IBLCE LogoLetterhead   
  International eNewsletter
from the Board of Directors
Volume 5, Issue 1
April 2016
In This Issue
MILCC Applications Closing Soon!
IBLCE Application Windows
Recertification by CERPs
Important Note for Applicants Observing Rosh Hashanah
IBLCE Has Moved!
New Country Coordinator for Korea
New Country Coordinator for Brazil
Certificant Spotlight
IBLCE News and Notes
IBLCE Board Director Profile


In the last edition of the IBLCE enewsletter, this publication included Chair-Elect Regina Roig-Romero's former title. Her title was erroneously referred to as Senior Lactation Consultant

Ms. Roig-Romero's current title is Deputy Breastfeeding Coordinator for the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program in Miami, Florida
We sincerely apologize for the error.

Please remember that if your contact information changes, including email address, it is your professional responsibility to inform IBLCE.


Thank you for remembering that we can't keep in touch with you if you don't keep in touch with us!


Contact IBLCE with your new information!
Quiz Result Is In!
Q: Last eNewsletter's question was: 

IBLCE awarded ______ MILCC scholarships to candidates from  ______ countries

D: 90 ; 19
Quiz of the Quarter

Q: In addition to attending conferences, how can current IBCLCs earn CERPs?

A.  Clinical Observation

B.  Poster Presentation

C. Teaching

D. Master's thesis and doctoral dissertation

E. All of the Above


Check out the next IBLCE enewsletter for the answer to this quiz of the quarter!

Country Quiz of the Quarter

Which of the following facts about Brazil are true?

A. Brazil is the world's largest coffee exporter

B.   Brazil is the 5th largest country in terms of area in the world

C. Brazil is the 5th largest country in terms of population in the world

D.   The capital of Brazil is São Paulo.

Answer: A, B, and C are all correct. The capital of Brazil is Brasília.

IBLCE and MILCC: Charting the Future of the IBCLC  

For many years, the Monetary Investment for Lactation Consultant Certification organization, also known as MILCC, has afforded scholarships to deserving candidates all over the globe who wish to pursue, or maintain, the IBCLC ® credential but who do not have the financial resources to do so.  Last year alone, 90 individuals from 19 different countries received MILCC scholarships.  MILCC has made a difference in many IBCLCs' professional lives as well as the breastfeeding families they serve.

MILCC, the charitable organization affiliated with IBLCE®, has engaged in a discernment process over the past year to determine its future direction.  MILCC considered whether it wished to simply continue awarding scholarships or to broaden its important existing mission.  IBLCE  solicited feedback from the IBCLC community as part of this discernment process in 2013 and over 3,300 responses were received.

As a result of this process, MILCC has established a bold new vision and strategic direction.

Highlights include the following new Vision, Mission and Goals:


Every family worldwide has access to culturally appropriate care from an IBCLC.


To remove financial barriers to accessing the IBCLC credential by fostering inclusiveness, promoting philanthropy, and increasing public awareness of the value of the IBCLC.


Heighten visibility of MILCC and the IBCLC profession to potential applicants and donors.

Expand financial support for IBCLC exam candidates by conducting philanthropic activities.

Foster inclusiveness and diversity within the IBCLC profession.

Maintain and enhance organizational vitality and capacity.

MILCC's mission has thus broadened in light of this discernment process.  In support of the same, IBLCE is making a one-time unrestricted gift of $100,000 in support of MILCC's bold new vision and broader strategic plan.

IBLCE Chair Andreja Tekauc-Golob, M.D., IBCLC recently stated, "IBLCE is delighted to support and advance the profession by making a substantial donation to MILCC.   The work of MILCC is critically important as it allows aspiring and current IBCLCs to reach their professional goals and in turn help parents and families reach their breastfeeding goals."

After discussing some initial concepts over the last several years, IBLCE formed a task force to ascertain how it could facilitate diversity in the profession and help develop the future of the profession.

Out of this work, the Emerging Leaders Scholarship was born.  The objective of the Emerging Leaders in Lactation (ELL) Scholarship is to facilitate diversity among IBCLC candidates and future IBCLC leaders by providing financial assistance to candidates who may otherwise be unable to pursue the credential.

IBLCE will provide restricted funding for the program to MILCC, or up to $5,000 each, for six scholarships for the first year of the program.  MILCC will administer the program and determine scholarship recipients based on the criteria below.

Further information will be made available but candidate requirements are to include:
  • All candidates must fall into the category of groups historically underrepresented in the profession and its leadership.
  • Candidates must have completed any one of the three "legs" of current IBLCE requirements (health sciences education, clinical experience, lactation specific education).
  • Candidates must submit a plan for completion of the remaining legs of current IBLCE requirements.
  • Submission of an essay.
  • At least one recommendation from a current IBCLC in good standing strongly preferred.
  • Financial need, as determined by MILCC.
  • Demonstrated leadership in their region.
  • Candidate interview.
In announcing the ELL Scholarship Program, Dr. Tekauc Golob stated that "IBLCE is also very pleased to provide support to MILCC for the Emerging Leaders program, which will further diversify the IBCLC community by recognizing and supporting excellence among those historically underrepresented in the profession and its leadership."

Upon learning of both IBLCE's one-time donation as well as IBLCE's creation of the ELL Scholarship Program, Cathy Carothers, Chair of the MILCC Board of Directors shared, "MILCC is extremely excited and honored to receive these incredible contributions from IBLCE.  The needs for aspiring IBCLCs worldwide is huge, especially in vulnerable communities and countries of the world where financial resources are scarce.  While MILCC gives numerous scholarships every year, we receive many scholarship applications each year that are not able to be funded due to demand outpacing currently available resources.  This contribution from IBLCE will be a springboard for our fundraising efforts, helping us to establish a more sustainable long-term solution to addressing the financial barriers that limit access to the profession.  We are profoundly grateful to IBLCE for making that possible!"
MILCC Applications for October Exam Closing Soon!

MILCC applications for the October 2016 Exam opened in mid-March and will close April 15, 2016.  For more information on how to apply, please visit the MILCC website, www.milcc.org.
IBLCE Application Windows
  • 2016 October Exam - Opened mid-March 2016; Deadline is May 13, 2016
  • 2016 Recertification by CERPs - Opened late January 2016; Deadline is September 30, 2016
  • 2016 Pathway 3 Plan Verifications for IBLCE review (not exam applications) - Open all year
Need to Recertify by CERPs This Year? Read These Tips To Get Started:

1. When can I apply?
  • Application Period: January - Sept. 30, 2016.
2. How do I apply?
  • Simply submit our online application available here and tally the number of CERPs you have earned in the last 5 years.
  • Be sure to have all copies of your certificates of completion available in case your application is randomly selected for audit.
  • IMPORTANT: As an active IBCLC, you already have an online account. To reset your password, please use the "Forgot Password" link and use the email you have on file with IBLCE.
3. E-CERPs
  • If you're looking for a way to earn E-CERPs, look no further. Health information privacy (HIPAA in the U.S.) training completed in your workplace can be used to satisfy the E-CERP requirement.
Important Note for October 2016 Exam Applicants Observing Rosh Hashanah

As the IBLCE October 2016 exam occurs in the United States only on October 3, 2016 and this is the same day as Rosh Hashanah, IBLCE will be extending the testing window to October 5, 2016 for candidates observing this holiday. Once you have submitted your application and payment in full, please contact the IBLCE in Americas and Israel Operations Office by emailing iblce@iblce.org.  
IBLCE Has Moved!

The IBLCE offices in Virginia just recently completed a move from the city of Falls Church to the city of Fairfax, a distance of just 9 miles.  The Virginia office houses the International Office of IBLCE and the Operations Office of IBLCE inclusive of the Americas Region.  This move did not affect the IBLCE Regional Offices for the Asia-Pacific & Africa or Europe, The Middle East & North Africa.  The IBLCE phone number, 703.560.7330 and the office emails remain the same.

Please make a note of our new address for your records:

10301 Democracy Lane
Suite 400
Fairfax, Virginia  22030
We look forward to continuing to serve you from our new location!
Welcome to IBLCE's New Korean Country Coordinator!

Dr. Bong-Jin Kim
After many years of hard work and dedicated service, Dr. Sinhang Joo has stepped down from his role as Korean Country Coordinator to focus on his paediatric practice.  Dr. Joo has offered support and guided many health professionals to becoming certified as IBCLCs.  IBLCE would like to sincerely thank Dr. Joo for all of his support and guidance and wish him the very best in his future endeavours!

Taking over for Dr. Joo is Dr. Bong-Jin Kim, a paediatrician and mother of two beautiful daughters, with whom she loves spending time and playing.  Dr. Kim is committed to helping other mothers achieve their breastfeeding goals by supporting the growth of the IBCLC community in Korea.  IBLCE is pleased to welcome Dr. Kim to her new role!
Welcome to New Brazilian Country Coordinator!

Rosane Baldissera
IBLCE is pleased to welcome Rosane Baldissera as the new Country Coordinator for Brazil, taking over from Dr. Roberto Issler, who has joined the IBLCE Board of Directors.  Rosane has been a Registered Dietitian since 2004 and immediately became attracted to the field of human lactation and breastfeeding.  She was born in Porto Alegre, where she worked for 9 years attending to breastfeeding mothers and babies in hospital settings.  In 2011 she began working as a lactation consultant in private practice and became an IBCLC in 2013.  In the same year, she received her Master in Science degree.  Currently, Rosane is working on her doctoral degree, also focused on breastfeeding promotion, and works full time as an IBCLC in both private clinics and home appointments.  She is married and a mother to Felipe, 19 months-old and continues to breastfeed.
Certificant Spotlight
IBCLCs work around the globe in a variety of practice settings in lactation. This feature of the eNewsletter and IBLCE website highlight IBCLCs and the important work they perform for mothers, babies and families. Read about certificants around the world and why they value the IBCLC credential!

Andrea Hemmelmayr, IBCLC

Andrea Hemmelmayr became interested in breastfeeding after giving birth to her first son 22 years ago.  After encountering a lack of breastfeeding information and support, she turned to La Leche League, where she became a trained counsellor.  Already a nurse, Andrea received her IBCLC certification in 2000 and now works in private practice in Austria, doing home visits, leading breastfeeding groups, and working in the parent-child consultation office of local authorities.  She is trained in emotional first aid after birth, which helps her support traumatized children and women.

After being disappointed by the lack of protection and promotion of breastfeeding from some in the healthcare system, insurance industry and policy arena, Andrea places great importance on the role of the IBCLC to participate in training and educating future IBCLCs, and feels it is essential to ensure that parents and professionals can identify the unique skills and qualifications provided by IBCLCs.  As part of her efforts to create better awareness of the work of IBCLCs, Andrea became a member of ELACTA (European Lactation Consultants Alliance) in 2010 and has been the Chair since 2014.  The vision of ELACTA is to recognise the IBCLC certification as the professional authority in lactation and breastfeeding care in Europe, a cause dear to Andrea.  
IBLCE News & Notes
IBLCE, including the Board of Directors and staff, do much more than administer the IBCLC examination and are pleased to share information about the many initiatives in which IBLCE is involved and how they work to promote the IBCLC credential.

IBLCE Board Chair Andreja Tekauc-Golob spoke to new Slovenian IBCLCs at the Slovenian Association of Lactation Consultants' celebration of new members in  January 2016. 

Board member and Immediate Past Chair Tomoko Seo spoke at the workshop "International  Board  Certi fi ed Lact ation  Consultant: Value added in  the clinical practice of Paediatrics" at the Latin American Congress of Pediatrics held in Lima, Peru in November.

Board member Rob erto Iss ler co-authored a textbook chapter about the history of the IBLCE certification with Elsa Giugliani,  the first Brazilian IBCLC.  In one of his last duties as Brazilian Country Coordinator, Dr.  Issler took part in the official ceremony of the State Congress when the month of August was declared "Golden Month" in Rio Grande do Sul State, a designation to remind people and institutions about the importance of breastfeeding.  Dr. Issler also participated in a television program on the importance of breastfeeding for the State Congress television channel.

Board member Shakira Henderson presented "Evaluation of the Impact of Instructional Methodology of the WHO/UNICEF Breastfeeding Training on Maternal-child Nurse Knowledge Gain" at the University of Miami School of Nursing and Health Studies Technology Conference on January 23rd in Coral Gables, Florida.  The presentation addressed the role of IBCLCs and how they are crucial to nurse education in hospitals.  

Tomoko Seo and attendees at the Latin American Congress of Pediatrics in Lima, Peru
IBLCE Board Director Profile

As an ongoing feature, the IBLCE eNewsletter features an IBLCE Board member and includes information about the focus of the Board member's work on behalf of the IBCLC community and the public.     
Dale enjoying a traditional meal in Japan

Dale Hansson

Dale Hansson is an RN and IBCLC who joined the Board of Directors in 2013 and chairs the Governance Committee.  Her involvement with breastfeeding began in 1989 with her second son after a disappointing experience feeding her first son, which ended at 6 weeks.  In 1991 she qualified as a Breastfeeding Counsellor with the Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) and continues to actively serve the ABA as an Honorary Member.  After becoming an IBCLC in 2002 she began private practice, first by home visits, and now sees clients in clinic settings with medical support. 

Dale's greatest joy in working as an IBCLC is to facilitate a mother latching her own baby and recognising milk transfer so she can feel confident in her role as nurturer of her baby.

Dale lives in Australia with her husband and five sons, including one set of twins.  She enjoys spending time with family and friends, reading and sewing.  In a quest to try new things, she recently began snorkeling and canoeing.
- The  Board and Staff