- our students & families; our school administration, faculty & staff; our pastoral and parish staff - that we stay strong in faith, kindness and compassion.
- our first responders and health care workers who are making sacrifices to keep us safe.
- those in the food service and delivery industries and other essential service providers who are working to allow us to meet our needs.
- for our greater community and world - that we unite in a common purpose to face this health crisis with fatih, hope and love.
Our Lady of the Rosary
Pray for Us
If you have a prayer request, please email ffajardo@csdo.org
Bring home the Gospel
Family Activity
Family Activity:
* Read the story of the Passion. Create your own Way of the Cross. As a family, write what are your own 14 events.
* Send a photo of your family activity to Mrs. Fajardo at:
for the Supplement Pages
Upload your school photos directly to our yearbook site
Parents go to:
School Code:
Download the app for iPhone or Droid based phones by searching Herff Jones eShare in the appropriate app store.
Dates & Events
Long Term Dismissal
See live calendar link.
Monday, April 6
Wednesday, April 8
* Sustained learning during LTD
Thursday, April 9
Sunday, April 19
* Easter Break
Monday, April 20
Friday, April 24
* Sustained learning during LTD
Monday, April 27
Friday, May 1
* Sustained learning during LTD
Principal Fajardo 4.3.2020 |
April 5, 2020
Dear Holy Rosary School Fam
I follow Verse of the Day as part of my spiritual journey. As I go through my emails each morning, Verse of the Day pops up and I take a moment to reflect on it and I save the ones that touch my heart. One particular verse came this week. It was a Letter from St. Paul to the Ephesians. He reminded us to "be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace."
It is a reminder that relationships on earth, even those in Christ's Church, are going to require a lot of effort, gritty love, personal sacrifice, and rigorous determination.
I think about our Blessed Mother and how she managed her family. We know that Jesus was the carpenter's son and that Joseph taught him the craft. We know that Mary and Joseph taught Jesus to pray and that Jesus prayed - spontaneously, alone, and with his friends. Mary and Joseph worked hard, helped each other, understood and accepted each other and took care of their child so that he might grow up not only in human knowledge but also as a Child of God. The Holy Family is an inspiration.
As a family we are facing incredible challenges during this Shelter in Place. We are home, together. All the time. Our call to be loving parents, to be patient, to bear with one another in love is being tested. As moms and dads, we can get consumed with worry and bogged down by time. Between making sure your child is doing their school work, managing working from home or wondering how you will survive a work furlough, to maintaining a balanced life, how do we preserve the family unity and be the Holy Family?
We can keep our family strong through prayer. Stop and breathe. Go outside. Be together, play together and pray together.
Our students pray spontaneously, alone and with their friends while they are in school. We pray in the morning, before meals, at the beginning of class, at the end of day, during Faith Families, in church and so much more. As parents, it is our responsibility to teach our children to pray.
What I love about our Holy Rosary family community is that it is comforting to know that we are together in this journey. Be rooted in faith, hope and love.
Let us pray for the grace of caring for one another in our own families, for each member of the parish family, and for all of the families of the universal Church.
Our Lady of the Rosary. Pray for us. I love you Holy Rosary. Be Strong.
Faith, hope, love and the greatest of these is LOVE.
1 Corinthians 13
In Partnership,
Ms. Fely Fajardo
Mrs. Santa Maria writes a reflection piece on Station 1 - Jesus is Condemned. We are proud to share her reflection with you. Published in Today's Catholic Teacher:
"This is a tough time and many of us are sad about the situation, but as we have seen in the past, hard times can also bring out the best in people. Just as Jesus knew that the suffering he was about to endure would bring about the hope and joy of His resurrection on Easter Sunday, if we look at this situation with faith, hope, and love, we can see some positive things coming from this as well. Perhaps this quarantine will bring families closer as they spend more time together. I know that I have a newfound appreciation for my time with students in the classroom. I miss them so much. Many parents have expressed a new appreciation for teachers, and even students who thought they didn't like school are finding that they miss being with their teachers and friends and having that routine of being in school together." Read more at
The First Station

The school office sends out an Attendance Email at 6:30 a.m. This communication is to the emails listed in PowerSchool. Please verify your child's attendance during our Long Term Dismissal using your child's class link. Contact Mrs. Gonzalez at kgonzalez@csdo.org for attendance.
Holy Rosary School relies on tuition to meet the financial obligations of daily operations. If you are experiencing financial hardship during the Shelter in Place official orders, please email Mrs. Fajardo at ffajardo@csdo.org. The office will have limited open hours, 9 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. We are available to take your call and respond to emails.
Take time to review our Holy Rosary School Parent Student Handbook Acceptable Use Policy for Technology.
We must follow Safe Environment Guidelines. Let's keep our students safe while they explore this whole new world. Supervision is key in helping them make good choices and be successful. They need our guidance and support. If you are having technical issues, email your teacher. We are here to help!
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
"The three great practices of Lent - prayer, fasting, and almsgiving - are three things we can all do. As you do these three things, pray to draw closer to the Lord as the center of your life and the reason you do everything." - Lenten Gospel Reflections, Word on Fire.
FACE provides need-based tuition grants to students who attend Catholic schools in the Diocese of Oakland.
FACE was founded in 1978 and helps students regardless of religion, gender, ethnicity or citizenship. We hope to support over 700 students every school year.The recent success of our annual Gala and donated funds increases the number of grants given each year.
The Diocese of Oakland includes 39 elementary and 9 secondary Catholic schools throughout the East Bay.
The BASIC Fund for 2020.
New Applications
Starting January 1, 2020 BASIC Fund applications for the 2020-2021 School Year will be available online at
www.basicfund.org. The deadline is March 18, 2020. Scholarships are awarded on a first-come, first served basis. Applications must be complete to be considered. Complete applications submitted after the March 18
deadline will be awarded periodically through the summer of 2020, if funds become available.
Renewals will also be processed on-line. Families, as well as schools, will be notified early March with instructions on how to renew their scholarship for the 2020-2021 School Year on-line. Deadline for renewals will be mid-April. We will confirm deadline date with details early March.
Holy Rosary Elementary School, a ministry of Holy Rosary Church, rooted in the Dominican tradition of study, prayer and truth, provides a quality Catholic education and a foundation for higher learning and service within a diverse community.
We, in partnership with our families, are a faith community which shares its love of God and instills high academic values. We guide students to an understanding of who they are and an appreciation for what they can contribute to the world.