Covenant eNEWS

September 5, 2024

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Mission Focus for September Project Transformation

MPT’s summer reading program involves children, youth, and college age young adults. Monday – Thursday the children are offered breakfast and lunch provided by a local YMCA. The children and youth spend the morning, 9:45 am - 11:45 am, reading to an adult volunteer. The volunteers listen to 1 child read for 1 hour and then listen to another child for the 2nd hour. Because of loving caring volunteers, 99% of the children that have participated have improved or maintained their reading level.


In the afternoon, the children and youth are engaged in enrichment activities through a summer day camp experience that develops students’ social-emotional skills in a high-energy and relational environment.

Volunteers also provide the opportunity for the children and youth to learn new skills through hands on participation or by learning about new opportunities when special guests come and share their experiences. Learning to sew, learning about the Memphis Fire

Department, learning about woodworking, are just a few examples where volunteers sharing their time and talents can make a difference. If you would like to support Project Transformation you can do so by placing a check earmarked for PT in the offering plate or using the link below.


Click HERE to EGive through Covenant's website.  Choose the Communion-Project Transformation  from the list of funds.

We’re excited to announce an upcoming presentation for our members, friends, and family. We’ll be hosting David Allen to present on "Living to 100: Stewarding your body according to God’s design and for his glory”. David is the owner of NBS Fitness, a local gym where he has been guiding people to better health and fitness for 15 years. In this presentation you can expect to learn:

-What the Bible has to say about health and fitness

-How to measure your life span and health span

-What are the common struggles people face in proper stewardship of their body and how to overcome them

-What you can do today to start living a more healthy life

A taco bar dinner will be provided after the presentation please sign up using Signup Genius below so we can know how much food to provide. 


African Children's Choir

Covenant will host the African Children’s Choir on Friday and Saturday, November 22nd and 23rd. We will provide dinner, Friday evening, attend their musical program of singing, provide a place to sleep Friday evening, a breakfast Saturday morning, and a sack lunch to send them on their way. The Covenant Quilters are providing for each adult and young person a special, beautiful “throw blanket.” We need folks to help in each area mentioned. Please contact Liz Yancey if you can help with this special time. (901) 754-8587 or 

Children's Christmas Pageant Needs

This year’s Christmas Pageant will have a 70’s type of vibe and we are in need of borrowing the following items:


Tie Dye

Bell Bottom Pants


Leisure Suits


Peace Symbols

Anything from the Groovy 70’s

Please bring the items to the Promise Land or the church office with your name on them so they can be returned.


United Women in Faith Silent Auction Items

The United Women in Faith (formerly UMW) is having their annual luncheon and silent auction on October 19th and is in need of silent auction items - gently used or new items. They would like them brought to the church before Thursday October 17th, so they can be priced. They would also appreciate a suggested price.


The Mousetrap @ Theatre Memphis

October 9, 2024 @ 7:00pm -

Tickets on sale September 9 @ 8am

As the Creative Aging Concert Series continues, join us for a delightful evening of theatre with Theatre Memphis’ production of The Mousetrap! This Agatha Christie classic is an all-time favorite mystery!

Please visit the website to purchase tickets -

Price = $12.51/Senior Adult – Tickets are limited and sell quickly!


Title Wave Auto Spa Tickets

Enjoy a top-tier car wash experience at an exceptional discount at Tidal Wave Auto Spa in Cordova. Thanks to those who participated in the Youth Fund Raiser this past year. We have 18 tickets left and the sales of those will be placed in the Youth Ministry fund. The tickets are $10 for a $30 car wash. The first seven tickets sold will include a free ticket! You can purchase the tickets in the church office with Liz.


Keep up with the Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference of the United Methodist Church
We are now able to use our smartphones to text our gifts
through our EGIVE site! Click HERE for a full set of
instructions to get started!

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