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St. Francis eNews for Sunday, October 15, 2023

Readings for October 15 - Proper 23 - Track 2

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A time to lower our voices and pray

For the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel, and the people of Judah are his pleasant planting; he expected justice, but saw bloodshed; righteousness, but heard a cry! — Isaiah 5:7

My siblings in Christ:

I know you join me in lamenting and grieving the devastating losses resulting from Hamas’ savage, unjustifiable terrorist attack against Israel beginning on Saturday, the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War. By Wednesday, Israeli and Palestinian deaths had exceeded 2,300. 

As followers of the Prince of Peace, our first and best instinct is to pray, and pray hard: For those who have died and been injured; for those most at risk from continued violence; and for all who have the power to end the suffering by ending the violence. 

We also lament every missed opportunity for an equitable peace in Israel and Palestine, year after year, epoch on epoch, that could have kept this outrage from the pages of history. We pray for the transfiguration of the agony of these terrible days into a relentless determination among leaders of good faith to make sure it never happens again. Experts on multigenerational conflicts say they end only when the suffering becomes unendurable to all sides. That this may be such a moment in Israel and Palestine is the moment’s only salutary feature. 

This is not the time to make political points beyond saying that all in the region deserve freedom, peace, security, and national self-determination. It can be done, if everyone gives something up. This includes those of us observing from a distance who love the Holy Land, follow its politics, and are passionate about our views. It is time for us to lower our voices and stop choosing sides. 

At the same time, as people of faith, let us stand our ground on the immorality of murdering noncombatants and taking hostages. No historic grievance or trauma can justify what Hamas did. By the same token, Israel must do all it can to spare civilians in the hours, days, and weeks ahead.

As we pray for peace, seek wisdom, and hold power to account, let us keep a special place in our hearts for The Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem and its archbishop, the Rt. Rev. Hosam Naoum, our Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles keynoter last year at convention and a respected leader in the Arab Christian community in Palestine. I’ve written to him on the diocese’s behalf, offering prayers and support. For his sake and the sake of all whom he serves so faithfully, always preaching peace with justice, reconciliation, and the power of Jesus’s love, please join me in making a gift to American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, which supports the Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City. 

Yours in Christ’s love,

The Rt. Rev. John Harvey Taylor

VII Bishop of Los Angeles

Blessing of the Animals at St. Francis

On Saturday, October 7 at 10:00 am we had our annual blessing of the pets in the St. Francis Garden. We eventually had at least 30 people and 28 pets in attendance, and we collected a generous donation for HELP, the organization in Rolling Hills that serves in many ways as an animal hospice. It was a beautiful morning, and all of the pets were on their best behavior. (Click the photos below to view larger.)

Military Outreach Fall Packing a Success

St Francis helps to support the Military and their families through Fall and Spring packing events for sending service members care packages, prayer both privately and in our worship services, and postal mail cards of encouragement.

Many of those who serve never receive care packages from home, so the packages we send are truly special for them.  

Our Fall packing event was a great success. The below photo shows some of the items we collected that were mailed to service members. (The stack of postal mail boxes in front are filled with food, snacks, and treats.)

The next pickup for Camp Pendleton is Saturday, January 20, 2024! Contact Susie Zimmerman for more info or to get involved.

Father Jason's Week in Review

October 5: Admin tasks; sermon prep; met with Palos Verdes Estates city manager to talk about the housing element. 

October 6: Day off; met with someone interested in being baptized and more involved in the church. 

October 7: Attended breakfast put on by AVID at Peninsula High School; blessing of the pets. 

October 8: Sunday services; St. Francis Day celebration - delicious chili, cornbread and pie! 

October 9: Dentist appointment to check on the future implant site (all is well); admin tasks; prepared for meeting with senior warden; met with senior warden. 

October 10: Met Pella Window rep at the rectory; pastoral phone call; pastoral meeting; deanery meeting; met someone driving by that wanted to look at the church; wardens’ meeting; premarital counseling. 

October 11: Hospital visit; pastoral visit; brought up to speed on PVE and their housing element; men’s group.  

Worship Bulletin for Sunday, Oct. 15

We have encountered a problem with our website and hope to have the issue resolved soon(ish). If you worship with us over livestreaming, you can download Sunday's 10 am worship bulletin here (PDF).

Coming Events

October 24: Giving Tuesday

Dine in or order takeout at Bettolino on Oct 24. Let your server know you are dining in support of St. Francis Episcopal Church to give 20% of the check to support our Scholarship Fund!

October 24: TAIZE

Join us from 7:00 pm to 7:45 pm as we gather in our candlelit chapel for a service of music and healing. Afterward, all are welcome to gather in our Board Room for continued connection.

November 1: All Saints Day

Join us at 7:00 pm for service in the chapel in honor of All Saints Day.

Communications and Notices
Please send all notices you wish to be included in the enews or bulletins to Rev. Jason.

Nursery and Sunday School

Sunday school for children in kindergarten through fifth grade will be held in the Parish Hall from 9:50 am to 10:40 am (ish ... the kids typically come in at the Peace). There is a nursery for children 6 months to 5 years old.

Contact: Kristina Pelá

Watch and Listen!

Our full Worship services can all be found on our YouTube channel. Just scan through the video for the sermon.

Past sermons can be found on our YouTube channel.

View or download any of our bulletins here.

Click here for The Episcopal News Update for October 8

Weekly Worship
Sundays - Holy Communion
8:00 a.m. - Rite I in-person worship in the Chapel, with hymns. This service is not live-streamed.
10:00 a.m. - Rite II in-person worship in the main church with music. Live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube, and available for watching later.

Following the service we have coffee, tea (or plain, warm water), donut holes and other yummy nibbles. We also have a children's social hour in the St Francis' Garden, to the right of the church. There the kids enjoy juice, water, cookies and fruit. If you're reading this, odds are good you've been to at least one service - or someone surreptitiously gave us your email address. If you have any questions about what we do or why we do it, please don't hesitate to make an appointment with Father Jason, who loves talking about church (also Jesus, his kids and Star Wars, though not always in that order).
Please contact Kristina Pelá to arrange for a Lay Eucharistic Minister to safely bring you communion.

Yoga with Jill!
A spiritual mind and body practice!
  • Mondays 11:30am - 1:00pm - Level 1/2 Hatha for Strength and Mobility
  • Wednesdays 9:00-10:30am Level 1 Gentle Yoga for Vital Mobility and Balance
Parish Hall. No set fees - classes are free-will offering. Questions? Jill Fenske

Coffee Hour Ministry
To volunteer to help one week after the 10am worship service, see the sign-up sheet at Sunday coffee hour.
Our Parish Directory is Online
Need someone's email, or even map directions to their home?
Bookmark the link on your phone or computer and let your browser save the password and you will always be up to date with information!

Staff Directory

Office main line - 310-375-4617

The Rev. Jason Shelby 310-594-7984 - Rector

Mark Bennett 310-594-7416 - Director of Music

David Knight 310-375-4617- Organist

Claire Erbeznik 310-375-4617 - Office Administrator & Receptionist

Elaine Mistele 310-594-8268 - Business Manager

Joel Miranda - Sexton

Wayne Hastings 901-219-6564 - Communications Specialist

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