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Indiantown High School (IHS) is a new public charter high school in Martin County, Florida, focusing on college preparedness and career and workforce education. Operated by Indian River State College (IRSC) in partnership with the Martin County School District, IHS integrates traditional high school curriculum with workforce and college courses, producing graduates that can directly pursue career opportunities or higher education upon graduation. With smaller class sizes, college-style block scheduling, and our Pathfinder Advisory, we are uniquely equipped to meet the needs of all learners!

Please share the link via families, colleagues, neighbors, etc. with any potential students you know who may avail themselves of this valuable and unique opportunity to be college AND career ready at the small school environment on 19000 SW Citrus Blvd as classes begin August 9!!!!! Indiantown HS will equip and empower students for success by way of an amazing team of teachers and staff at the incredible NEW school location powered by IRSC!!!!!

Indiantown High School (IHS) es una nueva escuela secundaria chater pública en el condado de Martin, Florida, que se centra en la preparación universitaria y la educación profesional y laboral. Operado por Indian River State College (IRSC) en asociación con el Distrito Escolar del Condado de Martin, IHS integra el plan de estudios tradicional de la escuela secundaria con la fuerza laboral y los cursos universitarios, produciendo graduados que pueden buscar directamente oportunidades de carrera o educación superior al graduarse. Con clases más pequeñas, programación de bloques de estilo universitario y nuestro Pathfinder Advisory, ¡Estamos equipados de manera única para satisfacer las necesidades de todos los estudiantes!


Por favor, comparta el enlace a través de familias, colegas, vecinos, etc. con cualquier estudiante que conozca que pueda aprovechar esta valiosa y única oportunidad de estar listo para la universidad Y la carrera en este pequeño ambiente escolar situada en 19000 SW Citrus Blvd, las clases comenzarán el 9 de agosto!!!! Indiantown HS equipará y capacitará a los estudiantes para el éxito a través de un increíble equipo de maestros y personal en la increíble ubicación de la NUEVA escuela impulsada por IRSC!!!!

Village Surveys

Land Development Regulations Recommendation Request

The Village of Indiantown is seeking your input for any suggestions for amendments to the Village's Land Development Regulations (LDRs) adopted on November 12, 2020. The attached form can be dropped off at Village Hall at 15516 SW Osceola St. Suite B. Indiantown, Florida 34956 (Monday through Friday 8:00 AM-5:00 PM), emailed to, faxed to 772-597-9910, or mailed to P.O Box 398 Indiantown, Florida 34956.

Here is the link to the site with the form to submit a recommendation request. 

Click here for more information

“El pueblo de Indiantown está buscando su ayuda en cualquier recomendación acerca de las enmiendas para las Regulaciones de desarrollo de tierras (LDR) del pueblo adoptadas el 12 de noviembre de 2020. El formulario adjunto se puede dejar en Village Hall localizada en 15516 SW Osceola St. Suite B. Indiantown, Florida 34956 (de lunes a viernes de 8:00 a. m. a 5:00 p. m.), por correo electrónico a, por fax al 772-597-9910 o por correo postal a P.O Box 398 Indiantown, Florida 34956.

Aquí está el enlace al sitio con el formulario para enviar una solicitud de recomendación.”

haga clic aquí para más información

The Village of Indiantown wants your input on our parks and recreation master plan. In the next few months, the Village will be preparing a parks and recreation master plan that will help us plan for our future and the future recreation needs of our community. Please take a few minutes and follow the link to the survey.

Deadline to complete survey Friday, August 18.

El Village of Indiantown quiere su opinión sobre nuestros planes para el departamento de parques y recreación. En los próximos meses, el Village preparará un plan maestro para el departamento de parques y recreación que nos ayudará a planificar nuestro futuro y las futuras necesidades de recreación de nuestra comunidad. Tómese unos minutos y siga el enlace a la encuesta.

Fecha límite para completar la encuesta el Viernes 18 de Agosto.

Parks and




Programs to Harden Your Home Before Hurricane Season

We are about 100 days away from hurricane season this is a good time to harden your home. There are a couple of programs to assist financially.

Programas para fortalecer su hogar antes de la temporada de huracanes

Estamos a unos 100 días de la temporada de huracanes, este es un buen momento para fortalecer su hogar. Hay un par de programas para ayudar financieramente.

Sign-up for Alert Notifications

Emergencies can occur at any time. Subscribe to Village of Indiantown emails and alerts from Martin County.

Regístrese para recibir notificaciones de alerta

Las emergencias pueden ocurrir en cualquier momento. Suscríbase a los correos electrónicos y alertas de Village of Indiantown del condado de Martin.


Free Saturday Shuttle to and from Stuart Continues

The free Saturday bus service has two-hour headways from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. from Rines Market, 15500 SW Trail Drive, Indiantown. A round trip is approximately one hour and 45 mins.

Waste Management

Special Needs Assistance Program for Regular Trash Pick-up

If you are physically unable to take out your waste to the curb, have your doctor send a notice that includes your name, address, contact and reason for the medical hardship to You will then be contacted with further instructions. This special service does not include yard waste collection.

The HazMobile is available in Indiantown on the fourth Friday of the month from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Fire Station #24, 16550 SW Warfield Blvd.

Martin County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller Indiantown Branch is Open

Indiantown Branch Office
16550 SW Warfield Boulevard
Indiantown, FL 34996
Phone: 772-223-7921
Wednesdays Only
(additional days coming soon)
8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Regular Village Council Meetings

Thursday, August 10 & 24, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.

Public meetings are held in Village Hall at 15516 SW Osceola St., Ste. C, Indiantown, FL 34956, unless otherwise noted. Please be advised that some members of the Village Council may appear via Zoom. Overflow participants can participate via Zoom.

For more details on public meetings and other happenings, visit the online calendar.

We're Hiring Now

Check back for more.


Reporte cortes de alumbrado público

The Village of Indiantown solicita su ayuda para mantener el sistema de alumbrado público informandonos sober los apagones.

El sistema de alumbrado público ubicado dentro 'dentro del Pueblo de Indiantown es mantenido por Florida Power & Light.

Identificar la dirección y/o número de poste.

Números de poste. Números de poste de

FPL P-000000 o C-000000.

Comunicarse al 1-800-468-8243

o visite al

o escanea el código QR a la derecha.

Financial Assistance Available to Address a Code Violation

The Village of Indiantown has gathered several community, governmental and non-governmental resources available to assist qualified property owners with financial assistance to rehabilitate their property for code compliance.

Download Flyer

Report Railroad Safety Concerns

Call the Public Safety Coordination Center at 1-800-232-0144 which is manned 24/7. Report a variety of issues online.

Report online.

Llame al Centro de Coordinación de Seguridad Pública al 1-800-232-0144, que está atendido las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana. Informe una variedad de problemas en línea.

Informe en línea

FDOT Treasure Coast Improvements
The Florida Department of Transportation keeps the public informed of current construction and future transportation improvement projects in the Treasure Coast. Information available includes project descriptions and progress, anticipated lane closures, frequently asked questions, contact information, and links to other useful sites.

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The Village of Indiantown is dedicated to creating a sustainable community with friendly neighborhoods, civic engagement, and economic prosperity while proudly maintaining our small-town feel and sense of community.

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