eUpdate - Doing What MATTERS for Jobs and the Economy

November 2018

In This Issue

Colleges Positioned to Expand Apprenticeships

apprenticeshipgetsboostApprenticeship to Get Boost from Changes to Minimum Qualifications for Instructors

Interest in registered apprenticeship programs is on the rise in California, but qualified instructors are in short supply. To increase community colleges' hiring pools, the Board of Governors earlier in the year approved historic changes to minimum qualifications for apprenticeship instructors . Dr. Lynn Shaw, Interim Director of Workforce and Economic Development, led the effort for more than two years in collaboration with labor, Academic Senate and the California Apprenticeship Council.  
"The ability to increase our number of apprenticeship instructors eligible to teach will bring current industry expertise into our classrooms. More apprentices means increasing the number of job-ready students we can deliver to California's employers," said Shaw. "This is a win-win-win." 

Another boost for apprenticeships is coming! Just released is the availability of $4M for the California Apprenticeship Initiative (CAI), Agriculture or Rural Areas New and Innovative Grant Program. This grant opportunity is part of the Fiscal Year 2018-19 $15M CAI, which seeks to expand apprenticeship training program models throughout California's rural regions and agricultural industry. Applications are due Jaunary 18, 2019. 

Grow Your Own:
Addressing the Shortage of Career Education Faculty

Career education faculty, many of whom come from industry, participated in an online learning experience pilot to improve their classroom teaching. The evaluations by faculty reported that they
  • Learned 55 new practices
  • Implemented 21 new practices
  • Learned more about 69 practices
  • Plan to implement 55 additional practices
  • Would recommend the course to a colleague (96 percent of all course-takers)
  • Found the modules were helpful in refining their teaching practice (100 percent)
  • Found the content relevant to their work (96 percent) 
In pursuit of fulfilling Strong Workforce program recommendation #15 calling for "enhance[d] professional development opportunities for CTE faculty to maintain industry and program relevance," the California Community Colleges is partnering with the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) to offer career education faculty a new "Career Readiness and Guidance" course.
The course also addresses all of the core teaching competencies in ACUE's Effective Practice Framework and leads to a Certificate in Effective College Instruction endorsed by the American Council on Education.
Association of College and University Educators
Commissioned by the Council of Independent Colleges, ACUE's suite of online courses addresses all core competencies and career guidance approaches.
Interested in offering this within your campus, sector or region? To learn more, contact Grant Goold, visiting career education faculty at the Chancellor's Office, at or ACUE Partnership Director Tracy Leebrook at

Student Centered Funding Formula
Webinar Series

Want to learn more about the Student Centered Funding Formula? View recordings of three webinars, register to attend a fourth and mark your calendar for two more.  

Webinar #1
Update on Implementation Plus the Nuts and Bolts

Webinar #2
Deep Dive into Data

Webinar #3
Information on Local Goals

Webinar #4
Student Equity and Achievement Program
December 4, 2018
Webinar #5
SCFF: A Student's Perspective
Late January 2019
Webinar #6
Degrees & Certificates: Approval/Reporting
February 2019
You can also visit the Vision Resource Center

Career Education Campaign Updates

Career Education Campaign Assets Now in Spanish

Over the past year, the California Community Colleges has made significant strides providing current and potential students with opportunities to explore the more than 200 career pathways available via an extensive career education campaign that includes communications assets for colleges. Now those assets are avaialble in Spanish, as explained in this memo.  

Career education in California earned quality air time recently with a broadcast on Capital Public Radio. " Community Colleges In vest in Workforce Training as Need for Skilled Workers Increases " features American River College's paramedic training program as an example of numerous initiatives at play to close the state's skills gap.
The story highlights the California Community Colleges' Strong Workforce program, California College Promise Grant and upcoming online community college. Likewise, the story underscores the importance of partnerships with education and industry, describing a scholarship program from the California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce.

New Book, Community Colleges as Incubators of Innovation
Includes Chapter by Van Ton-Quinlivan

NACCE Book PhotoNational Association of Community College Entrepreneurship (NACCE) is publishing its first book, Community Colleges as Incubators of Innovation.  Launching February 2019 and available for pre-order on Amazon, it includes a chapter by Executive Vice Chancellor Van Ton-Quinlivan  entitled  The Power of Collective Action: A Five-Year Journey , overviewing the experimentation, innovation and collaboration under Doing What Matters for Jobs and the Economy.  
Curated by NACCE's President & CEO Dr. Rebecca Corbin, these authors join Ton-Quinlivan in contributing to the book.
  • Dr. Gene Giovannini, Chancellor, Tarrant County College District
  • Dr. Rufus Glasper, President & CEO, The League for Innovation
  • Bree Langemo, Founding Board Member & Board Chair, uCodeGirl
  • Madeline Pumariega, Chancellor, Florida College System
  • Andy Stoll, Senior Program Officer in Entrepreneurship, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
  • Dr. Steven Tello, Vice Provost for Innovation and Workforce Development, University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • Dr. Chuck Terrell, President, Eastern West Virginia Community & Technical College
Ton-Quinlivan is blogging on Medium while doing a three-month executive-in-residence at Institute for the Future. Follow her on Twitter.

Adult Education Pipeline Data
Now Viewable in LaunchBoard  

The Adult Education Pipeline is now accessible on a publicly available website. Information is displayed at the consortium level to support planning efforts, in addition to the institution-level data posted on the LaunchBoard in a password-protected space. Check it out on LaunchBoard.
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