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Sunday, November 5, 2023

United Thank Offering

This Sunday, November 5, there will be United Thank Offering boxes available for people to pick up. For those familiar with UTO, the blue boxes are a familiar sight. For those who have never heard of it, UTO is an organization in the Episcopal Church that supports different ministries throughout the world, from clean water initiatives, and sustainable agriculture, to affordable childcare. 

Each ministry is done in and through Christ so that the love of Christ is shared in both word and deed. So how does it work? Every day when you come home, or before you put the kids to bed (or whenever), you get out the UTO box and pull the change from your pocket. Every time you put a coin in the box you give a prayer of thanksgiving, for family, friends, socks, the gospel, or whatever it is you’re thankful for. The boxes are picked up, the money is counted, and a check is sent to UTO. Except…so few of us carry cash anymore that the UTO box seems outdated. 

Here’s your challenge: carry cash between now and January 6 (Epiphany, that time when the Wise Men brought gifts to Jesus), and each day put your change in the UTO box. 

If you don’t like that challenge, try this one: get a roll of quarters from the bank and use that to fill your UTO box. It’s a tactile experience, holding the coin, naming something you're thankful for, and putting it in the box; it’s a habitual experience that becomes ingrained. 

Writing a check is not the same; if this was only about giving money to UTO we would hold a one-day event or send a UTO pledge card to the congregation. This is about being aware of what we have, mindfulness and gratefulness. 

I hope that everyone will prayerfully consider taking a UTO box and filling it with thankfulness and gratuity. And money.  

We will collect the boxes on Sunday, January 7, 2024, offering them to Christ in imitation of the Wise Men. 

Father Jason's Week in Review

October 26: Met with heads of Town and Country School; worked on calendar and logistical plans; pastoral calls; dinner with parishioners.

October 27: Day off; worked on sermon; Trunk or Treat at the kids’ daycare.

October 28: Worked on sermon; Dinner and fellowship with parishioners.

October 29: Sunday services; it was great to see all the people who wore costumes! Dinner in the evening with parishioners.

October 30: Hospital visit; finished fundraising letter; pastoral phone calls; pastoral visit.

October 31: All Hallows Eve; worked on bulletin for All Saints Day; pastoral visit; ecumenical lunch; took the kids trick or treating.

November 1: All Saint’s Day; staff meeting; prepared for service; pastoral visit and home communion; All Saint’s Day service. 

Thanksgiving Outreach with Harbor Interfaith

Harbor Interfaith Services, Inc. plans to deliver over 350 complete holiday meals for Thanksgiving. Donations from St. Francis can help to make Thanksgiving brighter for families served by HIS. They ask specifically for frozen turkeys, canned vegetables, mashed potatoes, stuffing or dressing mix, canned yams or sweet potatoes, cake mixes/frosting and/or grocery gift cards.

Parishioners can bring donations to church on Sundays or to the church office during office hours through Wednesday, Nov. 15 for delivery to HIS on Nov. 16.

For more information, contact Joyce Alley at [email protected]

For more about Harbor Interfaith, visit

Worship Bulletin for Sunday, Nov. 5

We have encountered a problem with our website and hope to have the issue resolved soon(ish). If you worship with us over livestreaming, you can download Sunday's 10 am worship bulletin here (PDF).

Coming Events

Saturday, Nov. 4

Campus Clean-Up

Join us from 9 am to noon and participate in helping enhance the beauty of our grounds! We’ll be trimming bushes and hedges, removing weeds, trimming roses, and more. Any tools you can bring will be greatly appreciated. Please let Claire in the office know if you are interested in joining and what tools you can bring, if any.

Sunday, Nov. 12, 2-4 pm

Packing Boxes for our Troops

Join us Sunday, November 12, 2-4 pm, as we pack boxes to send to our troops overseas. Everyone age 5 and older are welcome (with parent supervision) to help! If you can’t make it no worries you can still help: donate items listed on the flier (PDF) or donate $22 to help pay for shipping. Any questions? Reach out to Susie Zimmerman at 310-316-5941.

Communications and Notices
Please send all notices you wish to be included in the enews or bulletins to Rev. Jason.

Nursery and Sunday School

Sunday school for children in kindergarten through fifth grade will be held in the Parish Hall from 9:50 am to 10:40 am (ish ... the kids typically come in at the Peace). There is a nursery for children 6 months to 5 years old.

Contact: Kristina Pelá

Watch and Listen!

We livestream Sunday 10am worship on Facebook and YouTube. You can view past sermons or entire livestreams on our YouTube channel:

Weekly Worship
Sundays - Holy Communion
8:00 a.m. - Rite I in-person worship in the Chapel, with hymns. This service is not live-streamed.
10:00 a.m. - Rite II in-person worship in the main church with music. Live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube, and available for watching later.

Following the service we have coffee, tea (or plain, warm water), donut holes and other yummy nibbles. We also have a children's social hour in the St Francis' Garden, to the right of the church. There the kids enjoy juice, water, cookies and fruit. If you're reading this, odds are good you've been to at least one service - or someone surreptitiously gave us your email address. If you have any questions about what we do or why we do it, please don't hesitate to make an appointment with Father Jason, who loves talking about church (also Jesus, his kids and Star Wars, though not always in that order).
Please contact Kristina Pelá to arrange for a Lay Eucharistic Minister to safely bring you communion.

Yoga with Jill!
A spiritual mind and body practice!
  • Mondays 11:30am - 1:00pm - Level 1/2 Hatha for Strength and Mobility
  • Wednesdays 9:00-10:30am Level 1 Gentle Yoga for Vital Mobility and Balance
Parish Hall. No set fees - classes are free-will offering. Questions? Jill Fenske

Coffee Hour Ministry
To volunteer to help one week after the 10am worship service, see the sign-up sheet at Sunday coffee hour.
Our Parish Directory is Online
Need someone's email, or even map directions to their home?
Bookmark the link on your phone or computer and let your browser save the password and you will always be up to date with information!

Staff Directory

Office main line - 310-375-4617

The Rev. Jason Shelby 310-594-7984 - Rector

Mark Bennett 310-594-7416 - Director of Music

David Knight 310-375-4617- Organist

Claire Erbeznik 310-375-4617 - Office Administrator & Receptionist

Elaine Mistele 310-594-8268 - Business Manager

Joel Miranda - Sexton

Wayne Hastings 901-219-6564 - Communications Specialist

You are not interrupting our work - you ARE our work!