Volume 10, Issue #38
September 17, 2020
In the name of Christ, we embrace all people to be nourished and empowered by the Holy Spirit to love and serve the world.
There is an announcement for Walk in Love in this newsletter, below. I encourage you to read through it and, if possible, participate in this short (five-session) online class. Offered free of charge by our Diocese, it is designed for people who are interested in baptism, confirmation / joining the Episcopal Church. It will be five classes of learning more about the Episcopal Church; if you are new to the church, this is a great opportunity to learn more!
AND: if you've been a part of the Episcopal Church for a while (or even for a very long while!), a lot has changed in the past 10-15 years. This is an opportunity to learn more and to refresh your "knowing" about what our Church believes, why we worship the way we do, etc. It's always good to keep learning. 🙂
I signed up for this class, too. I am always interested in learning better ways to teach this material and, like anyone else, there is always more that I can learn.
So, if you can make the time, please join me and other folks from Ascension and around our Diocese for a little learning in the comfort of your own home!
With Joy,
Email: fatherpeter@ascensionfrankfort.org
Cell: 502-661-2742
P.S. You may still sign up for BOOK STUDY that started this week - see below!
Join us for Online Worship - Sunday, September 20
posted/viewable at 9:30 a.m.
Sixteenth Sunday
after Pentecost:
Proper 20, Year Two
BCP 985
Rite II Eucharist inside Ascension
recorded by Ascension Clergy and Organist

Reminder: All Ascension videos - and several organ and piano performances by John Martin - are now available on our FREE "YouTube Channel." You may subscribe, get notifications, view playlists... click here for more information... or go directly to the Ascension YouTube Channel Page. This means you can conveniently find all Ascension videos all in one place, without having to scroll and sift through all of our other Facebook group postings. Kudos to Taylor Lunsford for creating and managing our videos!
New Book Study!
Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. via ZOOM
starting September 16, 2020
"Renowned biblical scholar Amy-Jill Levine, author of The Misunderstood Jew, and general editor for The Jewish Annotated New Testament, interweaves history and spiritual analysis to explore Jesus’ most popular teaching parables, exposing their misinterpretations and making them lively and relevant for modern readers."
The quick and easy online signup button above will immediately put you on the email list for the book study class. As the class start date approaches, watch for an email with the ZOOM invitation and password. Please obtain your book from Amazon or any other source (copies are not being ordered through the church office). If you need assistance or have questions, contact Mona in the the parish office (info@ascensionfrankfort.org or 502-223-0557)
For the first meeting on September 16, please read the book's introduction:
How We Domesticate Jesus's Provocative Stories.
Walk in Love is an exciting opportunity provided by the Diocese of Lexington to learn more about our Episcopalian way of life. Leading theologians will teach us about the liturgical year, habits of daily prayer, Anglican spirituality, and how prayer shapes our beliefs.
We will meet five times on Zoom, Monday nights from 7-8:30 pm September 21—October 19. Each meeting will include short teaching sessions from leading theologians and small group discussions designed to help us see our faith in new ways and live more fully into it. There will be the opportunity to break out into parish groups with sufficient numbers, and we can help your faith community set up a small group within the course.
Once you register we will send you confirmation of your registration as well as a participant packet that will have a detailed schedule, a link for the Zoom meetings, simple instructions on how to sign up for a free Zoom account, and the discussion questions we will use.
Schedule for Walk in Love:
Monday, September 21 — The Sacramental Journey
Monday, September 28 — Marking Time
Monday, October 5 — Basic Beliefs
Monday, October 12 — The Church
Monday, October 19 — The Trinitarian Life
We hope you will join us for this life-changing opportunity! Registration deadline: September 20.
Have you looked at Ascension's web site lately?
Note the menu bar across the top that offers a variety of resources and information. This is a great resource for all parishioners, and it's an especially good "starting place" to refer those who are new to us and seeking to learn more. (Also, look under GIVING/DONATIONS to find the link for donating via PayPal).
Current announcements are always featured on the main/home page (scroll down to see them). Note the "Virtual Church - Online Worship & Prayer Book" announcement, which contains a list of current online services, meetings and live prayer sessions, as well as a link to a PDF Book of Common Prayer that you may find helpful when attending virtual services.
By Friday of each week, the upcoming Sunday service details are posted here - with a link to Facebook where the service will be posted, and also a link to the service bulletin if one is provided.
It is worth noting that announcements stay "static" here until they are changed or removed. On Facebook, announcements sometimes get "lost" when multiple additional posts are made (pictures, more announcements, live clergy-led prayers, etc.), so that you must do a lot of scrolling to find something posted even recently. The web page is updated weekly, so it's good place to go for a quick look at all the current announcements.
If you're looking for the latest photos, comments, postings from parishioners, links to online services and FB Live clergy-led prayer then keep checking out the Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/ascensionfrankfort. Announcements and events are also posted there, but may become hard to find due to the volume of other postings.
If you have questions or suggestions for the web page, contact Mona in the office.
Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, in-person worship services inside the church are still suspended. Father Peter and the Vestry are working with our diocesan leaders to plan for re-opening safely when the time is right.
Regular office hours remain suspended until further notice; clergy and staff are working (mostly) from home. Access to the building is limited and "Healthy at Work" guidelines apply to everyone who enters the building.
includes our church building!
9/4/2020: $1,790
9/9/2020: $167.53 from
9/11/2020: $4,590.92

Thank you for your continuing support. We are working to minimize expenses but still need to pay for upkeep, maintenance, insurance, payroll, etc. Click here to see a letter from our Treasurer regarding the pandemic:

This web site has an abundance of information and resources - check it out!
Intercessions for the Church: The Order of Bishops: The Most Rev. and Rt. Hon. Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury; The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, Presiding Bishop.
Recently in need of prayers: Adrianna; Barbara; Bill; Bob; Bobbie Lee; Candy; Correll; Daneen; Debbie; Donnie; Fran & Doug; Ginni; Heidi & Ian; Greg; Joe; Jon; Josh; Julia; Kay; Linda; Lynda; Madonna; Marilyn; Sandy; Scott & Kathy; Sidney, Suzanne, Tod, Blair & Grant; Will.
Continuing concern: Betty; Carrie & Shawn; Collin; Dan; Darlene; David; Debbie; Dillard; Doris; the Duncan Family; Edith & Marion; Erika; Faye & Steve; Gillian; Holly; Isaiah; James & Stella; Janet; Janice; Jean; Jinks; John & Willie; June; Linda; Mac; Mae & Frank; Mary; Melissa; Mike & Susie; Polly; Sherri; and Tom. We also pray for those on active duty in the military: Daniel, Houston, Mary Jo, Nick, Seth, Tanner, and Walter.
Birthdays: 9/20 - Julie McGehee; 9/21 - Katie Daugherty, Catherine Hatchett, Charlotte Saunderson; 9/22 - Wagner Elliott; 9/23 - Suzanne Cox, Abe VanHouten; 9/24 - Roger Stapleton; 9/25 - Nancy Robertson.
Anniversaries: 9/22 - Jack Bates & Iris Skidmore; 9/26 - Will & Pamela McKee
Part of the strength of this congregation is our care and concern for each other. Please help us to do this by letting the church office know when you are ill, hospitalized, or otherwise in need of prayer and/or visitation. We especially want to serve you during these times. Also, if we don’t have your birthday or anniversary on file, or if it appears incorrectly, please let us know! Call the office at 502-223-0557 (messages are checked periodically), or email curate@ascensionfrankfort.org
Pre-Planning for End of Life
Rite I or Rite II? Eucharist or no? Burial service in the church, or only a graveside committal? Special music, songs, readings, people? Please consider writing your preferences on a “Funeral Information and Burial Instructions” form, for secure long-term storage in the parish office. This confidential information will serve as a guide to the church and your family after your death. A 'Kentucky Living Will Directive and Health Care Surrogate Designation' Form is also available. Return the completed form(s) to Deacon Rebecca, Deacon Sue, or to the parish office.
Clergy and Staff
The Rev. Peter Doddema, Priest
The Rev. Dr. William G. Brown, Associate Priest Emeritus
The Rev. Deacon Rebecca A. Saager, Curate
The Rev. Deacon Susan E. Kurtz, Deacon
Mr. John B. Martin, Director of Music & Organist
Ms. Mona Landrum Proctor, Parish & Financial Administrator
Mr. David Gierlach, Sexton
Copyright © 2020 Church of the Ascension. All Rights Reserved.