St. Barnabas' Episcopal Church

We are called by God to see Christ in all persons,

grow in faith and live in joyful fellowship with all persons.

Please join us for worship on Sunday, January 26, 2025

  • 8:00 a.m. — Worship
  • 10:00 a.m. — Worship followed by Coffee Hour
  • Childcare available during 10:00 a.m. Worship
  • Worship led by The Rev. Jeanie Martinez-Jantz
Worship Page

Keep reading for information about our special Valentine's Day coffee hour!

St. Barnabas Office Hours

The office is open Monday through Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Please make a note of this change. The office will be closed on Fridays until further notice. For pastoral emergencies, please contact Rev. Jeanie at (302) 333-7598. Thank you!

Upcoming Events in February

  • February 2: Scout Sunday
  • February 3: Ladies Lunch at Rice
  • February 9: Special Valentine Coffee Hour
  • Feburary 12: Men's Lunch at Two Fat Guys

Scout Sunday is February 2, 2025!

 Scouts from Scouts BSA Troop 1923 and Venturing Crew 1923 will participate in the 10:00 a.m. worship service to celebrate the nationwide observance of Scout Sunday with parishioners of St. Barnabas', share a bit about their adventures, and thank everyone for supporting them. They invite you to wear any Scouting apparel you may have from your time in Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, or any youth-serving program!

A Pastoral Letter from The Episcopal Church

Presiding Bishop Sean Rowe and House of Deputies President Julia Ayala Harris issued a joint letter to the church on Jan. 21 emphasizing “Christ’s call to welcome the stranger." Click the buttons below to read the letter or to hear Bishop Budde's sermon.

Pastoral Letter
Bishop Budde's Sermon

Update: (after) Epiphany Party

A big thank you!! to all who attended IWC's (after) Epiphany Party. We had 23 attendees and 6 guests! We enjoyed fun, fellowship and food. Below are some pictures provided by Sheridan Quarless Kingsberry and Patti Ferich.

Thank You to Those Who Attended:

Reflections on an Ecumenical Civil Rights Pilgrimage

The Becoming Beloved Community Ministry would like to thank all the members who attended the Special Coffee Hour last Sunday to view the Journey to Justice video and listen to reflections by Craig Brosi, Maria Perez Monzon, and Sheridan Quarless Kingsberry on their recent Ecumenical Civil Rights Pilgrimage to Selma and Montgomery, Alabama. Some interest was expressed in learning more about racial and social justice and current community-based advocacy activities; and, maybe planning a local tour of historical sites in Delaware. Stay tuned in future eNews for notices on how you may "do something" to create positive change. Special thanks to Beth Engler and Nick Sloman for their technical expertise that allowed Craig to participate in the program from his hospital bed in Wilmington.  If you were unable to attend, click the button below to watch the pilgrimage video prepared by Cynde Bimbo, Director of Communications, The Episcopal Church in Delaware.
Link to Video

Contact Information for Rev. Jeanie

Please use the following information to contact Rev. Jeanie:

email at

or by phone at (302) 333-7598

Prayer Requests

  • Submit prayer requests to the Office by 9 p.m. on Tuesdays for inclusion in Sunday's bulletin
  • Prayer requests will remain in the bulletin for one month
  • Prayer and Praise Chain offers the opportunity for parishioners to pray for the needs of our parish family
  • Contact Leslie Walker to submit a name to the Prayer and Praise chain

St. Barnabas Office Information

  • Phones are covered during office hours and after hours messages are checked daily. (302) 994-6607
  • Office hours: Mon. - Thurs. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Pastoral Emergencies: Please contact Rev. Jeanie Martinez-Jantz at (302) 333-7598 or

Best contacts for specific items:

Keep up to date on all activities by subscribing to the St. Barnabas Events Calendar.

Click for Calendar


Please submit announcement information for The St. Barnabas eNews to Beth Engler 

no later than Wednesday 9 p.m.