Join us this Sunday

We’re on our summer schedule! Join us for services at 8am, 9:15am for Wee Worship, and 10:30am. All services are in the church. 

News and Events
Join the Community Response Ministry

Are you looking for ways to get engaged in our community with smaller, short-term projects, and an opportunity to meet some wonderful people? Join the Community Response Ministry. We respond to community needs, such as serving lunch to migrants at a respite center one Thursday a month, sorting donated clothes, helping with resource drives, or helping to make pancakes for our neighbors at the Brooks Family shelter. You select those projects that fit your schedule.

To join our team, please contact John Nolan at
Become our Grate Patrol Coordinator!

Are you someone who finds joy in coordinating people to help the community? Do you like to help others engage with our community? Would you like to get involved, but don’t have much time, or are unavailable during working hours?  THIS IS FOR YOU! 

We are looking for someone(s) who would be interested in being our Grate Patrol Coordinator! Please email Cami Caudill at with interest.
Thank you and join us for our final summer concert
August 20th at 7pm

Thanks to all who joined us last Sunday for our outdoor concert featuring The Sweater Set. Mark your calendars for the last concert in our summer series - August 20th for King Street Bluegrass!

The playground will be open, so kids can explore while enjoying the music. If it's raining, we'll bring our chairs and blankets inside, and set up an indoor "courtyard" in the Great Hall. It's sure to be a great evening! The concerts are free and open to all.
NYC Youth Pilgrimage
September 22nd-24th

This fall St. C’s high schoolers will pilgrimage to NYC for a fun and spirit filled weekend! The weekend is September 22-24. More details, including price to come. Contact the Rev. Mitchell Felton if you’re interested, spots are limited!
Using our Member Portal

Realm is the church software system that St. Columba's utilizes. With an account, parishioners can sign up for events, set up pledge payments, take attendance for ministry meetings, locate contact information for parishioners and more. Watch this fabulous, easy instructional video created by Jamal Williams.

We are a large parish and it takes time to learn names and faces. Inserting your photo into your Realm profile and wearing your name button to worship on Sundays, are two great ways to get to be known and to feel known whether you have been at St. C's for a long while or if you are new to our community. There is a sign up sheet attached to the large magnetic white board outside of the Nave if you need a name button (no worries if you want a second one).
Contact Courtney Hundley at with questions.
Join the Summer Singers - our seasonal pick-up choir!

Summer Singers is a pick-up choir that forms each Sunday during the summer to learn and sing special music for that morning’s worship. The group gathers in the music room at 9:45 am for a quick warm-up, and then prepares an offertory anthem to share at the 10:30 am nave service. Singers of all ages and skill levels are welcome to join the Summer Singers each Sunday continuing through the first week in September, or on any Sunday you are available!
Lost and Found cleanout

Many items have been in the lost and found for months, so we’re planning on donating them. If you think you have an item that might be there, make sure to check this Sunday!

Sermons, Daily Breads, and Faith Stories are available as podcasts on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Listen and subscribe!
Our pastoral team is here to help with everything: emergencies, spiritual guidance and direction, and conversation. Visit this page or contact the Pastoral Team for more information.
Weekly drop-in Bible studies

Sunday Bible, Coffee and Conversation - weekly at 9:30 in room 212 and on Zoom. Contact David Griswold for call-in instructions.

Wednesday Morning Bible Study - weekly at
10 am via Zoom. Contact David Griswold for call-in instructions.

Thursday Morning Bible Study - weekly at
9 am via Zoom. Contact Jon McBride for call-in instructions.

Learn more at

How to Find us Online
Need a crash course in finding things online?
Here are some helpful links ...

Click here for an archive of #ColumbaDailyBread inspirations or find them on St. C's YouTube Channel. #PassTheBread and join the conversation by including #ColumbaDailyBread in your social media posts.

Instagram Download the Instagram app on your phone, go to St. C's on Instagram at @stcolumbas.dc and follow us.

St. C's Nursery School
For live events, go to the Nursery School's Facebook page.

Zoom Video Conferencing When looking to join a Zoom meeting, contact the meeting leader by email and ask for the meeting link and meeting ID number. Passwords may be required. Note: You may opt to join the meeting via telephone also, by using the call-in telephone number.