February 2025

eVA System Downtime and Update Highlights

The eVA platform will undergo a routine system update and be unavailable Friday, February 28 at 5pm through Monday, March 3 at 7am.  

While there aren’t any significant changes, there are a few minor updates to features and added functionality we want you to know about that start Monday, March 3. Read More

Invoicing NEWS

NEW Buyer Quick Reference Guides (QRGs) Now Available!

We're excited to share new Invoicing related QRGs are posted to the Buyer Training page of the eVA website under eVA Guides.

The new QRGs include:

  • Accessing Invoices
  • Opening and Viewing Invoices
  • Processing an Invoice
  • How to Create an Invoice from a PO

Save the Date

The next Buyer User Group (BUG) meeting will be March 11, 20025.

A meeting invitation will be sent a few weeks prior, so keep an eye out.

Not a BUG member yet? 

  Sign-up now to stay connected with the eVA team and get the latest information about eVA

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