1st Ward eNews
September 19, 2013


Wells Community Academy HS has joined with the Cal Ripken, Sr. Foundation to develop exciting plans for a community park, which will benefit Wells students and the community. I have allocated $100,000 to this project.

On Saturday, September 28th, there will be a 5K run/walk, beginning at noon, to raise funds for this project.

If you would like to participate, or help in anyway, please contact Susan Nusbaum at 773-534-7864 or senusbaum1@cps.edu.

BRT - Bus Rapid Transit on Ashland

A few months ago the CTA, Chicago Department of Transportation, the Department of Housing and Economic Development, and the Federal Transit Administration, announced the results of a year-long planning study to evaluate options for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) on Ashland and Western Avenues.

Ashland Avenue was chosen as the more viable option. You can read the reasons why this choice was made here.

BRT is now planned for 16 miles on Ashland, from Irving Park Road to 95th Street. Implementation will be phased.

My office has been contacted by numerous people, who have expressed concern about possible changes to traffic, parking and left-turn lanes. My staff and I have attended the CTA community meetings on BRT and will continue to do so. If there is demand, I am happy to hold a ward-specific meeting, where the proposal can be explained and concerns can be heard and addressed. 

From what I have read, BRT generally equips cities with a modern infrastructure to deal with population shifts. With more cars off the street, people will utilize BRT. In other cities, the corridors where BRT operates usually have lower vacancy rates and higher retail sales. There is also data to suggest that property values along BRT corridors rise.

I am currently neutral on the plan. At this stage, I think it is helpful to let both sides discuss (and they do vigorously) and hopefully find common ground. I do, however, want your opinions on the plan, so please contact my office.


This Saturday, September 21, between 4 and 8 p.m.
, Friends of the Bloomingdale Trail and the Trust for Public Land, have organized an event where people can become familiar with, and learn about, this revolutionary $50 Million project.

The $25 suggested donation will provide participants with drink discounts and food at each of the five locations along the trail.

1st Ward Alderman,
Proco Joe Moreno
2058 N. Western Avenue
Chicago, IL 60647
p. 773-278-0101
f. 773-278-2541
e. ward01@cityofchicago.org

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