Worthington Christian Church
Volume 14, Issue 38 | October 6, 2021
Check out Jay's mid-week encouragement:
Hebrews 12:1: "And let us run with perseverance [and endurance] the race marked out for us..."
CCLNetwork Nationwide Church Survey #3
CCLNetwork has asked us to participate in a nationwide survey of 40 to 50 churches of various sizes and demographics on the priorities of church health.

The purpose of the survey is to help CCLNetwork measure the level of spiritual devotion that churchgoers have to Christ to be his church.

The results will be shared with all participating churches who can then use that information to better understand the overall mindset of their members.

The October survey is now available!
The topic for survey #3 is, "Churchgoers Devotion to Christ's Mission and Devotion to Christ and His Church over Culture." Like the last two surveys, this survey is fairly short and should take about two minutes to complete. The deadline to complete the survey is November 15.
Wondering who or what CCLNetwork is?
The CCLNetwork is a national network of churches and leaders who believes in advancing the health, vitality and growth of the church by provided biblical training, coaching and consulting.
Red Cross Blood Drive is Monday, October 18
The Red Cross has sounded the alarm and is requesting any and all eligible donors to please make an appointment to donate blood. Due to the current emergency, the Red Cross has an urgent need for type O blood, but ANY blood type can (and will) be used to save a life.

If you have never given blood before, or aren't sure if you're eligible, please visit the Red Cross website to learn more about the donation process.

Our next blood drive is Monday, October 18 from 2:00 to 7:00 PM in the Atrium.
If that date/time doesn't work for you, please visit the Red Cross website to find a blood drive better suited to your schedule.
Decision Sunday
At some point in our lives, we all need to make a decision about Jesus.

If you’re ready to be baptized or want to discuss the next step in your relationship with Jesus with a minister, elder or ministry leader, we encourage you to join us our "Decision Sundays" in October — October 10 & 17 — from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM in the Worship Center.

Please let us know what day you plan to attend by registering for either Sunday, October 10 or 17 (using the dropdown option). Questions? Please contact Alison Morrow.
Fall Fest
Join us this Sunday, October 10 from 4:00 to 6:00 PM for our annual Fall Fest in the WCC backyard!

This fun, family-friendly event is free to everyone so be sure to bring someone with you. We will have pony rides, inflatables and a petting zoo for the kids. There will also be games, a pumpkin patch and a donut food truck.

We will provide hotdogs, popcorn and drinks to snack on. Tables and chairs will be set up, but you may want to consider bringing a lawn chair or blanket to sit on.

See you then!
Operation Christmas Child
Yes, Christmas is still a little over 14 weeks away, but we're already deep into planning our Operation Christmas Child shoebox drive! 🎄

Our goal this year is to build 500 shoeboxes -- and you can do that by either filling an empty shoebox OR building one online. (In fact, you can start building a shoebox online today!)

Empty shoeboxes will be available for pickup beginning this Sunday, October 3 in the Atrium and the deadline to return your filled shoebox is Sunday, November 14.

For more info, please visit our website.
Kids Ministry: Promise
The Kids Ministry kicks off their next study series this Sunday with "Promise."

When God first created the world, it was paradise! But it is not always easy for us to imagine a perfect world where nothing ever needs to be fixed -- especially when we hear sad or scary news about the world we live in today.

Though the world isn't exactly perfect now, there is good news! While things may go wrong from time to time today, but God's promises can always be trusted.
This month, kids will learn about famous figures from Genesis and be reminded of God's faithfulness through His promises to us, like His promise to fix what was broken and to always show us mercy. And even though those promises may sometimes take time to be fulfilled, God keeps all of His promises -- both the promises made for now and the promises made for later.

Kids Ministry classes meet every Sunday morning at 9:45 and 11:11 AM. To learn more about the Kids Ministry, please visit their website or follow them on Facebook. You may also contact Carrie Wiley to be added to their weekly email newsletter.
Kids Christmas Program Rehearsals have begun
And it's not too late for your child to participate!

Rehearsals have begun for our Kids Christmas Program on December 12. Any child (K through 5th grade) is invited to participate. All they need to do is show up! Rehearsals are every Sunday from 6:00 to 7:00 PM in the Family Life Center.

If you have any questions, or would like to learn more, please contact Dolli VanFossen (614-886-8897).
Kids Christmas Schedule
Are you making plans for Christmas yet? We are! Below is a quick overview of what we have planned for kids and their families:

This fun, interactive event is a wonderful way for a family to reclaim the warmth & peace of Christmas. The Christmas Experience is Sunday, Nov. 21 at 4:00 PM and will include five separate activities or stations — the Carpentry Shop, Bethlehem Bakery, Pottery Shed, Painter’s Hut and The Stable.

Registration is $20/family. This covers the cost of building materials for the manger. If your family built a manger last year and plan to reuse it, registration is $10/family. Register now!
The Kids Ministry invites pre-school children (and their families) to join us for a pancake breakfast on Sunday, December 12 at 9:30 AM. Breakfast will be catered by Chris Cakes. This event is free to attend, but registration is required.

Kids Christmas Program
Join us on Sunday, December 12 from 6:00 to 7:00 PM as our elementary-age kids perform the musical, “The Christmas Dream Team Parade: An Almost Cancelled Christmas!” This event is FREE so be sure to invite your family & friends.
Additional information about other
Christmas events will be announced soon!
Prayer Ministry
The Prayer Ministry invites you to join us every Sunday morning from 8:00 to 8:15 AM as we pray for our church in the Prayer Room and on Zoom.

You're also invited to join us Sunday evening from 7:00 to 8:00 PM for our Hour of Power prayer and worship time on Zoom.

Interested? Please contact Dave Krebs for an invite to our Zoom meetings.
Like us on Facebook or Follow us on Instagram!
We regularly post on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and would love for you to join our online community there!

Monthly Prayer

A Prayer for our Future: Lord, we thank you that you have blessed our church with a vision to Follow Jesus Together and we pray for the many opportunities that we have to be light in a dark world. (John 8:12)