October 2021
How Park Visitors Can Help Prevent Wildfires
California’s 2021 fire season has been record-setting and is, unfortunately, not yet over. Early fall is typically the most dangerous due to dry vegetation and seasonal Diablo winds that blow in from the east with the potential to cause disastrous wind-driven wildfires.

This time of year, park visitors are at the forefront of fire prevention. Here are some tips on how you can help prevent wildfires in Regional Parks.

Be Aware of Red Flag Warnings and fire safety rules, including:
  • NO smoking in Regional Parks, including vaping devices.
  • NO open fires. ONLY gas-fueled stoves.
  • NO gas-powered generators.
  • DO NOT drive or park on dry grass areas. The heat from a vehicle’s exhaust can ignite fires. 

Be Alert for potential fire hazards and report them immediately.

Be Ready if you see fire and call 911.

Be Helpful by following all instructions from firefighters, police, and park rangers during a fire emergency.

Park closures are also possible under certain fire danger conditions to ensure public safety. Visit www.ebparks.org for up-to-date info on parks and fire dangers.

Stay safe in your Regional Parks!
Deputy Secretary Jessica Morse with Park District Fire Chief Aileen Theile
CNRA Deputy Secretary Morse Tours Tree Die-Off Areas in Regional Parks 
California Natural Resources Agency Deputy Secretary Jessica Morse visited the Park District last month to see some of the Regional Parks hit by the recent phenomenon of Sudden Tree Die-Off. Deputy Secretary Morse saw first-hand the extent of the tree die-off caused by the extreme drought and changing climate and the District's year-round fuels reduction crew in action. Dead standing trees burn hotter, faster, and can cast embers far ahead of the original fire – igniting potentially dangerous new fires. Our thanks to Deputy Secretary Morse for recognizing the critical need for additional state and federal resources to adequately address the tree die-off issue.
RAISE Grant: Regional Trail Priorities
The Marsh Creek Trail Extension, a three-mile extension of the Marsh Creek Trail from a parkway in Brentwood to Round Valley Regional Preserve, is one of eight District projects recently submitted for RAISE grant funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation. More Info.
CAL FIRE 2020-21 Wildfire Risk Mapping Grant
The Park District has received a $773,929 grant from CAL FIRE to create Wildfire Risk Index (WRI) for Alameda and Contra Costa counties using advanced imagery. The WRI will include input from local stakeholders, including landowners, federal and local agencies, CAL FIRE, Fire Safe Councils, elected officials, and open space districts, among others. The WRI will support fire prevention planning and, as well flood modelling, climate change planning, assessment of restoration priorities, and prioritization of open space acquisitions. The WRI will be available to the public and stakeholders via an easy-to-use web platform.
Stay Safe Around Cattle During Calving Season
August to October is calving season for Bay Area cattle ranchers whose animals graze in the Regional Parks. Although calves are very cute, human interaction with them can be a danger to both people and animals. Here are some tips to stay safe around cattle at this time of year.
  • Admire calves from a distance but do not approach them.
  • Do not get between mother cows and young calves. You could get hurt, and the calf and mother cow will be stressed if you get close.
  • Do not worry if you see a calf by itself. The mother cow is usually eating or drinking nearby and will return.
  • If you do find a calf by itself, never approach it, take selfies with it, or attempt to touch or relocate it. Those actions can result in injury to you and/or the death of the calf.
  • Dogs must be on leash in all areas where livestock are present. Keep your leashed dogs well away from any calves you see.
  • If you believe a calf is in significant distress, or appears to be injured, sick or dead, please note the location, the color of the animal, the ear tag number, and report it to the park staff. More Info.
Underway/Upcoming Sudden Tree Die-Off Removal Project 
The 2021 fire season has brought new challenges, including 1,500 acres of dead or dying trees in Regional Parks – caused by the extreme drought and changing climate. The phenomenon was first noticed in October 2020.

The Park District is taking sudden tree die-off very seriously and has begun removing dead-standing trees from parks, while also protecting sensitive habitats. As of October 2021, the District has removed 765 hazardous trees from Reinhardt Redwood and Miller/Knox Regional Parks, with additional tree removal is planned.
Tilden Regional Park, Brazilian Room Celebrate Key Anniversaries 
Last month, the Park District marked two milestone anniversaries with family-friendly public events packed with history, music, food and fun. Tilden Regional Park celebrated its 85th Anniversary with special guest speakers, Cajun-zydeco music and dancing, historical exhibits, and birthday cake. Following the Tilden party, the Brazilian Room celebrated its 80th Anniversary "com estilo" (with style) with live Samba music and Brazilian food, special guests, indoor photo exhibits, and outdoor fun on the patio and lawn.
Coming Soon: Brickyard 
Shoreline access, visitor improvements, and habitat restoration are coming to the Brickyard site in Berkeley, part of McLaughlin Eastshore State Park. Improvements include a staging area with 47 parking spots, restrooms, water fountains, picnic tables, and walking paths. Phase 1 is expected to open soon. Phase 2 includes additional parking and amenities and a new building for the SeaBreeze Deli.
Public Gets Up-Close Look at Future Deer Valley Regional Park 
Attendance was high for the District’s Roddy Ranch Golf Course Open House on September 25 with over 75 attendees getting a look at conceptual designs and planned habitat restoration. The former 230-acre Roddy Ranch Golf Course property is part of the District’s planned 3,500-acre Deer Valley Regional Park and is currently being planned for public access. More Info.
Thank You for a Successful 2021 Coastal Cleanup
The 2021 Coastal Cleanup was a huge success. Between the September 18 Coastal Cleanup Day events in six Regional Parks and the month-long cleanup efforts led by individuals, more than 800 people registered as Park District volunteers. Thanks to the efforts of all the volunteers who picked up litter, a total of 8705 lbs. of material was diverted from waterways and shorelines (8,530 lbs. of trash and 175 lbs. of recycling). We are grateful for everyone's efforts to keep our creeks and coastline clean, making a positive impact on habitats and wildlife. Thank you!
Peace Pole Installed at Lake Chabot 
On September 18, a special Peace Pole was installed at Lake Chabot during a celebration of World Peace Day. The Pole displays "Peace" in 31 languages which are represented here in our two counties. The Lake Chabot Peace Pole is linked in kindred spirit to the 250,000+ Peace Poles planted worldwide. The Peace Poles express the hopes and dreams of the entire human family for peace on earth. More Info.
Wednesday, October 20: Jewel Lake Workshop
Join Park District planners from 6:30-8pm on Oct. 20 for a Jewel Lake Study public workshop on Zoom. The workshop will present the project to the public including site history, four developed conceptual plans aimed at meeting the project goals, and other work to-date completed for the Jewel Lake Study. There will be an opportunity for members of the public to ask questions, understand the process, the conceptual plans, and the study overall. More Info, Event Flyer.
Saturday, October 16:
Mount Diablo Centennial Celebration
Mount Diablo State Park turns 100 this year! The Park District joins California State Parks and its partners at a special free pubic event on Saturday, October 16 from 10 am to 4 pm at Cal State East Bay’s Concord Campus. More Info.
Photo from The Oakland Hills Firestorm: East Bay Regional Park District firefighters gather on Tunnel Road on October 21, 1991.
Commemorating the Oakland Firestorm's 30th Anniversary
This month marks the 30th anniversary of the catastrophic Oakland Hills Firestorm which raged through the hills in October 1991. The Park District joins the North Hills Community Association on Oct. 17 from 11 am to 3 pm at Lake Temescal for an in-person event to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Firestorm. The community picnic is open to everyone and will include live music, food trucks, family activities, and information on preparing for and staying safe during community emergencies. EBRPD Board President Dee Rosario, who was among the first to combat the '91 fire as a former Park District fire fighter, will speak during the ceremony. The Park District booths will include interpretive programs and crafts, photos and artifacts from our archives, and former employees and staff who were a part of the fire fighting efforts 30 years ago will be on hand to tell their stories. Event Info.  
Tuesday, October 26: Restore Hayward Marsh Project Workshop 
The Hayward Regional Shoreline, located on
the eastern shores of San Francisco Bay, contains a diversity of fresh and saltwater wetlands that are a haven for migrating birds. Join us October 26 from 6:30-8:00 pm via Zoom for the Restore Hayward Marsh Project public workshop and learn how the District is planning for sea level rise and habitat resiliency, enhancing public access and wildlife habitat, and increasing shoreline resilience to adapt to future conditions. More Info.
Halloween Fun in Regional Parks
October offers some frightfully fun activities in the Regional Parks! Here are a few Halloween-themed activities that your family might enjoy.
*Registration required
Celebrate Fall on the Farm
Ardenwood Historic Farm in Fremont features lots of hands-on farming activities and events to celebrate the bounty of the season. Join us for apple cider pressing, making corn husk dolls, train rides, animal feeding, puppet shows and more! More Info.
Our Favorite Eight-Legged Friends
While there are several eight-legged creatures found in nature, our favorites found in Regional Parks are spiders! Our parklands (and backyards) provide habitat for all kinds of arachnids, most notable at this time year...tarantulas. Learn more about the special spiders found in and around Regional Parks:
*Registration required
Due to COVID-19, activities and events are taking place with social distancing measures in place. Please plan ahead and register or download info, depending on the activity’s guidance.
Sat, Oct 9, 10-11am, Morningtide Walks, Bay Point (registration required)

Sat, Oct 9, 10am-Noon, Saturday Stroll: Sibley, Sibley (Skyline)

Sat, Oct 9, 6:30-8pm, Arroyo Stargazing, Del Valle

Sun, Oct 10, 3-3:30, Fish Feeding Time, Crab Cove

Sat, Oct 16, 11am-Noon, Nectar Garden Exploration, Coyote Hills

Sat, Oct 16, Noon-4pm, Sunol Stories, Sunol

Sun, Oct 17, 4-6:30pm, Mighty Oaks From Tiny Acorns, Del Valle (registration required)

Fri, Oct 22, Noon-3pm, Introduction to Saltwater Fishing, Miller/Knox (registration required)

Sat, Oct 23, 10am-5pm, California Coast and Ocean Photography Exhibit, Crab Cove

Sat, Oct 23, 11am-Noon, Nature Journaling Workshop, Sunol

Sat, Oct 23, 6-8pm, Evening Cemetery Stroll, Black Diamond (registration required)

Fri, Oct 29, 6-7pm, Parasites! Kahoot Trivia, Black Diamond Facebook

Sat, Oct 30, 9:30am-12:30pm, Native Plant Gardening, Crab Cove

Sat, Oct 30, 10-11am, Not So Creepy Critters, Sunol

Sun, Oct 31, 8:30-10:30am, Beautiful Brunches, Morgan Territory (registration required)
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 East Bay Regional Park District |1 (888) EBPARKS | info@ebparks.org | www.ebparks.org