AThe official employee newsletter since 1998.   

Did you miss a newsletter? You can catch up by going to the  eNotes Archives.


DidYouKnowDid You Know...

Did you know that 98% of 2017-2018 CTE graduates were successfully placed into the workforce or continuing education after graduation?  

(Source: Idaho CTE Follow-Up Report)

Chris Bragg
Associate Dean of Institutional Effectiveness | 208.732.6775

TreeCampusArbor Day Foundation Honors College of Southern Idaho with 2019 Tree Campus USA Recognition

Lincoln, Neb. February 18, 2020- College of Southern Idaho was honored with 2019 Tree Campus USA® recognition by the Arbor Day Foundation for its commitment to effective urban forest management.

"Tree Campuses and their students set examples for not only their student bodies but the surrounding communities showcasing how trees create a healthier environment," said Dan Lambe, president of the Arbor Day Foundation. "Because of College of Southern Idaho's participation air will be purer, water cleaner and your students and faculty will be surrounded by the shade and beauty the trees provide."

The Tree Campus USA program honors colleges and universities for effective campus forest management and for engaging staff and students in conservation goals. College of Southern Idaho achieved the title by meeting Tree Campus USA's five standards, which include maintaining a tree advisory committee, a campus tree-care plan, dedicated annual expenditures for its campus tree program, an Arbor Day observance and student service-learning project. Currently there are 385 campuses across the United States with this recognition.

"The College of Southern Idaho maintains over 3,000 trees on campus. Some less common species found on campus that should be promoted in Twin Falls include the Dawn Redwood, Ginkgo biloba, and Kentucky Coffee Tree. The college is also working with Idaho Department of Lands to inventory campus trees, which will be available to the public," said Chance Munns, CSI Associate Professor of Horticulture.

The Arbor Day Foundation has helped campuses throughout the country plant thousands of trees, and Tree Campus USA colleges and universities invested more than $51 million in campus forest management last year. This work directly supports the Arbor Day Foundation's Time for Trees ( initiative - an unprecedented effort to plant 100 million trees in forests and communities and inspire 5 million tree planters by 2022. Last year, Tree Campus USA schools have collectively planted 34,515 trees and engaged 33,432 tree planters - helping us work toward these critical goals.

More information about the program is available at


About the Arbor Day Foundation: The Arbor Day Foundation is a million member nonprofit conservation and education organization with the mission to inspire people to plant, nurture and celebrate trees. More information is available at

For more information contact:
Lauren Weyers

NODAAwardCSI Orientation Leader Wins NODA Award

Ashely Taylor one of CSI's orientation leaders won the NODA (Association for Orientation, Transition, & Retention) Region 1 Undergraduate Student Leadership Award at the regional conference held at UNLV recently. This award is given to one undergraduate orientation leader in our region. The region is composed of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Alaska, and the western part of Canada. She is the first recipient to receive this award from a community college in 25 years. We are proud of Ashley and her work as an Orientation Leader.

Heather Barnes
Admissions Coordinator | 208.732.6230

ArtistsAgainstHungerYou Can Still Help Close the Food Gap in Twin Falls County
If you missed the CSI Artists Against Hunger event on February 22, you still have two more chances to support the Twin Falls area children go without adequate food or nutrition. There is a current annual "Food Gap" of about $4.8 million dollars of meals that are not getting to those who need it in Twin Falls County alone.
The good news is that these figures are going down due to the incredible efforts of organizations, volunteers and supporters, like you! Just six months ago, there was a $5.4 million food gap.  

Ways to Help
1. Buy a one-of-a-kind hand-made bowl at the Visual Arts Complex Office.
2. Visit the Empty Bowls Event at the Canyon Ridge Event Center on March 3, from 6 - 8 p.m. For information go to
Mayumi Kiefer
Art Instructor | 208.732.6753

GilbertsPantryGilbert's Pantry is Open for Student Use
CSI Employees, please remind students that Gilbert's Pantry is open and available to them. 

Rosa Lopez
Assistant Dean of Students | 208.732.6289

LTCSpringScheduleLearning & Tutoring Commons Spring 2020 Schedule

Drop-in Peer Tutoring is located in the Learning & Tutoring Commons, Room 202 of the Meyerhoeffer Building. We offer Peer Tutoring to CSI students in a variety of academic subjects. Please refer to our web page,, for our Spring 2020 semester subject area tutoring schedule.

The Learning & Tutoring Commons is open:
* Sunday: 12 - 8 pm
* Monday: 8 am - 9 pm
* Tuesday: 8 am - 9 pm
* Wednesday: 8 am - 9 pm
* Thursday: 8 am - 8 pm
* Friday: 8 am - 8 pm
* Saturday: Closed

*Please note that peer tutors may not be available in all subject areas during all of these hours. Additionally, tutors are available for math tutoring in the Shields Building, Rm #207, from approximately 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. with the exception of a lunch break from approximately 12 - 1 p.m. We are also able to provide students with a comfortable study space with plenty of study tables, dry erase boards, large computer monitors for group study and a computer lab. Students are welcome at any time during our hours of operation.

Molly Hamblen
Learning and Tutoring Commons Coordinator | 208.732.6685

MarchMayhemMarch Mayhem Teaching Challenge Don't Miss it! (formerly March Madness)

Dawn Wendland
Instructional Design Specialist | 208.732.6520

CIEProfessionalDevelopmentCIE Spring 2020 PD Opportunities The 'First 4 Weeks' Workshop and Webinar and Good Reads

The Center for Instructional Excellence's theme for spring 2020 faculty professional development is STUDENT ENGAGEMENT. The focus will be on specific strategies faculty can implement during the First 4 Weeks of each semester to assist students in meeting their goals.

Join us this week as we explore two questions:
  • How can we set clear expectations in our active learning classes so students see the value in engaging?
  • How can we assist students in feeling intrinsically and extrinsically motivated to engage in active learning?
Two options (same workshop):
  • Workshop | Thursday, Feb. 27 | 1 - 2 p.m. | Meyerhoeffer 218
  • Webinar | Friday, Feb. 28 | 2 - 3 p.m. | online using Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting 
Meeting ID: 651 027 135

Click here to go to the CIE website for Good Reads, t he First 4 Week checklist*, and workshop schedule information.

*CSU uses The First 4 Weeks as a part of their overall Student Success Strategy. The First 4 Week Checklist is adapted from The Institute for Learning and Teaching, Colorado State University and the "First Four Weeks Survey," St. Louis Community College, Updated 2019.

Dawn Wendland
Instructional Design Specialist | 208.732.6520

DesertCafeJoin Us for Lunch This Week at the CSI Desert Cafe 
This Week's Menu

Thursday, February 27th - Rosemary and garlic roasted pork with roasted red pepper coulis, rice pilaf and grilled vegetables. $11

Above entrees served with your choice of soup or salad bar, beverage and dessert.

Sandwich Feature- Pastrami Reuben on marble rye bread. $7.50

Salad Feature- Grilled salmon and rice noodles, spinach, daikon radish with fresh herbs and Asian inspired vinaigrette. $7.50 

Soup of the day- Sausage, potato and fennel. 

Desert Feature Lemon cream cake.
The CSI Desert Cafe is open every Wednesday and Thursday from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Michael A. Johnson
Culinary Instructor | 208.732.6381

Join a Brown Bag! We Have 3 Different Weekly Opportunities 
Weekly Campus Brown Bags

Monday Afternoons - 12:30 PM 
Taylor Building Fireside Room
Every Monday 

This Brown Bag will continue with its theme of exploring CSI employee career stories. Everyone is welcome! The presenter on March 2, will be CSI Social Science & Communication Department Chair Shelley McEuen. 

Friday Mornings - 8:00 AM 
Taylor Building Upstairs Cafe Area
Every Friday Morning

NEW TOPIC! We are going to explore the question, " how do we help our students chase knowledge and understanding rather than points and grades?" David Chambers, CSI Social Science Instructor, will be sharing some of his great takeaways from a conference he recently attended. Come and be a part of this discussion! EVERYONE is welcome. Coffee and breakfast are available for purchase or feel free to bring your own.

Friday Afternoons - 12:15 PM 
HSHS Room 139
Every Friday Afternoon

We will be reading and discussing John Hattie's book Visible Learning for Teachers.  You can jump in at any time. Everyone is welcome! 

Contact  Evin Fox or  Clay Wilkie if you would like more information.

Brown Bag information is always available on the Center for Instructional Excellence website
Dawn Wendland
Instructional Design Specialist |  208.732.6520  

HealthierHeartBlood Pressure Checks & Steps to a Healthier Heart
Upcoming Medical Assisting Blood Pressures Checks:
Feb. 27, 1-1:45 pm - TAB (upstairs, north near windows)
Healthy Life Blog : In recognition of Heart Month and Wear Red Day tomorrow February 7th, we wanted to share some heart health tips, which will help prevent and manage health risks for cardiovascular disease.
It's never too late to start living a healthier life. A few simple steps can put you on the path to a younger heart age and better overall health. Consider these tips to get started:
  • If you smoke, quit. Quitting can be hard and often requires help and support. Talk with your doctor for help.
  • See your doctor to get your blood pressure and cholesterol checked. Uncontrolled high blood pressure and high cholesterol increase your risk of heart attack and stroke. You won't know if you're at risk until you get tested because there are no symptoms.
  • Take your medicines as your doctor advises. You may have medicines to control high blood pressure or cholesterol. Don't stop taking them without talking with your doctor.
  • Get regular exercise. Walking, biking, and swimming are great choices to keep your heart healthy. Try to exercise for 30 minutes, five days a week.
  • Focus on a heart-healthy diet. This includes lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein like chicken and fish. Minimize foods like fried foods, fast food, and sugary desserts.
  • Aim for a healthy weight. Calculate your BMI online, or talk with your doctor. Losing just 5 to 10 pounds has heart benefits.
By adopting these heart-healthy habits, you can reduce your heart age. You'll have a lower risk of heart attack, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and other health problems.

Judy Heatwole, MTD  
Wellbeing & Development Coordinator | 208.732.6269

ChildCareScholarshipCSI Foundation Announces Child Care Scholarships
The CSI Foundation announces the application for Child Care Scholarships will be open from March 1 - March 16, 2020. The scholarship has the following guidelines:
  • CSI students enrolled in at least 6 credits.
  • Minimum 2.5 CSI cumulative grade point average.
  • Minimum semester award up to $500 per child enrolled in CSI Child Care, CSI Early Childhood Education Preschool Lab or a Child Care Center Licensed by the State of Idaho at least a month prior to applying.
  • Children 1st grade and older are ineligible.
  • Attach a copy of the State of Idaho Child Care license and essay to application
Applications can be accessed on the Scholarship web page here:

Applications must be printed, filled out and submitted to the Financial Aid office with a copy of the State of Idaho Child Care license and an essay. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Questions about this scholarship may be directed to the Foundation office or the CSI Scholarship office.

Tamara Harmon
CSI Foundation Assistant Director | 208.732.6249

EmployeePicturesGet Your Employee Picture Updated

Doug Maughan, CSI Photographer, will be setting up for employee photos from 9 - 11 a.m. on Tuesday, March 3, in the Canyon Building Studio. If you need a new professional picture for the CSI online directory or for your personal use, please stop by. No appointments are necessary. 

Also keep in mind that Doug can be scheduled to take pictures of your classrooms, offices, departments, students, field trips, and more for marketing publications and social media content. Just email him to set up an appointment.

Doug Maughan
Photographer | 208.732.6262

GrantsSpring 2020 Mini Grant & Professional Development Grants Are Here

The CSI Foundation is excited to announce that the 2020 Spring round of Mini Grants and Professional Development Grants is coming up!
You could win up to $3,000 for each of these grants, and projects are to be completed within a year of the award. The due date for electronic submission of these grants is midnight on Wednesday March 11, 2020. Click here to apply for these grants or access the CSI Common Grant Application Form.
  • Mini Grants - to stimulate creative ideas and activities and their subsequent implementation that result in improved student learning and/or success. 
Click here for additional information.
  • Professional Development Grants - support travel to attend national conferences for the purpose of institutional improvement.
Click here for additional information. 

Application Submission Process: Please note that your application must be signed by your supervisor and Dean/AVP/VP for consideration. Once you have obtained the required signatures, scan the grant application and all supplemental documentation and email it to by midnight Wednesday March 11, 2020. It is NOT required to bring a hard copy of your application to the Foundation office.

Kristen Adamson  
CSI Foundation Administrative Assistant | 208.732.6269

SustainabilitySpring 2020 Sustainability Council Events
Kill the Cup Campaign, Every day at the Eagle's Nest: Use your reusable mug to get 40% off regular coffee or drinks from the soda fountain. Sponsored by Sodexo and President Fox and promoted by the CSI Sustainability Council.
March 17: Be Green on St. Patrick's Day, Make a T-Shirt Reusable Shopping Bag, SUB, Time TBA
March 19: Intermountain Sustainability Summit at Weber State University
April 13-17: Sustainability Week 2020   
  • 4/13 Loco about Reptiles
  • 4/14 TACOabout Sustainability Day
  • 4/15 Succulents and Games
  • 4/16 Movie Night at the Herrett Center
  • 4/16 Thrift Store Pop up
April 20-24: Active Transportation Week 

April 22: Sustainability Fair, SUB, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Judy Heatwole, MTD
Wellbeing & Development Coordinator | 208.732.6269

PERSIPERSI - Employee Workshops on Campus in March
We will be hosting the PERSI - Ready, Set, Go workshops on March 31, 2020, in Room 277 of the Taylor Building. The workshops are three separate sessions focused on different stages of your career and retirement timeline.
Ready Session: 9 - 10 a.m.
Set Session:  10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Go Session:  12 - 1 p.m.

Pam O'Dell
Benefits Coordinator | 208.732.6206

JoinCarbonWeightLossJOIN 2020 Wellbeing Challenge: Carbon Weight Loss/Minimizing Program

The Wellbeing Program and Sustainability Council challenge you to a Spring Semester devoted to simplifying and minimizing your life at home and at work. We will use a wonderful tool from the website to Declutter Your Home to get started. It's really NOT TOO LATE to start.  Join the Challenge - REGISTER ONLINE!
More about laundry cleaning products... How to Whiten Yellow-Stained Pillows (and other hard-to-wash items):

No matter how good your pillow protectors, sooner or later you're going to find yellow stains on your pillows. However careful we are about our personal hygiene, inevitably sweat (and yes, sometimes saliva!) ends up soaking through onto the pillow. And that's before we've even mentioned dust mites, skin cells and possibly bed bugs!
You should never buy pillows (or these other items) at a thrift store because of the risk of bed bug infestations-they can go five months without a meal.
When you see how disgusting those pillows look, you might be tempted to ditch them and buy new ones. But if you're wondering how to whiten yellow stained pillows, it can be done very simply using a few common household products. ( Here are 13 tips on how to clean other hard-to-wash items.)

This week we will learn about 10 things minimalists don't do: You might think that minimalists are all about white walls and clutter-free countertops, but that's not the whole story. Minimalists know that having less stuff offers more space for focus, gratitude, and meaningful work. Whether your own desk is clear or your bookshelves are overstuffed, consider trying out these ten things that minimalists don't do.

1. They don't lose sleep over keeping up with trends. Find this and the rest of this article online at

Judy Heatwole, MTD
Wellbeing & Development Coordinator | 208.732.6269

MeatThe Truth About Meat in Your Diet
Researchers recently claimed there is no reason to limit red or processed meats. What's the real story?
by Clint Carter,  AARP, November 25, 2019 
According to this article, health experts have been warning us away from red and processed meats (like sausage and cold cuts) for decades. "People who eat the most red meat are more prone to developing cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, colorectal cancer and other cancers," says Frank Hu, chair of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard's School of Public Health, who has tracked the diets of 300,000 people for up to four decades. "There is remarkable consistency and reproducibility in the evidence."

But a recent study in the Annals of Internal Medicine created a huge stir by reporting that the links between meat and health consequences were insignificant and by issuing a new set of guidelines recommending that people stop trying to cut back on meat. To understand whether bacon burgers are good or bad, we sat down with David Katz, M.D., founding director of the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center at the Yale School of Public Health and founder of the True Health Initiative, a global watchdog coalition of more than 500 health and nutrition experts.

Note: Dr. Katz is known as an American physician who is the greatest expert on nutritional science. He is interviewed in response to these findings in the AARP Bulletin and his response is very direct. Please find the complete article online now.

Judy Heatwole, MTD
Wellbeing & Development Coordinator | 208.732.6269

DropInFitnessSpring Drop In Fitness Classes at the CSI Student Recreation Center

Christa Gessaman
Interim Director, Recreation & Outdoor Recreation Center | 208.732.6697
HerrettThis Week at the Herrett Center for Arts and Science
Herrett Center for Arts and Science        
College of Southern Idaho
Museum, Planetarium, Observatory
Year round hours.
*Closed Sundays, Mondays, and federal holidays.
9:30 am to 9:00 pm
9:30 am to 4:30 pm
9:30 am to 4:30 pm
9:30 am to 9:00 pm
1:00 pm to 9:00 pm
*Live Sky Tour
**Weather Permitting

For "Now Showing" at the Faulkner Planetarium  click here
For special events at the Herrett Center  click here
For astronomy events in the Centennial Observatory  click here.

Rick Greenawald
Manager, Faulkner Planetarium | 208.732.6659
-Back to Top-

AthleticsCSI Athletic Events This Week - GO EAGLES

CSI Team
Men & Women's Basketball 2/27-29 TBA Region 18 Tournament Twin Falls, ID

For more information about CSI Athletics visit

Karen Baumert
Sports Information Director | 208.732.6493

ProgramBoardPaintNightProgram Board is Hosting a Pain Night for Students

Kezia Putri
Program Board

HunchbackNotreDameMusicalDilettante Group of Magic Valley Presents The Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Musical

Dilettante Group of Magic Valley presents
Feb 27 - 29 at 7:30 p.m. & Feb 29-March 1 at 2 p.m. in the CSI Fine Arts Auditorium

It's our 61st year! The Dilettante Group of Magic Valley is proud to present a new musical based on the Victor Hugo Novel and songs from the Disney animated film. Audiences will be swept away by the magic of this truly unforgettable musical. Directed by Lori Henson. The Dilettante Group has been part of the Magic Valley since 1959, producing live musical theater each year. Community support has allowed this tradition of the arts to continue successfully for 61 years!  

Tickets are $12 and are available at Kurt's Pharmacy Hallmark in the Lynwood, the CSI Box Office, or from any cast member.

Camille Barigar
Community Enrichment Director | 208.732.6288

WoodworkingWoodworking and Welding Sale 

Jessica Larsen
Lab Assistant, Cabinet Making | 208.732.6342

CommunityEdUpcoming Community Education Classes 

Date: Mar 7
Day: Saturday
Time: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Fee: $199
Location: Main Campus Shields 107
Instructor: Sandy March

Dates: Mar 12 - Apr 23
Days: Thursdays
Time: 6 - 8:30 p.m.
Location: Fine Arts 137
Instructor: Jennifer Miller
Fee: $90

Dates: Mar 12 - 19
Days: Thursdays
Time: 6 - 9 p.m.
Instructor: Sandy March
Fee: $49
Location: Shields 107


Dates: Mar 3 - Apr 7
Days: Tuesdays
Time: 12:30 - 2:30 p.m.
Location: Mini-Cassia Center B11
Instructor: Shirley Stauffer
Fee: $40 (Ages 16+)


Dates: Mar 2, 3, 4
Days: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Time: 6 - 8 p.m.
Location: Jerome Center
Instructor: Diane Gause
Fee: $40 + $10 supplies

Dates: Mar 7 -28
Days: Saturdays
Time: 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.
Location: Jerome Center
Instructor: Cheryl Viola
Fee: $30


Dates: Mar 5 - Apr 16 
Days: Thursdays
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Location: Gooding Center
Instructor: Aditya Sharma
Fee: $100

Click here for more information or to register for any of the above camps or classes. 

Camille Barigar 
Director of Community Enrichment | 208.732.6288

TrumpetMasterclassCSI Music Department Presents Trumpet Masterclass and Recital
The College of Southern Idaho Music Department will be presenting a trumpet masterclass and recital on Tuesday, March 3. The guest performers and clinicians will be Zach Buie and Derek Ganong, members of the trumpet faculty at Boise State University, and they will be accompanied by Boise pianist Peggy Purdy. The masterclass will take place in Room 164 of the CSI Fine Arts Building from 5:30 to 6:30 PM, and the recital performance will be held in Fine Arts 119 at 7:30 PM.

The recital will feature a transcription of George Gershwin's well-known Rhapsody in Blue, as well as works by Antonin Dvorak, Joseph Turrin and others. Dr. Buie will also present the world-premiere performance of Glory of the West, by Lynn Petersen, a member of the music faculty at Carroll College in Helena, Montana.

Both the masterclass and the recital are free and open to the public. For more information, please contact CSI music faculty member George Halsell.

George K. Halsell
Music Professor | 208.732.6767

RhinocerosCSI Theater, Music, and Dance Department Present "Rhinoceros"
March 4-7 
7:30 p.m. 
CSI Fine Arts Theater

Rhinoceroses start running loose on a Sunday afternoon in a small French town. Eugène Ionesco's classic 1959 play is an absurdist farce about the rising conformism and fascism during the World War II. Zinnie Harris, in her new version of Ionesco's Rhinoceros, brings us to Europe and its politics today. If you are looking for a serious laughter, come to see Rhinoceros presented by the CSI Theatre, Music, and Dance Departments.

Tickets: $10 adults, $5 students and senior citizens, free to CSI students with ID. Tickets available at the CSI Box Office or online at

Camille Barigar
Community Enrichment Director | 208.732.6288

GSA3rd Annual All Ages Drag Show

Jenn Zaccone
GSA Faculty Advisor | 208.732.6799

JazzCollaborationCSI Spring Jazz Collaboration
March 6, 2020
7:30 p.m.
CSI Fine Arts Auditorium

For over ten years now, the CSI jazz groups and CSI Madrigals have joined forces for a spring jazz concert. This year's collaboration includes great tunes like "Desafinado," "Bluer than Blue," and Rosana Eckert's "You Take Me Away." CSI's small jazz bands and big band will join the concert playing jazz standards such as "April in Paris," Mercer Ellington's "Things Ain't What They Used to Be," and Count Basie's "Splanky," and the Mads will honor their a cappella roots with beautiful arrangements of "Skylark" and "I Got it Bad (And That Ain't Good)." The college's brand new jazz guitar ensemble will present their debut performance on the program. The concert is free, but donations to the CSI Music Scholarship Fund are always appreciated.

Camille Barigar
Director of Community Enrichment | 208.732.6288

CarleneCarterArts on Tour Presents "Carlene Carter"
There are only 70 tickets left for the fifth performance of the Arts on Tour season, Carlene Carter, which will take place in the CSI Fine Arts Auditorium on 
Saturday, March 7, at 7:30 p.m.

Carlene Carter has been releasing music for almost four decades. The daughter of June Carter Cash and country star Carl Smith, stepdaughter of Johnny Cash, and granddaughter of "Mother" Maybelle Carter, she is the physical embodiment of the Carter Family in the 21st century. Carlene started her career singing with The Carter Family at 17. With the 1978 release of her self-titled debut album, she established herself on the edgier end of the country music spectrum, having recorded it in England with Graham Parker's band The Rumour. When Maybelle Carter died later that fall, Chet Flippo wrote in Rolling Stone that she "lived to see her granddaughter Carlene merge Nashville with contemporary rock and roll." Her most recently album release was Carter Girl, a collection of Carter Family songs and originals inspired by her family.  Carlene spent the better part of the last few years on the road with John Mellencamp on his Plain Spoken tour, both as a support act and joining him on stage nightly to perform duets.  She also played a role in the touring production of Ghost Brothers of Darkland County, the southern gothic musical play written by Stephen King and Mellencamp.

Follow-up performances of the Arts on Tour season include We Shall Overcome (March 11), and Yamato - The Drummers of Japan (April 15). Yamato has sold out.  

Ticket prices are $26/adults, $10/children HS & under and can be purchased at, at the CSI Fine Arts Box Office, or by calling (208) 732-6288

Camille Barigar
Community Enrichment Director | 208.732.6288

WeShallOverComeArts On Tour Presents "We Shall Overcome"

March 11, 2020 
7:30 p.m. 
CSI Fine Arts Auditorium

Tickets are available for the sixth show in the Arts on Tour season, "We Shall Overcome", which will take place in the CSI Fine Arts Auditorium on Wednesday, March 11 at 7:30 p.m.

Inspired by the words and action of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., "We Shall Overcome" is a joyful celebration of music from across the African American music traditions that electrified generations of civil rights activists and defenders with interwoven spoken word from Dr. King's recorded speeches. It features vocalist/ pianist Damien Sneed, a six-person choir, and a live band.

The production ties together a living lineage of music and culture that includes traditional gospel, modern gospel, classical, jazz, Broadway and spirituals. From Aretha Franklin, to Wynton Marsalis; Duke Ellington to Stevie Wonder; Nina Simone to Donny Hathaway; and traditional spirituals and music from "the Wiz", Damien's unique understanding of each genre allows him to fluidly cover so much musical ground in a single performance.

Producer and Musical Director Damien Sneed's career covers an incredible breadth of genres. He has conducted and collaborated major original works for Wynton Marsalis, regularly accompanies Jessye Norman, collaborated with Lawrence Brownlee, and has toured extensively with Diana Ross, Aretha Franklin and the Clark Sisters.

"Damien Sneed is an ambassador for classical and gospel music who brings positivity, optimism and thoroughness to every occasion. His talent stretches across traditional divisions. In the realest sense, he uses his artistry to make our world a better place." - Wynton Marsalis

Follow-up performances of the Arts on Tour season include Yamato - The Drummers of Japan (April 15). Yamato has sold out.

Ticket prices are $32/adults, $10/children HS & under and can be purchased at, at the CSI Fine Arts Box Office, or by calling (208) 732-6288.

Camille Barigar
Community Enrichment Director | 208.732.6288

Rodeo44th Annual CSI Intercollegiate Rodeo

Steve Birnie
CSI Rodeo Coach | 208.732.6620

ParentCollegeParent College Learning Session 3 - March 14

César Pérez
Director & Hispanic Community Liaison
CSI Jerome and Gooding Centers | 208.732.6465

TraumaticBrainCSI Traumatic Brain Injury Group Schedule

Scott Lindquist
Student Disabilities Services Coordinator | 208.732.6268

PatientFinancialMedicare 101, Social Security, and Assistance for Seniors Plus Veterans Health Insurance Benefit Options

Welcome to the Dynamic New HealthCare Training  Foundation

Day Egusquiza, Founder and President of the Patient Financial Navigator Foundation, Inc/PFNF has more than 40 years of experience in healthcare revenue and reimbursement including 20 years in an Idaho hospital. She and the Advisory Board are excited to have created this Foundation in 2017 and are thrilled to bring these community outreach educational programs to the Magic Valley.  PFNF is an Idaho-based, self-funded Family Foundation.
Upcoming Community Outreach Boot Camps! Save the Dates!

" Medicare 101, Social Security, and Assistance for Seniors"
Sat, Feb 29, 2020         
8:30 am - 12:30 pm     
CSI Fine Arts
Subject experts will train on:
  • Medicare 101 - Part A, B, C, D and Medicare as secondary payer
  • Medicare Advantage vs. Traditional Medicare ++ Working beyond 65
  • Supplemental insurance costs and scope
  • Social Security Benefits
  • Aid for Aged, Blind and Disabled (Medicaid)
  • Office on Aging Programs & Scams
  • Fit after 60!
  • Safety in the home

"Veterans Health Insurance Benefit Options-Turning 65 Boot Camp"
Tues, March 10, 2020        
6:00-8:30 pm      
CSI Fine Arts
Subject experts will train on:
  • Veteran's Healthcare programs - eligibility overview
  • National program updates
  • Medicare 101  -Part A,B,C and Supplements
  • Working with both VA and Medicare- examples
  • Office on Aging Programs
  • Senior Patrol & SHIBA
  • Community outreach programs

These Boot Camps are free and no pre-registration is required. All ages are welcome. For class materials for either camp go to  

Day Egusquiza
Patient Financial Navigator Foundation, Inc/PFNF | 208.423.9036

COVID-19South Central Public Health Continues to Monitor COVID-19 (CORONA VIRUS)

February 20, 2020

Contact: Yvonne Humphrey, Public Information Officer, 208-737-5917

South Central Public Health Continues to Monitor COVID-19

TWIN FALLS - As cases of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continue to increase throughout the world and in the United States, South Central Public Health District (SCPHD) is monitoring the situation and working closely with healthcare partners.

"This is something that we plan and train for on a regular basis," said Josh Jensen, SCPHD Public Health Preparedness Program Manager. "Public Health and hospitals have plans and procedures in place to handle infectious diseases, and we drill those plans on a regular basis so we are ready for outbreaks like COVID-19."

To date, there have been no cases of COVID-19 in Idaho and 15 confirmed cases in the United States. While it is likely there may be additional cases in the U.S. in the future, actions have been taken to limit the spread of the virus. Locally, SCPHD receives notifications of travelers who return from areas where potential exposure to COVID-19 is high. These individuals are contacted by SCPHD and monitored for 14 days after exposure, as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). If the exposed person does not develop symptoms within this monitoring period, they are no longer considered to be at risk for having or spreading the virus. Because the 14-day monitoring period starts after the person's last potential exposure to the virus, for some people, monitoring may not be necessary once they return home.

"We understand people are concerned about this new disease," said Tanis Maxwell, SCPHD Epidemiology Program Manager. "The risk of transmission within the general public remains low, and there are precautions people can take to minimize their risk of contracting any respiratory illness."

SCPHD recommends everyday actions to help prevent the spread of all respiratory diseases, including:
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with your elbow or a tissue; throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. 
    • If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.
For the latest information on COVID-19 visit or SCPHD can also be contacted at (208) 737-5971.

SSMedicareSeminarsSocial Security & Medicare Seminar for Retiring CSI Employees
Dear friends,
Yesterday I received an invitation from our Twin Falls Chamber of Commerce to attend two FREE sessions on Social Security Benefits and Medicare: The A, B, C, D's. These sessions are offered by an IRS approved non-profit organization on March 5 and March 10 from 6:30 - 8:30 each time. I will be attending this event at the Chamber and invite you and your spouse to join me. See details below and find the complete flier attached. I used the online registration process and it worked just great. See you there!

Judy Heatwole, MTD
Wellbeing & Development Coordinator | 208.732.6269

CityclubCity Club of Southern Idaho - Politician Discussion on Finding Common Ground

Tired of the partisan bickering? Join us as former state politicians discuss how to find common ground on important issues.

About this Event

Participants:  Butch Otter, former Idaho Governor and  Walt Minnick, former Congressional Representative

Moderator: Maxine Bell, former State Representative and JFAC Chair

Date and Time: 12 - 1:30 p.m. on March 9, 2020

Admission: $20.00 online and $25.00 at the door.

Description:  "The Divided States of America." That's the title of PBS's Frontline show, one recent example documenting our fear-mongering, hyper-partisan government. And this division has some ugly consequences: "Loathing motivates voters more than loyalty," is how one American analyst sums up the state of civic life.

Does fear and loathing have to drive our politics? Two Idaho leaders say it doesn't have to be that way. Republican former Gov. Butch Otter and former Democratic Congressman Walt Minnick are co-chairs of an Idaho group working to demonstrate that people can cooperate even when they come from opposing perspectives. Otter's involvement is a case in point: He joined the cause at the request of Keith Allred, Otter's challenger in the 2010 gubernatorial race, who now runs the National Institute for Civil Discourse.

Otter and Minnick want to talk with Idaho citizens about why they signed on with NICD, and answer questions about their experiences at the state and national governments and what that tells us about the future of our democracy.

Curtis Eaton
City Club | 208.732.6242

PollWorkersTwin Falls County is Looking for People Interested in Working at the Polls for the 2020 Elections
Twin Falls County is looking for people interested in working at the polls for all elections in 2020. The election dates are March 10, May 19 and November 3. If you are a civic-minded individual and would like to commit a small portion of your time to preserving democracy, we invite your participation.


* Full day shift from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
* Mandatory training
* At least 16 years of age
* U.S. Citizen
* Transportation to and from polls

Poll workers must be able to read and write English, follow detailed instructions, lift 20 lbs., move about the polling place and maintain composure under stress.

County employees would have to get permission from their supervisor and use any accrued vacation or comp time. Pay is $10.00 - $10.50 per hour plus mileage to the training and to the polling place. If you or anyone you know would be interested in becoming a poll worker, please contact DeAnne Cates at 208-736-4101 or

Valerie Varadi
Twin Falls County Elections Director | 208.736.4072

StLukesFoodFree Community Seminar: Food & Exercise as Lifestyle Medicine
Kyli Gough
Community Health Manager | 208.814.0046

WomensSuffrageRegister Now for the CSI Social Sciences & Humanities Symposium

Those looking for credit, register through MyCSI. Those not looking for a credit can register now online at:

Samra Culum
Perri Gardner
Kerry Koontz
Kim Madsen Dill
Denyee Matthews
Matt Reynolds
Russ Tremayne
Justin Vipperman

HandmaidsTaleThe Handmaid's Tale - A Free Community Humanities Presentation

Matt Reynolds
Associate Professor, Sociology | 208.732.6861

UnitedWayDonate to the United Way of South Central Idaho Community Fund
Did you know that we have hundreds of homeless students right here in the Magic Valley? Or that 40% of families struggle every single day just to make ends meet? Did you know that childhood poverty is on the rise?

United Way of South Central Idaho fights for the health, education, and financial stability of every man, woman, and child in the Magic Valley. For 57 years, United Way of South Central Idaho has been there for our community - including our co-workers, friends and family members.

Last year, the United Way of South Central Idaho Community Fund impacted the lives of nearly one of every three Magic Valley residents. Every dollar donated to our United Way of South Central Idaho Community Fund stays right here in the Magic Valley.

That's why giving to the United Way Community Fund is important. As a United Way supporter, you are investing in our community's future. You can help local people succeed.

I encourage you to consider making a gift to our United Way Community Fund today. Because of you, our entire community will benefit!

Click here to download and print a United Way Community Fun Pledge Form. After completing the form send it to Courtney Bingham in the CSI Payroll Office by Friday, March 13, 2020, so it can be processed.

Thank you,

Bill Maikranz
United Way of South Central Idaho President & CEO | 208.733.4922 ext. 121

SafetyFest11th Annual Safety & Business Fest

For more information about this event visit: 

Amanda Worthington
Marketing Operations Coordinator, Workforce Development & Training  | 208.732.6397

WomeninMotion2020 Women in Motion Conference

Alejandra Hernandez
Unity Alliance of Southern Idaho

P20CallforProposalsP20 Conference Call for Proposals

For more information, visit

Samra Culum
Education Instructor | 208.732.6223

AllBusinessConference2020 All Business Conference and SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES

Click here to download an All Business Conference Scholarship application. Three applicants will win $1,000 scholarships to attend CSI and have a chance to compete for an extra $500 CSI scholarship. The instructions on how to apply are located on the application itself. Applications are due April 1, 2020. 

Jesse Stroup
Idaho Small Business Development Center
Training Coordinator/Admin Assist | 208.732.6450

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Nondiscrimination Statement:   It is the policy of the College of Southern Idaho to comply with all federal, state and local authorities requiring nondiscrimination, including but not limited to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Executive Orders 12898 (Environmental Justice) and 13166 (Limited English Proficiency).  College of Southern Idaho is an equal opportunity employer. The college does not exclude from participation in, deny the benefits of, or subject any individual to discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, income, protected veteran status, limited English proficiency, or any other status protected under applicable federal, state or local law.

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