eVOICE for October 24, 2024


The Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost

October 27, 2024

We will be celebrating virtual Eucharist with Transfiguration Church via Zoom at 9:00 am, and Holy Eucharist in-person at Good Shepherd Church 10:30 am.

Good Shepherd Mission Statement

We are a people who hear the Good Shepherd's voice.

We know by faith that we belong to God.

We are called to seek and love our neighbors as God loves us!


Beautiful Weekend for the GSEC retreat at Shrine Mont!! 

Wonderful people, inspirational fellowship and worship, unique crafting, gorgeous fall weather, and of course lots of good food made for a truly blessed weekend at Shrine Mont this year. Thanks to Nellie Thompson for all the hard work organizing and shepherding this special time for us. Next year Shrine Mont will be celebrating its 100th anniversary so please consider joining next year!!

Good Shepherd will celebrate All Saints Day on Sunday November 3, 2024. This is a day in the church year when we traditionally honor loved ones who have died. If you have loved ones you would like to remember on that day, please email their names to our parish administrator, Megan Kennedy at assistant@gsecmd.org. Names submitted by Wednesday October 30, 2024 at 5 PM will be printed in the service bulletin and read aloud during the service. You are also welcome to bring pictures of your loved ones to display in the narthex.

Wednesday Bible Study - 11:30 am in-person with Deacon Linda Mahler

Telephone prayer meeting every Thursday at 9:15 am. The number to call to join the prayer meeting is 508-924-2778. If you have any questions contact Lynette Clark at 301-357-1726. 


Updating our Photo Board: We are updating the photo board in the hallway, spearheaded by Liz Cocke. Diane Janesko, and Eric Reiffenstein are taking new headshot photos of members of our congregation, to make it easy for newcomers and visitors to place names with faces. The images are about 2" x 3" and will be used for this purpose only. Please connect with Eric or Diane after church to have your photo taken in the Narthex. We hope to complete this project in October. Thanks for your cooperation.

Documentary Film:  Join or Die:  In the past year, how many of us have participated in a group or organization other than Good Shepherd? Chances are, many of us have not. The fact is, participation in all types of organizations – churches, civic groups, scouting, PTAs, etc. – has decreased by about 40-50% since the 1970s. Social scientist Robert Putnam of Harvard University has studied this phenomenon over the past 25 years and has come up with some reasons for this decline – and what we can do about it! His work is documented in the film, “Join or Die,” which will be shown at Good Shepherd on Wednesday, November 6th at 7:00 PM. Please join us for a great film and the lively discussion that follows. (Watch the trailer link.)

From the Worship Team: 

The Rev. Natalie Tinner, a graduate of Virginia Theological Seminary, will be with us to celebrate the Eucharist and preach November 17. We will have an adult baptism on that date, as part of the regular service. You are invited to join us for that joyous occasion. The Rev. Ann Moczydlowski will be preaching and celebrating with us on November 3rd and Nov 24th, Christ the King Sunday.

We are hard at work to make sure that worship at Good Shepherd is both beautiful and meaningful. There are several ways you can let us know how we’re doing, share ideas about what would make worship more fulfilling for you, or ask us questions:

  • Come to a worship team meeting. Email Linda (mahlerlindal@gmail.com) for the Zoom link.
  • Use this online form to give written feedback: bit.ly/GSECworshipfeedback. We see your comment as soon as you post it. 
  • Talk to one of us at church on Sunday.

The conversation continues.… Ray, George, Debbie, Linda and Lynn

Donating through Servant Keeper: Good Shepherd continues to be blessed by all of YOUR generous support! Thank you!! The Vestry and the Finance Committee are faithful and committed stewards of our finances. We now have expanded our online giving capability through our existing Servant Keeper application. This allows you to add the processing fees to your donated amount so the church is not paying them, as we do for PayPal. (The church is currently paying PayPal fees up to $2,000 per year.) The link for donating through Servant Keeper is: https://giving.servantkeeper.com/good-shepherd-episcopal-churchIn the upper right corner are 2 green buttons: click on "sign up" to start your account. Servant Keeper will find your prior history and you can then establish a personal account (name and password). There are 2 modes of payment (credit card or bank transfer (ACH). There will be a checkbox to indicate whether you want to pay the fees for the donation. If you have any problems with setting this up, call Debbie at 240-393-5614. The advantage of having this account is you will have direct access to all your donations!!


Good News!!!

"Evidence suggests that having strong spiritual or religious beliefs, however defined, can assist psychologically in fighting, and coping with, illness. Also a 2023 AP-NORC poll found that 72 percent of Americans believed in the power of prayer. Attendance at religious services has also been associated with lower risk of death, suicide and substance abuse, and less depression."

Here are some of the ways prayer and faith can affect patient health.

Brain changes: Neuroscience research shows that strong religious or spiritual beliefs are associated with thicker parts of the brain, providing neuronal reserves that can buffer against depression and despair.

Purpose: Religion and spirituality, broadly defined, provide a sense of meaning, purpose and hope.

Meaning: Many patients come to find or construct their own sources of meaning.

Social support: Religious and spiritual groups also commonly provide valuable social support and interactions."

Importantly..."These insights can potentially assist many of us in our lives, even if we don’t have a serious illness. We may get sick or know a patient who may benefit. Awareness of these insights can frequently help."


Robert Klitzman is a psychiatrist and director of the Masters of Bioethics program at Columbia Universityhttps://sps.columbia.edu/academics/masters/bioethics



The Episcopal Church recently joined alongside 76 other organizations in calling for no more weapons to Israel. Please reach out to your Senators and ask them to cosponsor and vote in favor of resolutions blocking major arms sales to the government of Israel.

Click here to Take Action!

Vote Faithfully: Episcopalians Engaging the U.S. Election Watch this recording of a program with Presiding Bishop Michael Curry with other guests from across the church speaking on election engagement. Co-hosted by the Episcopal Parish Network.


Election Engagement Resources Get your parish ready to help your community vote in the 2024 election.

For questions please contact Lynette Clark at 301-357-1726 or ilovegoldens12@gmail.com

Shepherd’s Table is asking Good Shepherd for volunteers. Please follow this link for opportunities to volunteer or reach out to Daniella Burgos dburgos@shepherdstable.org. Thank you!

Grocery Shopping for our Food Collection-  All nutritious staples are happily received.

- Tuna, Salmon, or Chicken, in water

- Dry or canned beans (low sodium, if possible)

- Natural nut butters

- Brown rice (16 oz)

- Whole grain pasta

- Pasta sauce in plastic jars

- Canned vegetables (low sodium, if possible)

- Canned fruit (in juice)

- Fruit cups

- Shelf-stable milk in individual milk boxes

- Cooking oils and spices


The Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost

First Lesson: Jeremiah 31:7-9

Psalm: 126

Second Lesson: Hebrews 7:23-28

Gospel: Mark 10:46-52

The Week of October 27, 2024

Sun 10/27 via Zoom 9:00 am, Holy Eucharist in-person at Good Shepherd 10:30, Troop 97 3 pm, M de Vida 5 pm

Mon 10/28 M de Vida service 7 pm

Tues 10/29 SDA service 6 pm

Wed 10/30 Bible Study 11:30 am

Thurs 10/31 SDA 6 pm

Fri 11/1 SDA 6 pm

Sat 11/2 SDA service 9 am & 6 pm, Food Drive Collection, 11 am, M de Vida service 6 pm

Sun 11/03 Zoom 9:00 am, in-person at Good Shepherd 10:30 am, Panda computer class, 1 pm, BS Troop 97 3 pm, M de Vida 5 pm

Zoom Readers (9 am):

Oct 27 Sue Womack

Nov 3 Ray Groshong

Nov 10 Elspeth Nunn

Nov 17 Elisa Elliot

LEM & Lector

Oct 27 Linda Campo, Anna Gilcher

Nov 3 Diane Russell, Elisa Elliot

Nov 10 Debbie Beebe, Anna Gilcher

Nov 17 Linda Campo, Greg Wood


Oct 27 Sal Campo, Eric Reiffenstein

Nov 3 Diane Janesko, Shaun Hardy

Nov 10 Grace Jallah, Rosemond Cole

Nov 17 Sal Campo, Eric Reiffenstein

Vestry on Duty

Oct 27 Vanvisa Sivali

Nov 3 Shaun Hardy

Nov 10 Debbie Beebe

Nov 17 Sal Campo

Altar Guild

Oct 27 Millie Mautz

Nov 3 Diane Russel, Elisa Elliot

Nov 10 Debbie Beebe

Nov 17 Melissa Garcia


Rosemond Cole (GS member), Sue Womack (GS member), Frank Desmond (GS member), John Elliott (GS member), Joan DeMoss (GS member), David Jeter (GS member), Althea Peters (GS member), Joanne Cate (former GS member), Phil Clark (Lynette Clark's father), Madison Smith (friend of Linda Campo), Paul Crawford (brother-in-law of Patricia Dorn), Robert Tschinkel (friend of Patricia Dorn), Jeanette Ottley (friend of Florence Walters), Med and Lynette Douglas (family of Florence Walters), Kindra Nicole (relative of Rosemond Cole), Christina Ogg (daughter of Pat Ogg), Tracy and Hillary Brown (Godchildren of Florence Walters), and Kyle Boggs.

Names of Family and Friends will remain on the list for 4 weeks.

Clergy & Staff

Deborah Beebe



The Rev. Linda Mahler


Organist & Choirmaster

George Drumwright


Megan Kennedy

Parish Administrator


Vestry & Delegates

Senior Warden

Deborah Beebe

Junior Warden

Sal Campo

Shaun Hardy

Ray Battistelli

Becky Parks

Liz Cocke

Vanvisa Sivali

Lillian Luksenburg


Rosemary Addy

Eric Reiffenstein

Counters & Recorders (All serve on a rotating schedule.)

Ray Battistelli

Elisa Elliot

Kirk Franklin 

Arlene Mahon

Florence Walters

Greg Wood

Jim Woodhams

Allen Wyrick



Quick Links: GS website GS facebook Episcopal Diocese

Questions/Comments Form
