January 3, 2019
Leadership Boot Camp 2019

Encouraged by the success of graduating over 60 people, both lay and clergy, over the past 5 years, Bishop Marty and Canon Steve are offering Leadership Boot Camp again in 2019. The starting date for the nine-month course of study begins on Saturday, January 19 at 10 a.m. Opportunities are available to attend in person at the Diocesan center, or join the course remotely via the internet.

Church-wide Bible Reading Initiative Begins in Epiphany 2019

Forward Movement, along with partners from across The Episcopal Church, invites all Episcopalians to participate in the Good Book Club, a church-wide Bible reading initiative. The Good Book Club will focus on Paul’s Letter to the Romans, with participants reading a section of scripture each day during the Epiphany season, starting on January 7, 2019 and ending on March 5. 
Ordination of Fr. Jeff Stevenson

On the evening of Wednesday December 12, 2018, Jeffrey Neal Stevenson was ordained to the Sacred Order of the Priesthood at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Kansas City Missouri. Pictures are available to view and download.

Support Generosity in the Church

You can build and support generosity in the Episcopal/Anglican church through a gift to the Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS). Your support is especially important this year because TENS will no longer receive financial support from the National Episcopal Church. Inspiring greater financial stewardship is critical for the spiritual health of every congregation and the National Church relies on TENS to provide leadership in stewardship education and resources.
December Issue of Spirit
The December issue of Spirit is now available to read online.

  • Bishop Marty's Diocesan Convention address,
  • The 2019 Plan for Ministry,
  • Working in India,
  • Lessons from worshiping with other faiths.

  • Diocesan Convention, Eucharist and ordinations,
  • Bishop's Ball and Youth Awards,
  • The Fall Area Confirmation services at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral and St. James Springfield.

Plus news and more!
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What's Happening January-February
Italian Dinner - February 9, 2019

The Good Redeemers will be holding our Italian dinner fundraiser on Saturday, February 9, 2019 at 5:30pm at Church of the Good Shepherd, Kansas City.

Tickets are 2 for $25.00 or 1 for $15.00. To-go orders are available for $10.00 per plate. Tickets will go on sale at Church of the Redeemer on 1/13/19 and at Good Shepherd the weekend of 1/19/19. You can also pay at the door – All welcome!
Diversity and Reconciliation Workshop - February 16, 2019

The purpose of this workshop is to assist dioceses in organizing to eliminate the sin of racism. It will be held on Saturday, February 16, 2019 from 9:30am to 3:00pm at HJ's Youth & Community Center, Kansas City, Missouri. There is no fee to attend this workshop. A continental breakfast, and lunch will be provided. 
This workshop satisfies the canonical requirements for Clergy, Deacons, Vestry Members, Parish Staff and other parishioners and those who are in process for ordination. Please register using the link below. Seats are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration will remain open until filled or February 11, whichever occurs first.
January 5-6
Youth Ministry Commission Meeting - St. Alban's Church, Bolivar
January 13
Fritz’s Adventure & Worship: Regional Youth Network South - St. Mark's Church, Kimberling City, 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
February 8
Rare Breed Outreach & Movie Night: Regional Youth Network South - St. John's Church, Springfield, 4:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
February 15-16
Regional Youth North - Snow Creek Tubing, 6:00 p.m.
February 22-24
Senior High Retreat - Christ Church, Springfield, 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m.
January 19
Leadership Boot Camp - Diocesan Center, Kansas City, 10:00 a.m.
February 16
Leadership Boot Camp - Diocesan Center, Kansas City, 10:00 a.m.
February 16
Seeing the Face of God in Each Other - HJ's Youth & Community Center, Kansas City, 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Meetings & Deadlines
January 8
Southern Deanery Clericus - Christ Church, Springfield, 10:00 a.m.
January 8
Central Deanery Clericus - Church of the Resurrection, Blue Springs, 10:00 a.m.
January 15
Standing Committee Meeting - St. Peter and All Saints Church, Kansas City, 10:00 a.m.
January 17
HR Committee Meeting - Diocesan Center, Kansas City, 10:00 a.m.
February 1-2
Diocesan Council Retreat - King Conference Center, Kansas City, 5:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
February 8
Commission On Ministry Meeting - Diocesan Center, Kansas City/St. John's Church, Springfield, 10:30 a.m.
February 12
Southern Deanery Clericus - St. Matthew's Church, Ozark, 10:00 a.m.
February 12
Central Deanery Clericus - Location to be announced, 10:00 a.m.
February 19
Standing Committee Meeting - St. Peter and All Saints Church, Kansas City, 10:00 a.m.
If you need additional information on a Diocesan Council, Standing Committee, Deanery Council, or other Commission, Committee or Ministry  meeting , please see the Diocesan calendar on our website.

We Want Your News & Event Details
eSpirit  Deadline & Next Publication Date

Next issue: January 17, 2019. Copy Deadline: January 14, 2019.
March 2019  Spirit  Deadline

The deadline for articles and pictures to be included in the March 2019 Spirit is February 18, 2018.

Clergy, Administrators, and Church Leaders
Updated Clerical Directory

An updated issue of the Clerical Directory is available in the Clergy area of the diocesan website.

Free Flickr PRO Accounts for Nonprofits

Following the announcement that Flickr is to limit their free accounts to 1,000 images they recently announced that they are making their PRO (virtually unlimited) accounts free to nonprofits.

February 22-23
New Clergy Transitional Program - Trinity Meadows Retreat Center, Dunnegan MO, 4:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
March 1
Church rosters are due.
Clerical licenses expire.
EM/EV licenses expire.
UTO grant application deadline.
March 9
Bishop's Day - North - location to be announced, 10:00 a.m.
March 23
Bishop's Day - South - location to be announced, 10:00 a.m.
Bulletin Inserts
Bulletin & church newsletter inserts for you to consider and include.
Inserts from The Episcopal Church

These weekly bulletin inserts provide information about the history, music, liturgy, mission and ministry of The Episcopal Church, and may be of help to churches with limited time and resources to prepare weekly bulletins.

Inserts from Episcopal Relief & Development

In Case You Missed It
Applications accepted for Episcopal Service Corps

Young adults (21-32 years old) are invited to apply to serve as a member of the 2019-2020 Episcopal Service Corps.
Episcopal Service Corps offers young adults the opportunity to serve others while at the same time discerning God’s call in their own lives .
Cursillo News

  The December issue of Cursillo news from the Episcopal Cursillo Ministry is available to read online.

2019 United Thank Offering Grant Applications Open

Applications are now accepted for the 2018 United Thank Offering grants. The focus for the 2019 United Thank Offering grants is  Go: Crossing boundaries created by race, culture, and economics to create communities that listen deeply and learn to live like Jesus . Deadline March 1, 2019.
Spread The Word