Covenant eNEWS

November 26, 2024

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December Communion & Mission Focus Benevolence Fund

This fund provides money for utility assistance, gas, and other needs to those in our community.

You may make your gift in one of these four ways: (1) make a check payable to Covenant UMC, designated for the Benevolence Fund, and mail it to the church, (2) place your designated in the offering plate/basket in any worship service, (3) give online through our website by clicking “Give” and select Benevolence Fund from the "Fund" list.


Click HERE to EGive through Covenant's website.  Choose the Benevolence fund from the list of funds.

    Tuesday, December 10, 2024 ~ 1:00pm in The Café Area

Please join us for an afternoon of fellowship and fun! We will make our own Christmas decorations featuring the Nativity scene, and enjoy some sweet treats together. Please RSVP to Heather Crone at so there are enough supplies. All are welcome! 


Kids just bring out a lot of joy for us don't they?! It is especially touching when these precious little ones, who have been working hard for weeks, bring a beautiful message through presentations such as this one. You will not want to miss this! Join us on Sunday, December 8 @ 5 pm in the Sanctuary for our Covenant Kids' presentation of their Christmas musical!

Here is a little background for the musical that you are coming to see! The staff of a 1970s-era radio station (think WKRP in Cincinnati, but they know turkeys can fly) must come up with a live Christmas Eve broadcast when an impending blizzard knocks out the electricity, leaving them with limited broadcast capabilities and only a backup generator for power. Fortunately a busload of choir members has taken refuge at the radio station. As a result, a non-believing disc jockey discovers faith in Jesus and the real meaning of Christmas during their live production.

Keep up with the Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference of the United Methodist Church
We are now able to use our smartphones to text our gifts
through our EGIVE site! Click HERE for a full set of
instructions to get started!

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