Volume 12, Issue #14
April 7, 2022

In the name of Christ, we embrace all people to be nourished and empowered by the Holy Spirit to love and serve the world.

Holy Week is here again! While all of Lent is a preparation for Easter, Holy Week is an especially poignant chance to experience the days before Jesus' resurrection. From the triumph of Palm Sunday to the intimacy of the Last Supper and the despair of the crucifixion, Holy Week takes us through a powerful spiritual journey.

Where and how did Holy Week begin? In the early 300s, Christianity became legal in the Roman Empire, ending several centuries of persecution. Soon after this, people began making pilgrimages (religious trips) to places associated with the history of Christianity, especially Jerusalem. 

Since Jerusalem is where Jesus experienced the events of Holy Week, celebrations quickly developed around the physical sites of those events. A Spanish nun, Egeria, participated in these celebrations and left a lovely, detailed account of her time in the city. Her diary gives us a rare window into early Christian worship. You can google her name for her travel account.

What we do here at Ascension nearly 1700 years later comes directly from the excitement and passion of these Christian ancestors. I hope you will participate in next week's services and as you do, I hope you will feel these ancient Christians walking and worshiping beside you!

With joy,
Peter +

Father Peter Doddema
Cell: 502-661-2742
RE-OPENS on Sunday, April 10

Ascension is pleased to announce the re-opening of our church nursery during Sunday morning worship, and to welcome Meghan Harrod and Starr Brook as part-time church employees for providing child care. The nursery is now available on Sunday mornings starting at 9:15 a.m. for children from 0-5 years of age. Safety is our top priority; there will always be two adults with the children, and no child will ever be left unattended.

Please take your child upstairs to the nursery and complete the sign-in sheet. (If you don’t know the way, just ask an usher or the person next to you.) All children in the nursery will be brought downstairs to you near the end of the worship service, as the 'Our Father' prayer begins.  
Easter Lily Orders
due by April 13

You are invited to dedicate a potted Easter lily to honor someone special in your life. White lilies will be used to decorate the church on Easter Sunday, and dedications will be listed in the Easter bulletin and eWeekly newsletter. A donation of $15 per lily is suggested. You may take your flowers home after the conclusion of the Easter Sunday service.

Look for the order form in church on tables near the front doors, or click here for a PDF form to print. Complete the form and drop it in the collection plate with your check, or mail it to the parish office. Write "EASTER LILY" on the memo area of your check. Submission deadline is Wednesday, April 13.
Maundy Thursday, April 14

Mark your calendars and plan ahead to take a turn at this all-night prayer vigil. One-hour time slots start on Thursday evening at 9:00 p.m. and go through the night to Friday morning at 8:00 a.m. (we encourage teams of two per time slot).

A sign-up sheet for sitting the vigil will be available on the wooden lectern at the back of the church on Palm Sunday. Alternately, you may email Leah MacSwords (lcmacs@aol.com) with both names, your first and second choices of time slot, and your phone number; Leah will confirm your time slot. Please arrive when scheduled to relieve the person before you, pray in reverence, and stay until someone arrives for the next period.
Come worship with us as we walk through Holy Week together...

Palm Sunday, April 10
9:30 AM Solemn Eucharist with Passion
(also pre-recorded service posted online)

Wednesday, April 13
1:00 PM Holy Eucharist
7:00 PM Candlelit Tenebrae Service

Maundy Thursday, April 14
7:00 PM Solemn Eucharist
Overnight Vigil at the Altar of Repose
Starting Thursday at 9:00 p.m.
through Friday, 8:00 a.m.

Good Friday, April 15
7:00 PM Veneration of the Cross

Holy Saturday, April 16
9:00 PM The Great Vigil of Easter
The service will begin in the cloister garden.

Easter Sunday, April 17
9:30 AM Holy Eucharist 
(also pre-recorded service posted online)
Families with children may enjoy these seasonal Godly Play links:

Introduction to "The Mystery of Easter"  

Palm Sunday Story Through Godly Play  

Jesus and Jerusalem: The Story of Holy Week 

Children's Chapel, Godly Play, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday 
“For I was hungry and you gave me food,
I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink…”
Matthew 25:35
Over four million refugees have recently fled war-torn Ukraine. Episcopal Relief & Development (ERD) is partnering with Anglican agencies and other ecumenical partners to provide humanitarian aid in response to this crisis. Please help us to supply needed items for displaced families and individuals who are fleeing the war to other parts of Europe. 

As we pray for an end to violence and for those fleeing Ukraine, we also pray for ERD and other ecumenical agencies working to respond to the current crisis. Specific needs will change as the crisis evolves. As of right now, there is a need for food, water and shelter.

Please consider partnering with ERD in this response by donating to the International Disaster Response Fund. Your support will help meet critical needs for people fleeing the violence including food, cash, blankets and hygiene supplies. Help today | Read more about the response.
Sundays at 11:00 AM
This group meets on Sundays following the worship service, in-person and via Zoom (see link below). For Sunday, April 10, we will take a brief look at the parts of the New Testament that we have not yet read, and we will also finalize our plans for what to study next. Please join us!.
Saturday, April 30
1:00 PM
This class meets twice monthly, both in-person and via Zoom (see link below). On April 30, we will continue exploring the Book of Common Prayer. We will also talk through the bishop’s visit (scheduled for May 29) and how to prepare for it.
This class will resume on April 20, meeting weekly on Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. via ZOOM. The Synopsis and Class Notes are posted HERE on Ascension's web site in PDF format for you to view or download.

Meeting ID: 886 223 0557
Passcode: catfish

Same for all meetings unless otherwise announced.
St. George’s Day 2022:
April 30

The Cathedral Domain and the Cathedral Domain Board invite all parishioners, guests, staff and clergy to attend St. George’s Day at the Cathedral Domain on Saturday, April 30, beginning at 10:00 a.m. Activities will include camp tours, hiking and caving, a bouncy castle, life-size Jenga and chess games, corn hole, arts and crafts, a silent auction. What a wonderful way for all the different communities within our diocese to come together as one family in a place none other than the heart of the Diocese, the Cathedral Domain. Look for the information sheet on church tables and in the newsletter, or click here for a PDF copy.

June 20-24, 2022
Come worship with us!
Sunday of the Passion:
Palm Sunday
Sunday, April 10
9:30 a.m.
with sung Passion

OPEN for live, in-person worship inside the church. Also, a pre-recorded full service will be posted online on YouTube and Facebook.
Check our Online Calendar

Contact the church office for calendar reservations and details
(phone 502-223-0557 or email info@ascensionfrankfort.org).

MINISTRY TEAMS will rotate in order, weekly, as shown above. Individual and late changes may not be reflected in bulletins due to composing and printing deadlines.

To notify of absence and request a substitute for the upcoming Sunday, please contact the Verger, Leah MacSwords, 502-545-0437 or lcmacs@aol.com (substitutes may include Suzanne Cox, Bryan Hendricks, Shannon Lancaster, Julia Tyson, Pauline Van Horn, Candy Charters, Jason Harrod).
Your participation is important!
To inquire about serving as a lector, crucifer, chalice bearer, or usher, please contact Deacon Rebecca Saager
(email curate@ascensionfrankfort.org or call 502-316-8899).
Find the Diocese of Lexington online at
This web site has an abundance of information and resources -
check it out!
THE DAUGHTERS OF THE KING normally meet on the FIRST Sunday of each month after the last service, and after Bible study. Contact Judith Spencer for details (jspencer254@yahoo.com).
Intercessions for the Church: Calvary Church, Ashland – The Rev. Antoinette “TJ” Azar, Rector; The Rev. Deacon Tina Mussetter.

Seminarians: Izak, Carter, Thomas.

Recently in need of prayers: George, Ida, Jim, John M., Martha, and Rena.

Continuing concern: Anissa, Bill, Dan, David, Debbie, Donnie, Faye, Frances, Jesse, Jinks, John, Laia, Linda, Lynda, Mac, Marilyn, Mike & Susie, Polly, Richard, Shannon, Susan, and Will. We also pray for those affected by the COVID pandemic, and for those on active duty in the military: Daniel, Houston, Josh, Nick, and Tanner.

Thanksgiving: for our beautiful courtyard garden and for the new livestreaming cameras in the sanctuary.

Birthdays: 4/10 – Joan Osborne; 4/15 – Frances Kirchhoff.

Anniversaries: 4/15 – Don & Marilyn Peck. 

Part of the strength of this congregation is our care and concern for each other. Please help us to do this by letting us know when you are ill, hospitalized, or otherwise in need of prayer and/or visitation. We especially want to serve you during these times. Also, if we don’t have your birthday or anniversary on file, or if it appears incorrectly, please let us know! 

Please put ALL prayer requests in writing to Deacon Sue Kurtz 
(email deacon@ascensionfrankfort.org or text 502-330-5358). Prayer requests must be received by end-of-day on Sunday to ensure publication in the next upcoming weekly newsletter and Sunday bulletin. ‘Recently in Need’ prayers will remain for ONE month only, unless requested again.

Clergy and Staff

  • The Rev. Peter Doddema, Priest
  • The Rev. Dr. William G. Brown, Assisting Priest Emeritus 
  • The Rev. Deacon Rebecca A. Saager, Curate
  • The Rev. Deacon Susan E. Kurtz, Deacon
  • Mr. John B. Martin, Director of Music & Organist
  • Ms. Mona Landrum Proctor, Parish Administrator 
  • Mr. David Gierlach, Sexton

Copyright © 2022 Church of the Ascension. All Rights Reserved.