Meeting ID: 964 0939 2934

Welcome! We hope you will join us on Sunday.

Portions of our services are also posted to our YouTube channel,

We are looking for people who would like to help Usher and help with Coffee Hour held for those in-person, after the service.    Each week we are looking for:

2 Ushers

1 person to help with set-up and making the coffee

1 person to bring packaged snacks and some juice

1 person to help with clean-up, putting the chairs away

We have a sign up available online where you can let us know which Sunday and which roll you would like to fill.  We will also have a paper sign-up on Sundays.  (Yes, we will transfer the information to the online list.)  Please click on the link below to sign up for one or more of the weeks ahead!


Coffee Hour Sign-Up
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Suitcases, duffel bags and backpacks needed!

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The Social Justice in Action committee is collecting carry-on suitcases, duffel bags and backpacks in support of the Minority Humanitarian Foundation (MHF), a local organization helping refugees, asylees & asylum seekers on both sides of the US/Mexico border.

When asylum seekers, refugees and asylees are released from ICE custody, they are typically dropped off in San Ysidro with no means to contact anyone, and often with no possessions other than the clothes they are wearing. MHF provides asylum seekers with quick and safe transportation from the border to MHF’s immigrant drop-in center in Lemon Grove. Each person is fed, taken for medical care if needed,

and given a suitcase or duffel bag which they are encouraged to fill with clothing and supplies for what

may be a long trip to reach family or a sponsor in the US.#MHF arranges their travel and sees them safely

on their way. There is an ongoing need for small carry-on suitcases, duffel bags and backpacks to

continue this necessary and compassionate work.

Many of us aren't doing much traveling these days, so perhaps you have an underused bag to donate.

Target also has some relatively inexpensive ones such as this one if you prefer to buy one. Social Justice

in Action will be collecting these bags in the conference room at the Summit office from now through the

end of September.

You can drop them off on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday mornings when Mark Weedman, our property steward, is usually on site, or contact Mark or Laurel Bernstein, if these times don’t work for you.

Thank you in advance!

Laurel Bernstein (on behalf of Social Justice in Action)

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Small Group Gatherings

Small groups can meet on campus again, too. Masks may be removed with the consensus of the group. 

Please be sure the air filters in the room are on. Also, be aware that there may be people who would like to continue to attend your gathering over Zoom. 

We hope you like these changes! If you have questions or concerns, please contact me. 

We would also like to arrange for some in-person parking lot just-for-fun gatherings once or twice a month, and we need a team of people who would like to help coordinate events like this. If you're interested, please let me know! We are looking for volunteers!!


Elinor Weed

SUUF Board President

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Currently Summit is not collecting canned foods. We are encouraging Summitarians to support the Santee Food Bank at the Lutheran Church on Halberns or your local food banks.

Check out their website to see how you can help, or perhaps they can help you.

Santee Food Bank

9715 Halberns (turn north from Mast Blvd.)

Food Bank Distribution: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. 

Commodities Distribution: 3rd Tuesday 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

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We invite congregations to support the Hungarian Unitarian Church directly (pdf) in its effort to care for refugees as well as consider supporting the UUSC Emergency Relief Fund for Ukraine Response and the International Women’s Convocation’s Faithify Campaign.

In the days to come, we will continue to offer updates on how you can contribute to humanitarian efforts.

A couple of other places are good, right here in Balboa Park, there is the House of Ukraine, they're sending planes with supplies and taking monetary donations.

And Greater Good, rated 100 out of 100

They help provide nourishing meals and critical supplies to people and animals fleeing from attack in Ukraine.

Buy goods to help Ukraine

Crisis in Ukraine: Send Aid Now

If you know of any other vetted places to help, please share with us.

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For Lay-Led Sunday Services

To make our Fellowship successful we need….. participants!!!

Everyone speaks of how much they love lay-led services, well here is your chance! We are not asking for you to do a full service, or even a full sermon/reflection. We just need people who can speak for 6-8 minutes.

People willing to help would only be responsible for your speaking part, Sunday services committee will take care of the rest. You may participate in person or via Zoom.

Please help Summit remain the vibrant community it is by lending your voice!!!!

Contact Josh Barrett (, Pam Kerr (,

or Tyler Mitchell (

Job offer

Office Administrator Recruitment: Summit Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Santee CA

Summit Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, an interactive and welcoming congregation of 150 members in Santee CA, seeks a part-time (16-20 hours/week) office administrator capable of excelling at various office procedures, including computer applications such as Word, Excel, QuickBooks, Publisher and Breeze.

Duties will include purchasing supplies, overseeing facilities usage, work coordination with the Minister and committees, supervision/scheduling of office volunteers, and data entry for bookkeeper.

A high school diploma and a minimum of three years of general office or administrative assistant and bookkeeping experience is preferred.

Salary is $21/hour, with a negotiable increase based upon experience. Partial remote work and flexible hours are possible following an initial training period.

Please send your letter of interest and resumé via email to

Include “Administrator Application” in the subject line.

Application review will begin on August 15th and continue until the position is filled. 

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Some Offerings from Summit

Summit's Children's Religious Exploration

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We offer weekly "Family Parking Lot Religious Exploration" for families, children and youth from noon to 1:30 p.m. on Sundays in the Summit Parking Lot.

Masks are required and children must be accompanied by an adult.

More information can be found on our website 

or contact Mary Carter-Vail at

to receive the weekly email with details about this Sunday's activities.

Summit's Children's Religious Exploration Mission Statement:

"To create a safe and welcoming spiritual home for our children and youth through creative exploration of Unitarian Universalist principles and sources."

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The Caring Committee is composed of a group of Summitarians that meet once a month. While maintaining confidentiality, we organize volunteers, match human resources with the needs of members and friends of Summit. We provide transportation, when necessary, to Summit events, medical and other appointments, shopping, and other essential errands. We also assist with memorial services. We have not met during Covid and are ramping up again.

We always need volunteers, so if you would like to help, contact Janet Dixon,,

or the Summit office, and you will be added to our list of wonderful helpers.

Our Virtual Groups

Morning Conversations

Come, join us!

Join us Tuesday and/or Thursday mornings from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.,

We chat a bit, share a chalice lighting,

we each take turns checking in, then we freely chat some more.

New folks are always welcome!

Join us on Zoom

Meeting ID: 936 0816 1205

Password: 400828

One tap mobile

+16699006833,,93608161205# US (San Jose)

+13462487799,,93608161205# US (Houston)

Dial by your location

    +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

    +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

    +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

    +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)

    +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)

Meeting ID: 936 0816 1205

Find your local number:

Summit Wednesday Night Men’s group

We meet by Zoom on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month at 7:00 p.m., and usually end by 8:30 p.m.. We are an “open” group, any man who wishes to join us may do so. Our purpose is to provide friendship, support, and fellowship to any man who wishes to attend. 

If you wish to attend, contact Denny Braun directly at

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The Summit Women's Group 

meets 'virtually' on the fourth Saturday of each month.  

The multi-generational group is open to all interested Summit women and friends. We be meet through Zoom; call or email Carolyn Woodbury, or (619) 370-9622 if you want to get the reminders.

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Sign Up to Volunteer!

We Need YOU!

We need to rebuild our teams of volunteers that help make things possible on Sunday mornings. 

Time for you to dust off your volunteering muscles and step forward! 

We are looking for two people who can serve as Ushers,

two people for Coffee Hour set-up and Clean-up,

One special Someone to provide beverages and pre-packaged snacks. 

We have a sign-up Google Doc where you can sign up to fill one or more of these positions for a particular Sunday over the next few weeks.  Sign up here

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One of Our Summit Authors

In the African country of Kenya, millions of people still bear the scars of the British invasion and occupation.

"THE COLONIZED And the Scramble for Africa", by Wanjiru Warama is a family and community memoir that shows how farm-workers on British colonial farms lived during that occupation.  

There is also a copy available in the Summit library.

check out the website for details on buying the book

Personals - Help Wanted

We really need a new car!!!

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Do you have a car that you would be happy to donate ~ OR ~ do you know of anyone who is no longer driving and would like a GOOD home for their car, or has NEW wheels and would enjoy passing the older car on to: Margo Mariana (619) 312-0903 Michèle Mattingly (619) 791-5780

THANK YOU, Summiteers, and

💖 HUGS 💕

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Our Staff

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Our Director of Religious Exploration,  Mary Carter-Vail  

Her office hours are

Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.,

Sundays from 9:00 a.m.- noon.

Mary's email,

The Rev. Tania Márquez is a community minister currently serving as a hospital chaplain in San Diego.

She is supporting our congregation this summer as the on-call pastoral care provider.

She can be contact here or

text/call (619) 245-1476

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About the eNews


Include your information in the body of the email. Do Not Send attachments.

Send your item by Tuesday noon, or before.    

Only programs, initiatives and events that are sponsored by an established committee or group at Summit may be featured in the main body of the eNews.    

Services and goods, jobs wanted, or services offered, or, for sale and ads relating to member businesses may be featured in the "Classified Ads" and "Bulletin Board" sections of the eNews.

For anything you get through Constant Contact; eNews, or CRE-related you can send it to me,

Pamela Kerr, 

or to Mary, 


Send everything; articles, questions, suggestions regarding the eNews to: 

Thanks! ~Pamela Kerr, editor 

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Compassion and tolerance are not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength.

~Dalai Lama

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The SCENE at Summit is Summit's monthly newsletter

sharing more in-depth information for our members and friends. 

In it, you will find:

  • Service Topics for the month
  • Columns from the Minister, Director of Religious Exploration, Board President 
  • Social Justice in Action Committee news  
  • Safe Re-Opening Task Force Update  
  • Denominational News
  • Meet New Members

and more!

You can view the SCENE at Summit on our website, here

To submit articles to the SCENE at Summit, please email them to

Summit Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

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8778 Cottonwood Ave.

Santee, CA 92071

 Phone - (619) 562-0833, Fax - (619) 562-0862   

email -   

Summit Office Hours:

  Tuesday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Join us in shaping meaning in our lives while growing a loving community. 

🏳️‍🌈 We are a welcoming congregation, and our facility is accessible to all.

We are Zooming our services for the time being, join us!

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Follow us!

Find us on




Our past services are on YouTube

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