Volume 12, Issue #12
March 24, 2022
In the name of Christ, we embrace all people to be nourished and empowered by the Holy Spirit to love and serve the world.
Dear Ascension Family,
It is with great joy that I share with you that our Vestry voted on March 17 to call Father Peter to be our Rector at Ascension.
On Friday, we will send a letter to Bishop Van Koevering with the results of the vote. The Bishop documents his consent in a letter back to us. After we have the Bishop’s consent, we will draw up the Letter of Call for Father Peter. I will continue to update you on the process as each step is completed.
Once everything is official, we will hold a Renewal of Ministry service to celebrate Father Peter and our good fortune to have him with us.
Julia Peavler Tyson
Senior Warden
This Sunday will be an Instructed Eucharist (a teaching sermon) where I will talk in some detail about the language of our communion service.
Did you know that there are 4,000 years of worship practice and history woven into the service that we use on Sunday? We will take some time to look at this.
We will also talk about how to leave church feeling better than when you arrived, even if you don't drink the communion wine!
Hope to see you there.
With joy,
Peter +
Father Peter Doddema
Cell: 502-661-2742
P.S. Here is a video I made in 2020 titled, "What Is Lent?" View and share!
Making Meaning Through Story, Wonder, and Play
Godly Play is a program to help nurture spiritual lives by honoring the centrality, competency, and capacity of children.
The Godly Play curriculum engages what is most exciting about religious education: God inviting us, adults and children, into scriptural and spiritual experiences. Godly Play practices teach all of us to hear what God is saying so we can make authentic and creative responses to God’s call in our lives. The Godly Play method teaches Christian language as a way to know God and to make meaning in our lives.
Different from the traditional model in which a teacher tells us what we need to know, Godly Play can help us to understand how the stories of God’s people connect with our own experiences and relationship with God.
We hope you and your child (if there is one in your life) will view this free video and allow yourself to ponder the wonder of our God in this story about Lent and Easter:
Episcopal Relief & Development (ERD) works with Anglican and Ecumenical partners to create sustainable, transformational change in close to 3 million lives around the world each year. The 2022 Lenten Meditations will focus on that transformation. These reflections are organized into ERD’s priorities: Women, Children and Climate, and include a focus on Disaster Resilience & Response work. We invite you to read them throughout Lent and share with those close to you.
As a part of ERD's goal to become a carbon-neutral organization, Lenten Meditations are now delivered only via email and as downloadable PDFs. Both options are available here.
We hope that the 2022 Lenten Meditations will give you a glimpse into our meaningful work happening across the globe. May we continue to work together for lasting change in the lives of those most vulnerable.
“For I was hungry and you gave me food,
I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink…”
Matthew 25:35
Over three million refugees have now fled Ukraine in recent days. Episcopal Relief & Development (ERD) is partnering with Anglican agencies and other ecumenical partners to provide humanitarian aid in response to this crisis. Please help us to supply needed items for displaced families and individuals who are fleeing the war to other parts of Europe.
As we pray for an end to violence and for those fleeing Ukraine, we also pray for ERD and other ecumenical agencies working to respond to the current crisis. Specific needs will change as the crisis evolves. As of right now, there is a need for food, water and shelter.
Sundays at 11:00 AM
This group meets on Sundays following the worship service, in-person and via Zoom (see link below). For Sunday, March 27, please read Romans, Chapter 15.
Wednesdays at 5:30 PM
March 9 - April 6
Father Peter Doddema is leading this study of The Desert: An Anthology for Lent, via Zoom (see link below). For our next meeting on March 30, please read through page 91.
Saturday, April 2, 2022, 01:00 PM
This class meets twice monthly, both in-person and via Zoom (see link below). On March 19, we will continue sharing stories of our spiritual journeys. As time permits, we will begin studying the Book of Common Prayer, exploring what is inside it, how it got there, and how it can apply to us today. For the next class on April 2, we will continue to explore the Book of Common Prayer.
This class in on break through Lent and Holy Week. The Synopsis and Class Notes are posted HERE on Ascension's web site in PDF format for you to view or download.
Meeting ID: 886 223 0557
Passcode: catfish
Same for all meetings unless otherwise announced.
June 20-24, 2022
Fourth Sunday in Lent
Sunday, March 27
9:30 a.m.
OPEN for live, in-person worship inside the church. Also, Morning Prayer with Ascension clergy online is on Facebook at 9:30 a.m.
Check our Online Calendar
Contact the church office for calendar reservations and details
MINISTRY TEAMS will rotate in order, weekly, as shown above. Individual and late changes may not be reflected in bulletins due to composing and printing deadlines.
To notify of absence and request a substitute for the upcoming Sunday, please contact the Verger, Leah MacSwords, 502-545-0437 or lcmacs@aol.com (substitutes may include Suzanne Cox, Bryan Hendricks, Shannon Lancaster, Julia Tyson, Pauline Van Horn, Candy Charters, Jason Harrod).
Your participation is important!
To inquire about serving as a lector, crucifer, chalice bearer, or usher, please contact Deacon Rebecca Saager
Find the Diocese of Lexington online at
This web site has an abundance of information and resources -
check it out!
Intercessions for the Church: Church of the Resurrection, Jessamine County (Nicholasville) - The Rev. Will Berry, Priest-In-Charge.
Seminarians: Izak, Carter, Thomas.
Recently in need of prayers: George, Ida, John M., Martha, and Rena.
Continuing concern: Anissa, Bill, Dan, David, Debbie, Donnie, Faye, Frances, Jesse, Jim, Jinks, John B., Laia, Linda, Lynda, Mac, Marilyn, Mike & Susie, Polly, Richard, Shannon, Susan, and Will. We also pray for those affected by the COVID pandemic, and for those on active duty in the military: Daniel, Houston, Josh, Nick, and Tanner.
Thanksgiving: for our Scout Troops and for Will Bright, our newest Eagle Scout.
Birthdays: 3/27 - Scott Mello; 3/31 - Dan Walton.
Recently Deceased: The Rev. Deacon Jeff Howe (Diocese of Lexington).
Part of the strength of this congregation is our care and concern for each other. Please help us to do this by letting us know when you are ill, hospitalized, or otherwise in need of prayer and/or visitation. We especially want to serve you during these times. Also, if we don’t have your birthday or anniversary on file, or if it appears incorrectly, please let us know!
Please put ALL prayer requests in writing to Deacon Sue Kurtz
(email deacon@ascensionfrankfort.org or text 502-330-5358). Prayer requests must be received by end-of-day on Sunday to ensure publication in the next upcoming weekly newsletter and Sunday bulletin. ‘Recently in Need’ prayers will remain for ONE month only, unless requested again.
Clergy and Staff
The Rev. Peter Doddema, Priest
The Rev. Dr. William G. Brown, Assisting Priest Emeritus
The Rev. Deacon Rebecca A. Saager, Curate
The Rev. Deacon Susan E. Kurtz, Deacon
Mr. John B. Martin, Director of Music & Organist
Ms. Mona Landrum Proctor, Parish Administrator
Mr. David Gierlach, Sexton
Copyright © 2022 Church of the Ascension. All Rights Reserved.