Tampa Catholic uses an online portal for the lunch account system. If you are a freshman/or new student and would like to setup a lunch account for your student/s, please follow the directions below. It is not mandatory to have a lunch account as we do accept cash/credit card/ apple pay as well.
Please log in at https://tchslunch.ahotlunch.com/login and sign up for an account. Once you sign up, you will receive an email to activate your account. After you activate your account, you will need a school code to add your children. Your school code for the new software is tchs21. On the left hand of the menu, there is a tab to add your child. You can add all your children that will be purchasing lunches.
Once registered you can use Hotlunch.com’s iOS App from https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/hotlunch-school-software/id1451511654?mt=8, To find the app in the app store, please search Hot Lunch School Software. The domain you need to enter is tchslunch.
Once you are signed up you are able to track your child’s purchases and the system can be setup to send you a reminder that your balance is low and to add funds.