OnLine Enews Jan 8-15, 2025

Rev. Tom Willetts


Saturday Worship 4:45pm - CHAPEL

Sunday Worship 9am Acoustic Worship

Sunday Worship 10:30am Traditional Worship

Choir Rehearsals - Thursdays at 3pm - CHAPEL


Wed, Jan 8th at 8:30am - Sip'n Scriptures - Rosie's Cafe/ Men's Group

Wed, Jan 8th at 1pm - Alzheimer's Caregivers Support Group

Thur, Jan 9th at 9am - Laundry Love

Thur, Jan 9th at 9:30am - Clergy meeting - Pastor/SW District

Thur, Jan 9th at 10am - GriefShare - Conf B

Sat/Sun 11th and 12th Baptism Renewal and Leadership Recognition

Mon, Jan 13th at 1pm - Trash & Treasure Organizational Meeting/Sanctuary

Mon, Jan 13th at 1:30-3:30 - Women's Bible Study/Chapel - 7 Things That Steal Your Joy

Tues, Jan 14th at 1pm - Outreach meeting

Wed, Jan 15th at 10am - Sandy Hedge, Mary Ann Schum, Helen Foster/Zoom Training

Wed, Jan 15th at 1pm - Movie Day - "Same Kind of Different as Me"

Thur, Jan 16th at 10am - GriefShare - Conf B

Sat, Jan 18th at 9am - 2pm - Advanced Lay Speaker meeting-Barb Patton

Sat & Sun 18th at 19th Membership Weekend

Sun, Jan 19th at NOON - Chili Cookoff - Fundraiser for Zoe


Mon, Jan 20th - LUNCH OUT - TBD

REMINDER: Pick up your entry form for the CHILI COOK OFF coming Jan 19th at noon - Fundraiser for Zoe Empowers.



O God, sovereign Lord over all creation, without whom all purposes are futile, grant me today the assistance of your Spirit. In all the surprises and changes of life, may I fix my heart upon you, so that your eternal purposes may be fixed in me. In the name of Jesus, who came to make your eternal purposes clear. AMEN.


This week’s scripture is Luke’s account of the Baptism of Jesus. Matthew 3:13-17, Mark 1:9-12, and Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 share similar accounts. John’s gospel does not record the baptism but reports John the Baptists endorsement of Jesus as recognition of Jesus as the Lamb of God. The baptism of Jesus is significant as it is reported in all the Gospels and Jesus instructs disciples to Baptize other disciples in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19.) Why does Jesus need to be baptized if he is the Son of God? Let’s read the text.

Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 NIV

15 The people were waiting expectantly and were all wondering in their hearts if John might possibly be the Messiah. 16 John answered them all, “I baptize you with water. But one who is more powerful than I will come, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. 17 His winnowing fork is in his hand to clear his threshing floor and to gather the wheat into his barn, but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.”

21 When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was baptized too. And as he was praying, heaven was opened 22 and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”


Jesus receives baptism from John in obedience to God and as a sign to all of us – not to become the Son of God. John was baptizing for the repentance of sins, repeating an ancient Jewish practice of cleansing and renewal. This tradition still applies to Christian baptism. Jesus baptizes with the Holy Spirit and fire which is more powerful and complete. Our relationship to God is fundamentally changed – renewed. 

In 2008 the General Conference of the UMC adopted a Baptismal document which says, “John Wesley retained the sacramental theology which he received from his Anglican heritage. He taught that in baptism a child was cleansed of the guilt of original sin, initiated into the covenant with God, admitted into the Church, made an heir of the divine kingdom, and spiritually born anew. He said that while baptism was neither essential to nor sufficient for salvation, it was the “ordinary means” that God designated for applying the benefits of the work of Christ in human lives. On the other hand, although he affirmed the regenerating grace of infant baptism, he also insisted upon the necessity of adult conversion for those who have fallen from grace. A person who matures into moral accountability must respond to God’s grace in repentance and faith. Without personal decision and commitment to Christ, the baptismal gift is rendered ineffective. 

Baptism for Wesley, therefore, was a part of the lifelong process of salvation. He saw spiritual rebirth as a twofold experience in the normal process of Christian development - to be received through baptism in infancy and through commitment to Christ later in life. Salvation included both God’s initiating activity of grace and a willing human response. (excerpted from By Water and Spirit.)

This weekend we will celebrate a Reaffirmation of Baptism in worship. We will reaffirm our Baptismal vows and recommit ourselves to our discipleship of Jesus. The altar will be open for prayer and reflection and we will remember our baptisms and give thanks.

Baptism is available to anyone of any age. If someone has not been baptized already as a child or youth, after consultation and instruction with the Pastor that person can be baptized and confirmed. Baptism is important as it is an outward and visible sign or an inward and spiritual grace given by God to the believer. We will celebrate God’s gift to us and reaffirm our discipleship in the new year.


And now, my Lord, as I return to the duties of life, let me go in the confidence of your protection that I may come to the end of this day in peace and happiness. AMEN. 


Pastor Tom


Thank you to all the people who volunteered to help decorate the church for Christmas and helped us put everything up. Also, those who served in any way and worked so hard to make this a wonderful season. You are a huge blessing! The Worship Committee

Leadership teams in these areas - please register to attend. These are Zoom meetings.

Trustees - Ministry Protection for Trustees

Disaster Recovery - Trustees and Bruce Johnson

Outreach - Residing Hope -Louise Meehan

SPRC & Pastor - Child Youth Protection Training and Human Resources

Year-End Statistical Reporting - Helen, Mary Ann and Sandy Hedge

Local Church Membership - Helen

Please sign up for 2025 Women's Study.

We will be studying the book

"Seven Things that Steal Your Joy" by Joyce Meyers.

Class Dates: January 10, February 10 and March 17, 2025.

 Time 1:30pm - 3:30pm

Thanks, Pastor Lia.

JOIN US - Online - Sunday Morning on Facebook & YouTube.
Find us at:
OR on YouTube: Good Shepherd UMC NFM.
Visit our website


If at any time you wish to unsubscribe to our weekly e-newsletter

please call us at 239/543-2686.

Good Shepherd United Methodist Church | 239/543-2686

2951 Trail Dairy Circle, North Fort Myers, FL 33917

