Volume 12, Issue #23
June 9, 2022
In the name of Christ, we embrace all people to be nourished and empowered by the Holy Spirit to love and serve the world.
This past Monday was a celebration of the First Book of Common Prayer, published in 1549. In honor of this, we worshiped in the style of this Prayer Book during our service of Evening Prayer. Here is a link to that service:
The first Prayer Book was developed for a rapidly changing Church in a rapidly changing Europe. The Protestant Reformation was pulling apart 1,200 years of Christian practice and rebuilding it in new ways. To some degree, that time was like ours. Traditions that had supported people's stability and identity were undergoing rapid change. People were floundering around, doing their best to cope and to find a new normal.
With Joy,
Peter +
The Rev. Peter Doddema
Sundays at 12:00 PM
For our meeting on June 12, please read
The Book of James, Chapter 5.
June 15, 22, 29 and July 6, 2022
5:30 – 6:30 PM via ZOOM
Presented by Julia and David Rome
The Baha'i Faith:
The Emerging Global Religion, 2002 edition
by William S. Hatcher and J. Douglas Martin
The book may be downloaded free of charge in ePub (e-book), Mobi (Kindle)
Used printed books may be purchased from several sellers through Amazon at
Quantities are limited, and shipping times and costs may be a factor.
“Bahá’í beliefs address such essential themes as the oneness of God and religion, the oneness of humanity and freedom from prejudice, the inherent nobility of the human being, the progressive revelation of religious truth, the development of spiritual qualities, the integration of worship and service, the fundamental equality of the sexes, the harmony between religion and science, the centrality of justice to all human endeavors, the importance of education, and the dynamics of the relationships that are to bind together individuals, communities, and institutions as humanity advances towards its collective maturity.” (from https://www.bahai.org/beliefs)
Everyone is welcome to join this group via ZOOM!
Meeting ID: 886 223 0557
Passcode: catfish
Same for all meetings unless otherwise announced.
UPDATE from Clay Wallace
I just wanted to send some love and an update to the folks at Ascension. It’s not my intention that this be some sort of mass broadcast (ha), but since I don’t really use social media, I wanted to let everyone know I’m doing well and thinking about them, should they be curious as to where I’ve gone.
I was hoping I’d have time over the summer to come home and attend services in Frankfort, but Morehead has kept me busy, and gas prices have kept me local.
I made the Dean’s List this past semester, and I should be graduating Spring 2023 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Convergent Media.
For about half a year, now, I’ve been working with WMKY, the NPR affiliate radio station on campus, as a student reporter. It’s really delightful work, and I love being involved with it. I get to write, read, and produce news stories for broadcast and, occasionally, I get to host our midday show or cohost Mountain Edition in the early evening. My favorite part, though, is interviewing people directly and creating our features - our longer, 3-to-4 minute pieces like these:
You may notice my sign-off is Lacy Wallace. I go by my legal middle name professionally, for now, because I don’t want to present potential barriers to conversation with people I interview. I’m profoundly grateful for Ascension welcoming me as Clay, and it is always a source of great warmth for me when I come home.
Outside of radio stuff, I’m also helping with two TV shoots this summer for pieces that will air on KET - one of them which starts filming today!
Praying for you and all the folks at Ascension always. I wouldn’t be here at all without everyone’s support, encouragement, and prayers.
Clay Wallace
First Sunday After Pentecost:
Trinity Sunday
Sunday, June 12
OPEN for live, in-person worship inside the church.
Masking is optional for those who are vaccinated.
Breakfast is available starting at 9:00.
Choir rehearsal begins at 9:30.
Nursery for children ages 0-5 opens at 10:15.
Live worship service and online Morning Prayer start at 10:30.
Bible Study class begins at 12:00.
"Listen EVERYWHERE" is available inside the church with a provided personal speaker or using an app on your cell phone with your own hearing aid or earphones - ask an usher for assistance.
Week of Proper 6, Year Two – BCP 971
for a bulletin to help you follow along with this service (PDF).
Check our Online Calendar
Contact the church office for calendar reservations and details
MINISTRY TEAMS will rotate weekly. Individual and late changes may not be reflected in bulletins due to composing and printing deadlines.
To notify of absence and request a substitute for the upcoming Sunday, please contact the Verger, Leah MacSwords, 502-545-0437 or lcmacs@aol.com (substitutes may include Suzanne Cox, Bryan Hendricks, Shannon Lancaster, Julia Tyson, Pauline Van Horn, Candy Charters, Jason Harrod).
Your participation is important!
To inquire about serving as a lector, crucifer, chalice bearer, or usher, please contact Deacon Rebecca Saager
Find the Diocese of Lexington online at
This web site has an abundance of information and resources -
check it out!
Recently in need of prayers: Barbara, Bill, Frances, George, Ida, Jim, Madonna, Martha, Nicole, and Pauline.
Continuing concern: Anissa, Bill, Dan, David, Debbie, Donnie, Faye, Jan, Jesse, Jinks, John, Laia, Linda, Lynda, Marilyn, Mike & Susie, Polly, Rena, Richard, Shannon, Susan, and Will. We also pray for those affected by the COVID pandemic, for those affected by the western Kentucky tornadoes in December 2021, and for those on active duty in the military: Daniel, Houston, Josh, Nick, and Tanner.
Thanksgiving: for the seating of Bishop Mark Van Koevering on June 5 at Christ Church Cathedral.
Birthdays: 6/14 - Isaiah Lee; 6/16 - Mike Davis.
Recently Deceased: Conrad Gutermuth (arrangements pending).
Part of the strength of this congregation is our care and concern for each other. Please help us to do this by letting us know when you are ill, hospitalized, or otherwise in need of prayer and/or visitation. We especially want to serve you during these times. Also, if we don’t have your birthday or anniversary on file, or if it appears incorrectly, please let us know!
Please put ALL prayer requests in writing to Deacon Sue Kurtz
(email deacon@ascensionfrankfort.org or text 502-330-5358). Prayer requests must be received by end-of-day on Sunday to ensure publication in the next upcoming weekly newsletter and Sunday bulletin. ‘Recently in Need’ prayers will remain for ONE month only, unless requested again.
“For I was hungry and you gave me food,
I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink…”
Matthew 25:35
Your immediate support will help Episcopal Relief & Development and other Anglican partners provide humanitarian assistance to people fleeing the violence in Ukraine. CLICK HERE to learn more and to donate.
in conflict and great need.
God of peace and justice,
We pray for the people of Ukraine today.
We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons.
We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow,
That your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them.
We pray for those with power over war or peace,
For wisdom, discernment and compassion
To guide their decisions.
Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at risk and in fear,
That you would hold and protect them.
We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.
Archbishop Justin Welby – Archbishop Stephen Cottrell
Clergy and Staff
The Rev. Peter Doddema, Priest
The Rev. Dr. William G. Brown, Assisting Priest Emeritus (retired)
The Rev. Deacon Rebecca A. Saager, Curate
The Rev. Deacon Susan E. Kurtz, Deacon
Mr. John B. Martin, Director of Music & Organist
Ms. Mona Landrum Proctor, Parish Administrator
Mr. David Gierlach, Sexton
Copyright © 2022 Church of the Ascension. All Rights Reserved.