July 3, 2019
Episcopal Church response to crisis on the border

Over the past several weeks, The Episcopal Church has responded to the reports of inhumane conditions for children and other asylum seekers in government custody in a number of ways. This response includes calls for donations and goods from Episcopal dioceses on the border, prayers for those seeking safety, efforts to engage in advocacy, and pastoral messages from bishops around the Church.
New Chapter of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew

A new chapter of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew was installed at St. Peter & All Saints, Kansas City on Sunday June 23, 2019. The Brotherhood's National President, Jeff Butcher attended the installation. 
Saint Andrew's Cross

The online version of the June issue of 'The Cross', the magazine of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, is available to read online.

The June issue of Spirit magazine is now available to read online or for you to download and print.
The past four months have been very busy. We've held three ordination services, ordaining two transitional deacons and five new priests. We've held three area confirmation services and two churches have celebrated major anniversaries. That all mounts up to a packed edition of Spirit.

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What's Happening
Core Godly Play Training. August 22-24 at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kansas City, Missouri
Grace & Holy Trinity Cathedral welcomes all to attend a Core Godly Play Training August 22-24. The training is for anyone who is new to Godly Play, those who are storytellers or door persons, but have not received training before, or those who have attended a Core Training session once in the past. Our trainer will be Sally Thomas. For information on Diocesan scholarships contact Kim Snodgrass: [email protected] .

Workshops On Innovations In Episcopal Cursillo Ministry
Register now for the Episcopal Cursillo Ministry Conference to be held at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral, October 3-5 in Kansas City, Missouri.
The Early Bird rate for the full conference is $75. After September 1, the rate will go up to $125. For those unable to attend the full conference, the single-day Early Bird rate is $50, going up to $80 after September 1.

July 7 - 16
Youth and Young Adult Pilgrimage - Glacier National Park, Montana
July 22-28
MissionPalooza - St. Paul's Church, Kansas City - 7:00 p.m. Monday 07/22/19 through 12:00 p.m. Sunday 07/28/19
Meetings & Deadlines
July 10
Diversity and Reconciliation Commission Meeting - St. Augustine's Church, Kansas City, 6:00 p.m.
July 16
Standing Committee Meeting - St. Peter and All Saints Church, Kansas City, 10:00 a.m.
July 20
Christian Formation Commission Meeting - St. Paul's Church, Clinton, 9:30 a.m.
July 20
Leadership Boot Camp - Diocesan Center, Kansas City, 10:00 a.m.
Youth News
Happening #79

See all the pictures from Happening #79 which took place at Christ Episcopal Church Springfield, Missouri, June 28 - 30.

What's happening with the youth this summer?

  • Youth and Young Adult Pilgrimage - Glacier National Park, Montana. July 7-16.
  • MissionPalooza 2019 is July 22-28 at St. Paul's Church, Kansas City

We Want Your News & Event Details
eSpirit  Deadline & Next Publication Date

Next issue: July 18, 2019. Copy Deadline: July 15, 2019.
September 2019  Spirit  Deadline

The deadline for articles and pictures to be included in the September Spirit is August 12, 2019.

Clergy, Administrators, and Church Leaders
Bi-vocational Priests Group

This group, which started in the Diocese of Kansas, is open to bi-vocational priests who are working both for the Church and in other employment, which presents challenges not faced by full-time presbyters. We meet once monthly over Zoom and text using GroupMe in between. The group provides a place to share challenges and joys, ask for and share ideas, to seek and provide mutual support.
For more information contact the Rev. Kathy Swain: (620) 222-1105, [email protected]

Coming soon: Episcopal Church digital invitation kits for Back-2-School and Back to Ministry

Continuing the invitation to connect The Way of Love, Practices for a Jesus-Centered Life more deeply to the seasons of the year, The Episcopal Church is developing additional free and downloadable resources for congregations, dioceses, and communities of faith. Coming this summer are a Back-2-School Digital Invitation Kit and the Back to Ministry Digital Invitation Kit.
Each of these kits will include: a customizable poster and postcard; a social media-ready graphic; and a Facebook cover image. Each kit will also include a video prayer message from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry which can be embedded on a church’s website. These resources will be themed both with and without Way of Love graphics.
Bulletin Inserts
Bulletin & church newsletter inserts for you to consider and include.
2019 Episcopal Cursillo Ministry Conference Flyer

The 2019 Episcopal Cursillo Ministry Conference conference is being held October 3-5, 2019 in Kansas City, Missouri. Please share this flyer as you are able.

Inserts from The Episcopal Church

These weekly bulletin inserts provide information about the history, music, liturgy, mission and ministry of The Episcopal Church, and may be of help to churches with limited time and resources to prepare weekly bulletins.

Inserts from Episcopal Relief & Development

These weekly bulletin inserts provide information about the history, music, liturgy, mission and ministry of The Episcopal Church, and may be of help to churches with limited time and resources to prepare weekly bulletins.

In Case You Missed It
Nominations are now being accepted.

Have you considered volunteering your time and talents to serving the church in diocesan leadership (elected and/or appointed) and wondered what would be expected of you? How much time is involved? Descriptions of all opportunities are available online.

The forms titled Clergy Nomination Form and Lay Nomination Form are used to nominate someone (or yourself) for Diocesan Council, the Standing Committee and/or General Convention Deputy. Please use one form per nomination. Please also submit a photograph of the nominee.

For all other nominations, please use the form titled "Opportunities to Serve 2019". Positions on Bishop Kemper School for Ministry, Examining Chaplains, Commission on Ministry and the Disciplinary Boards are elected during convention from those expressing an interest via this form. All other positions are appointments made from those expressing an interest to serve. Please mark all the areas you have interest in serving.
Start out the new school year with one of four classes at Bishop Kemper School for Ministry

Classes in Christian spirituality, Christian theology, Old Testament, preaching and a free class for bi-vocational clergy called "Success after Seminary" kick off the 2019-20 academic year. Registration is open now, and classes begin on July 15. Auditing the class costs just $100, which includes all meals and overnight accommodation at Upton Hall. Scholarships are available for students interested in taking a class for personal enrichment .
Application process now open for Episcopal Church Constable Fund Grants

The application process is now open for the Constable Fund Grants for the 2019 grant cycle. The Constable Fund provides grants to fund mission initiatives that were not provided for within the budget of The Episcopal Church, as approved by General Convention 2018, with a stated preference for work in the areas of religious education .
Spread The Word