Last Sunday at our Annual Meeting, the Vestry revealed that we needed to think strategically about long-term financial stability, and that such thinking necessarily entailed thinking about maximizing our greatest physical asset - our property. We are currently in conversation with a property development firm that specializes in working with churches for just this thing. We are in the early stages and have little concrete information at this time but are encouraged by the possibilities as well as by the overall enthusiastic response we received from you on Sunday.
I encourage you to watch the YouTube recording of the Annual Meeting (linked below) so you can be fully caught up! I also encourage you to send to me or any member of the Vestry your question, fears, hopes, and dreams by email, snail mail, or phone call. The Vestry is keen to hear from you.
We will continue to share with you as we can and ask that you hold your Cathedral in prayer and blessing as we move through complicated waters!
Beloved, I love you, and God adores you.
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Cathedral Church of St. Paul News & Events | |
Thank You
Thank you to everyone who attended and participated in last Sunday's Annual Meeting, and especially Gerry Davis, who beautifully captured the event photographically. If you were unable to be there in person, you can view a recording of the service and meeting on the Cathedral's YouTube Channel.
The Urban Cathedral Study Report referenced in the annual meeting is available here.
Parish-wide meetings to discuss, provide updates, and hear questions and concerns are scheduled for Sunday, February 23 and Sunday, March 30 after worship.
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This Week in Adult Forum: Seminary
This week's Adult Forum tackles Theological Education Sunday in the Episcopal Church as we discuss Seminary. What is seminary? Who gets to go? Who has to? How is it different than a divinity school? Are there other formational opportunities in the Episcopal Church?
Come find out this Sunday after worship and a snack. Questions and discussion are encouraged.
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Taizé Worship This Sunday
This hour-long service combines sung and spoken prayer, meditative readings from Scripture and other sources, along with silence, to allow ourselves space to slow down and simply ‘be’. Selections primarily from the Taizé Community in France supply the musical framework for this service. Icons and candle lighting provide additional conduits to join our minds and hearts in prayer for ourselves, the community gathered, and our world.
Be with us, in person or via YouTube, for a time of quiet contemplation and the opportunity to connect with The Holy One. You will also be able to find the live stream link on the Cathedral website. We hope you can join us...with extra candles for Candlemas!
Sunday, February 2 at 7 p.m. at the Cathedral. All are welcome.
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Souperbowl Party for the Wider Congregation
All ages of the congregation are invited to a Super Bowl party, hosted by the Young Adults of the parish (aged 18 after-high-school to 40ish), on Sunday evening, February 9th starting at 6 p.m. at the Cathedral.
Please come and enjoy non-alcoholic drinks, football, and exciting commercials on a big screen – all while getting to know your fellow parishioners better! Young Adults will provide snacks to share. Everyone else is encouraged to bring two cans of soup for Feeding Champlain Valley. If you are considering attending, please contact Bobby+, so that there is plenty of food. Thanks so much!
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Parish Directory Available
The latest St. Paul's directory has been updated and copies are available to parishioners. There will be printed copies available on the Narthex table starting this Sunday, and electronic copies are available by emailing the Cathedral office.
As a reminder, in order to ensure confidence, privacy and promote an open exchange of information for members, the church asks that the member directory not be used for solicitation, marketing, or sharing of member information with non-members.
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Open Hearts, Open Minds: A Racial Justice Book Study
On Tuesday, February 11, the Open Hearts, Open Minds book study group will meet at 7 p.m. on Zoom.
Please join us to discuss The Message by Ta-Nehisi Coates that was published in 2024. Coates is the author of four other books, one of which —Between the World and Me —won the National Book Award in 2015. Not only is he a respected author, but he is also the Sterling Brown Endowed Chair in the English Department at Howard University.
In this book, Coates brings the reader along with him as he sets out on a circuitous journey of learning and introspection. First he visits Dakar, Senegal, then Columbia, SC and from there travels to Palestine. He concludes with a passionate statement —a message for new messengers.
This book is available online for purchase. We have found that most libraries have a long waiting list for checking it out.
New book study members are always welcome. Just click the Zoom link at 7 p.m. on 2/11/25.
Mary Schreiber
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To Share and to Shed
Did you camp back in the day? Do you need space in your closet? Here is our chance to share some of ourselves and to shed that which we no longer need.
Throughout the month of February, we'll be collecting sleeping bags, winter coats, winter hats, and new socks. There will be a place in back, near the kids corner, where you can joyfully donate your extras to help keep our neighbors WARM.
Items will be distributed to folks at the Elmwood Community Pods, King Street Laundry, and we'll keep some on hand to give directly to our neighbors whom we meet right here on the Cathedral property.
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Cathedral Arts Presents Nicholas Tocci, baritone, and Claire Black, piano
Join this delightful duo for a wintry afternoon of art songs. The program will comprise pieces by Benjamin Britten, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Franz Schubert, and Richard Strauss.
Sunday, February 16, 4 p.m.
This is a ticketed event. Tickets can be purchased via 7Days Ticketing
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Cathedral Arts Quarterly for February-April
Our third paper installment of arts offerings is now available, here and on the Cathedral Arts website. It details events of the coming three months, with "Save the date" information beyond. Pick up a copy at the Cathedral welcome table or foyer rack and share it with a friend, grace the front of your refrigerator, and/or post in the community. This Quarterly was designed by Cathedral Arts Intern Oliver Purdue, a UVM Senior majoring in Music Technology and Business who is also a classical cellist. We are grateful for his work in this and other areas as we grow.
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The Gift of Language
Do you have some command of a language other than English? If so, might you be willing to share that gift?
We are compiling a resource list. More and more, we encounter folks who have very little English. Google Translate is useful, but it would be great to have other resources. You do not have to be fluent, and we will never put you on the spot! Your ability to help others communicate may truly be a gift!
Please contact Deacon Susan McMillan if you might be willing to help communicate with these members of our community.
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All children ages four through 13 are welcome to join us downstairs after worship for Church School. You can view or download the Sunday Paper for this Sunday by clicking here.
If you have questions, please contact Katie Gonyaw at
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Join us for our Worship, in person or via our Live Stream on YouTube.
Holy Eucharist, 10 a.m. in person and Live Streamed.
You can view or download the order of worship on our website.
Other Regular Services
All are welcome to join us for our weekday services:
Morning Prayer, Monday - Friday at 8:30 a.m. on Zoom.
Tuesday - Friday at 8:30 a.m. in person
Compline, Sundays and Wednesdays at 9:00 p.m. on Zoom.
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For Our Prayers This Week |
We pray for blessings and joy for those who have birthdays this week: Frank Guillot, Emiry Potter, Char McFeeters, Katherine Verman.
Let us name before God those for whom we offer our prayers: Jay Vos; Russ Ingraham; Sharan Williamson Nosal; Joan Braun; Chris; Kevin; Sylvia; Chris; Donna Toufexis; Taby; Jody Andreoletti; Kim and Luis; Kit Roberts; Lisa Sweeny; Unborn Baby Sweeny; Tracey; Al Carpenter; Keith Pillsbury; Lynne Dapice; Kitty Noyes; Mike Bell; Laurie Donaldson; Gail Ernevad; Barbie Kimberly; Debby Galbraith; Stan Walker; Tom Ely; Alice Van Buren; Jim and Linda Larson; Gina Hilo; Ben; Alex Versaw; Steve Burns; Barbara; Genevieve; Jaya and Abby Kelly; Fran Carlson, Devin Starlanyl; Karin Davis; Jay Slobodzian; Thomas McGrade; Ashton Christy; Randy and Ruth Booze; Jennifer Jenkins; Michael Fay; Henry Maciejewski; P.J.; John; Marie Cole; Kim Martin; Helene; Nancy Johnson; Jean Erno; Jackie; Lillian Robinson; Peter Adams; Elizabeth Webster; Debbie Altemus; Vaughn Altemus; Helen McGrath; and Mary Carter. For Ukraine and those fleeing its borders and for the people of Russia, and the ongoing wars in Sudan, Myanmar and Ethiopia. For peace in the Holy Land and between Israel and Palestine. For all victims of gun violence. For all who grieve. For all those affected by the wildfires in California.
For al
We pray for those who are in the discernment process: Henry Kellogg.
“Be a lamp then in heart, in hand, in lips.
The lamp in your heart will shine for you,
the lamp in your hand or on your lips
will shine out for your neighbours.
The lamp in the heart,
is loving faith,
the lamp in the hand,
is the example of good works,
the lamp on the lips, is edifying speech.”
-- Blessed Guerric of Igny
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Lessons for February 2: The Presentation of our Lord | Almighty and everliving God, we humbly pray that, as your only-begotten Son was this day presented in the temple, so we may be presented to you with pure and clean hearts by Jesus Christ our Lord; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. | |
You're Invited to Faith Climate Action Day
Once a year, Vermont's faith and environmental leaders come together at the Statehouse to voice our faith and environmental values in the fight against climate change. The day includes a community gathering, a training on lobbying, a press conference, and time to meet face-to-face with our legislators about climate priorities. This is a family friendly event! We welcome and encourage youth voices.
Where: Vermont Statehouse (115 State St, Montpelier)
When: February 19th, 2025, 9:00am-3:00pm (You can attend part of the day or all of it!)
Why: FCAD is an opportunity to build community, advocate for our faith and environmental values directly with our representatives, and stand in solidarity for Vermont's future.
How: REGISTER FCAD 2025 - Vermont Interfaith Power & Light (VTIPL)
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Submission Deadline for St. Paul's eNews | This weekly e-newsletter is circulated on Fridays. Please send your submissions to Jennifer Sumner at by noon on Wednesday. Thank you. | | | | |