eVOICE for January 23, 2025


The Third Sunday after the Epiphany

January 26, 2025

We will be celebrating with Transfiguration Church via Zoom at 9:00 am, and in-person at Good Shepherd Church 10:30 am.

Good Shepherd Mission Statement

We are a people who hear the Good Shepherd's voice.

We know by faith that we belong to God.

We are called to seek and love our neighbors as God loves us!


If ever you want to witness a Holy Spirit moment, listen to the words of our Bishop Mariann Budde (link below) as she addresses the Interfaith Prayer Service!! The Holy Spirit challenges all of us to shine forth our love and our mercy to everyone in our nation and the world. God is Love. AMEN. 

Watch at this link: 1.21.25 Homily by The Right Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde

Annual Meeting, 2/23/25- Please mark your calendars for February 23 when we will have our Annual Meeting following the service. We will be presenting the status of our parish, voting on new Vestry members and a Junior Warden and enjoying a celebratory lunch afterwards!

Dates for Painting Traced Hands for a New Banner

We will be painting our traced hands for our new banner in the St. Francis Room Sunday, January 26 after the church service.

With challenges anticipated on a number of federal, state, and local fronts, you’re invited to join Free State Justice - a free legal provider working to help LGBTQIA+ persons thrive--for this two hour presentation. We’ll explore ways that LGBTQIA+ persons can defend their rights in matters like: 

  • Family and Estate Planning
  • Name Changes and ID rights 
  • Expungements and more

This FREE event will be held in-person at Silver Spring United Methodist Church and will also be live-streamed. 

Wednesday Bible Study - 11:30 am in-person with Deacon Linda Mahler 

Telephone prayer meeting every Thursday at 9:15 am. The number to call to join the prayer meeting is 508-924-2778. If you have any questions contact Lynette Clark at 301-357-1726. 

From the Worship Team: 

We are hard at work to make sure that worship at Good Shepherd is both beautiful and meaningful. There are several ways you can let us know how we’re doing, share ideas about what would make worship more fulfilling for you, or ask us questions:

  • Come to a worship team meeting. Email Linda (mahlerlindal@gmail.com) for the Zoom link.
  • Use this online form to give written feedback: bit.ly/GSECworshipfeedback. We see your comment as soon as you post it. 
  • Talk to one of us at church on Sunday.

The conversation continues.… Ray, George, Debbie, Linda and Lynn


The Evergreen School announced to their families the upcoming relocation to Good Shepherd (see Constant Contact announcement email) in our old building to be ready for the grand opening in the school year 2026. They are as thrilled as we are to make this announcement at long last after months of planning! Here are some facts for you:

1. Evergreen is an exceptional non-profit Montessori school for ages 2-9 encompassing Toddler, Preschool and Elementary (through Grade 3); see their website: https://evergreenschool.com and the news updates for the new school.

2. Evergreen is celebrating their 60th year and has leased space in worship communities throughout this entire time including Hughes Methodist Church on Georgia Avenue for the last 10 years. Hughes is planning to redevelop their property and this uncertainty prompted the school to find another home.

3. The initial lease period with Good Shepherd is 20 years and the hope is to extend the lease for many years to come! 

4. One of the biggest advantages is that we will not have to bear any of the cost to renovate the old building. Plans for this renovation will be undertaken soon and shared with you, the congregation.

5. While construction will impact the use of the old building for a period of time this year and in 2026, it will not impede our use of the sanctuary or offices or the parking lot so we and our sister congregations will be fully able to continue our worship services. We have already been using the narthex for many of our hospitality gatherings and will continue to do so. 

6. Evergreen is also very comfortable and experienced with sharing space after its operating hours so once completed we will resume the use of the newly renovated space on weeknights and weekends. 

7. We will be engaging with all our current partners (SDA, Manantial de Vida, Panda Camp, Wordplay, Boy Scouts and parking lot users) to manage the impact of the renovation. 

8. Importantly our mission completely aligns with Evergreen’s in championing diversity, equality and inclusivity for our community and its children. Together we will be a community of love and learning. 

Please bring any and all questions concerning the school to our Annual Meeting on February 23 and hope to see all of you there!! 

"I open to the love and presence of God and the healing action and grace within."

-Mary Mrozowski, “The Welcoming Prayer.” More information about the history and practice of this prayer is available at www.contemplativeoutreach.org


Please click here to see the Letter from Episcopal Church leaders on Trump administration immigration executive orders.

Learn More About Our New Partner MUM (Mid-County United Ministries) -Check out the website: https://mumhelp.org.

Shepherd’s Table is asking Good Shepherd for volunteers. Please follow this link for opportunities to volunteer or reach out to Daniella Burgos dburgos@shepherdstable.org. Thank you!

Grocery Shopping for our Food Collection- All nutritious staples are happily received.

- Tuna, Salmon, or Chicken, in water

- Dry or canned beans (low sodium, if possible)

- Natural nut butters

- Brown rice (16 oz)

- Whole grain pasta

- Pasta sauce in plastic jars

- Canned vegetables (low sodium, if possible)

- Canned fruit (in juice)

- Fruit cups

- Shelf-stable milk in individual milk boxes

- Cooking oils and spices


The Third Sunday after the Epiphany

The First Lesson: Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10

Psalm: 19

Second Lesson: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a

Gospel: Luke 4: 14-21

The Week of January 26, 2025

Sun 1/26 via Zoom 9:00 am, in-person at Good Shepherd 10:30, Panda computer class, 1 pm, Troop 97 3 pm, M de Vida 5 pm

Mon 1/27 M de Vida service 7 pm

Tues 1/28 SDA service 6 pm

Wed 1/29 Bible study, 11:30 am

Thurs 1/30 SDA 6 pm

Fri 1/31 SDA 6 pm

Sat 2/1 SDA service 9 am & 6 pm, M de Vida service 6 pm

Sun 2/2 Zoom 9:00 am, in-person at Good Shepherd 10:30 am, Panda computer class, 1 pm, BS Troop 97 3 pm, M de Vida 5 pm

Zoom Readers (9 am):

Jan 26 Laura Meissner-Denmark

Feb 2 Sue Womack

Feb 9 Florence Walters

Feb 16 Ray Groshong

LEM & Lector

Jan 26 Donna Clemons-Sacks, Elspeth Nunn

Feb 2 Diane Russell, Lillian Luksenburg

Feb 9 Debbie Beebe, Araba Pobee

Feb 16 Liz Cocke, Florence Walters


Jan 26 Sal Campo, Eric Reiffenstein

Feb 2 Grace Jallah, Rosemond Cole

Feb 9 Diane Janesko, Shaun Hardy

Feb 16 Florence Walters, Kirk Franklin

Vestry on Duty

Jan 26 Sal Campo

Feb 2 Lillian Luksenburg

Feb 9 Shaun Hardy

Feb 16 Liz Cocke

Altar Guild

Jan 26 Millie Mautz

Feb 2 Diane Russell, Elisa Elliot

Feb 9 Debbie Beebe

Feb 16 Melissa Garcia


Lynnette Clark (GS member), Barbara Young (GS member), Lori Duane (GS member), Rosemond Cole (GS member), Sue Womack (GS member), Frank Desmond (GS member), John Elliott (GS member), Joan DeMoss (GS member), Althea Peters (GS member), Joanne Cate (former GS member), Gabe Garcia (Melissa Garcia's uncle), Phil Clark (Lynette Clark's father), Madison Smith (friend of Linda Campo), Robert Tschinkel (friend of Patricia Dorn), Jeanette Ottley (friend of Florence Walters), Trystan Walters (nephew of Florence Walters), Kindra Nicole (relative of Rosemond Cole), Christina Ogg (daughter of Pat Ogg), Kyle Boggs, The Hamiltons (Sister & Family of Florence Walters), and Tory Green (Friend of Florence Walters).

Names of Family and Friends will remain on the list for 4 weeks.

Clergy & Staff

Deborah Beebe



The Rev. Linda Mahler


Organist & Choirmaster

George Drumwright


Megan Kennedy

Parish Administrator


Vestry & Delegates

Senior Warden

Deborah Beebe

Junior Warden

Sal Campo

Shaun Hardy

Ray Battistelli

Becky Parks

Liz Cocke

Vanvisa Sivali

Lillian Luksenburg


Rosemary Addy

Eric Reiffenstein

Counters & Recorders (All serve on a rotating schedule.)

Ray Battistelli

Elisa Elliot

Kirk Franklin 

Arlene Mahon

Florence Walters

Greg Wood

Jim Woodhams

Allen Wyrick



Quick Links: GS website GS facebook Episcopal Diocese

Questions/Comments Form
