Covenant eNEWS

January 15, 2025

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January Communion & Mission Focus Reelfoot Rural Ministries

In Christian love, this ministry provides personal encouragement, material assistance, helpful training, and spiritual guidance to children, elderly, and low income families in rural northwest Tennessee and southwest Kentucky.

This ministry encourages self-esteem and self support.

You may make your gift in one of these four ways: (1) make a check payable to Covenant UMC, designated for the Benevolence Fund, and mail it to the church, (2) place your designated in the offering plate/basket in any worship service, (3) give online through our website by clicking “Give” and select Benevolence Fund from the "Fund" list.


Click HERE to EGive through Covenant's website.  Choose the Communion Reelfoot Rural Ministries fund from the list of funds.

Creative Aging Event (65+)

Mighty Souls Brass Band at the Kroc Center

Wednesday, February 19, 2025 at 1:30pm

The Mighty Souls Brass Band to Concert Series at the Kroc Center Memphis. Mighty Souls Brass Band, a Memphis‐based rotating collective of composer‐players versed in a multitude of musical traditions, isn’t a soul band, nor is it a funk band, a marching band, or a swing band, and yet, you’ll hear all of those influences and more. 

Senior Ticket = $9.30    Please sign up by January 20th!


As part of our devotional time during our UWF meeting take a moment to reflect on how your faith has been formed: 

  • What parts of your faith did you inherit from the traditions and people before you?
  • What parts of your faith are personal to you?

We have a fantastic opportunity that is coming to Covenant UMC in January called WalkThru the Bible, OT Live, where we will have a special guest from WalkThru the Bible lead us in a seminary showing us a unique, fun, and meaningful way to engage the Old Testament scriptures. We are hosting this event as a special opportunity to Grow Together, which is one of discipleship practices as a church.

The event will be on Saturday, January 25, 2025, from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. here at Covenant. Registration is OPEN NOW and the cost is $20 per person (which will cover your materials).

Keep up with the Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference of the United Methodist Church
We are now able to use our smartphones to text our gifts
through our EGIVE site! Click HERE for a full set of
instructions to get started!

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